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23 Cards in this Set

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Weigh, height, head & chest circumference.
Toddlers: gain 4-6 lbs & Grow 3 inches in height yearly. Head & chest circumferences are equal at 2 yrs old.
Preschoolers: gain 5 lb & grow 2 1/2 to 3 inches in Height yearly.
Vital signs
Gradual & slight increase in blood pressure & slight decrease in temperture, pulse, and respirations.
General Health Survey:
Inspect overall appearence, Noting: appropriate growth & development for the child's age.
Toddler's General Appearence: "Pot belly" & wide base of support are normal.
Preschooler: loses pot belly & becomes taller & leaner.
Detect any delays or premature maturation.
Note any obvious weight prolems.
Inspect skin for lesions.
Lesions, such as tinea capitis or (ringworm), need treatment.
Inspect hair & scalp for lice.
Pediculosis common among preschoolers.
Head & Face:
Inspect head and face.
Size of head slows to 1 inch yearly until age 2, then slows to 1/2 inch yearly until age 5.
Head & Face:
Palpate anterior fontanel.
Closes by 18 months.
Test visual acuity.
Visual acuity is 20/40 during toddler years.
Vision screening between 3 to 4 yrs old.
Visual deficits warrant follow-up.
Test for "Lazy eye" (Strabismus) with corneal light reflex or cover-uncover test.
Referral needed for strabismus to prevent amblyopia (reduction or dimness in vision).
Test hearing with pure tone audiometer.
Hearing deficits warrent follow-up.
Inspect external ear canal & typanic membrane.
Hearing should be tested between 3 to 4 yrs old.
Otoscopic exam (leave until last part of the physical assessment).
High incidence of otitis media.
Inspect the nasal septum & mucosa.
Chronic rhinorrhea can result from allergic rhinitis. (Boogy, bluish-purple, or gray turbinates)
When inspecting the nares or the external ear canal,be award of...
Foreign objects.
Inspect oral mucosa & pharynx.
Tonsils are generally large.
Inspect number & condition of teeth.
Eruption of primary teeth completed by 2 1/2 yrs old.
Note: any nursing/baby-bottle caries.
Review dental hygiene with parent & child.
Palpate the neck for lymph nodes.
Enlarged lymph nodes may be associated with an infection or lymphoma.
Inspect & measure size & shape of chest.
anteroposterior: lateral diameter 1:2 by end of 2nd year.
Ausculate heart; Note: rate & rhythm.
Children often have a sinus arrhythmia & a split second heart sound. Both the arrhythmia & the split second sound change with respiration. This is a normal variation. Systiolic innocent murmurs & venous hum are common findings.
If murmur is detected, refer for follow-up to rule out pathology.
Inspect, ausculate, & palpate abdomen.
A pot belly is normal for a toddler; the condition disappears as the abdominal muscles strengthen.
Inspect gait.
Toddlers walk alone by 12 to 13 months. Balance is unsteady with wide base of support. Genu valgus or varus may be present.
Preschool's gait more balanced, smaller base of support; walks, jumps, climbs by 3 yrs old.
Test muscle strength.
Strength increases during preschool years.
Test balance, coordination, & accuracy of movements.
Balance & coordination improve, with refinement of fine motor skills.