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59 Cards in this Set

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What is the normal lab value for Potassium

3.5-5.0 meq/L

What is the major cation in the intracellular fluid


What are the functions of potassium

Muscular activity and contraction, helps maintain resting membrane potential, needed for nerve impulse conduction, enzyme rx in cell, acid/base balance, maintains ICF osmolality

What are good sources of Potassium

Fruit, especially bananas, oranges, apricots, kiwi, figs and dates. Potatoes, molasses, brazil nuts, carrots, spinach, raisins, dairy products, avocadoes, lima beans, instant coffee

Lab values that would indicate hypokalemia

< 3.5 meq/L

What are causes of hypokalemia

vomiting diarrhea, ng suction, diuretics (potassium wasting diuretics)excessive sweating, diaphoresis, poor intake of K rich foods, IV sol. w/ no K replacement, alcoholism, anorexia, bulimia, some antibiotics, steriods, hyperaldosteronism, chronic renal dz, chronic laxative use, IV insulin to treat diab. ketoacidosis

What antibiotics can cause hypokalemia

carbenicillin, gentamicin, amphotericin B

What are the signs and symptoms of hypokalemia

muscle weakness or cramps, dec. bowel sounds, constipation, abdominal distention, fatigue, weak pulse, cardiac dysrhythmias, risk for digoxin toxicity, paralysis, rhabdomyolsis, paresthesias, flat T waves on EKG

treatment for hypokalemia

monitor muscular status, especially heart rate and rhythm, admin. K supplements, increase fiber and fluids, K rich foods, monitor IV fluids that contain K in diluted form

Can K+ be given in IV push?


Lab values that indicate hyperkalemia

>5.0 meq/L

What are the causes of hyperkalemia

Excessive K replacement, excessive use of salt replacements, K sparking diuretics, renal failure, excessive burns, crush injuries, excessive trauma, hemolytic condtions, rhabdomylosis, hypoaldosteronism, ace inhibitors, acidosis, or diabetic ketoacidosis, hemolytic anemia

Treatment for hyperkalemia

monitor heart function, muscle function. Limit high K foods and supplements. May admin K wasting diuretic, admin IV fluids along with insulin. (insulin carries K with glucose) Calcium IV, administer binding resins

What are the K conserving diuretics




A type of binding resin used to treat hyperkalemia


What is the normal lab value of calcium

8.4-10.5 mg/dl is total calcium

4.5-5.3 mg/dl ionized (amt in blood)

Calcium is found mostly where

in skeletal system (99% in bones and teeth, 1% in circulation)

What is the most abundant electrolyte in the body


What are the functions of calcium

regulates muscle contractions, and relaxation, neuromuscular function(nerve impulses), cardiac functions, forms bones and teeth, involved in blood clotting, catalyst for many cellular activities

What are good sources of calcium

Milk and milk products, salmon, broccoli, oranges, dark green leafy veg. calcium fortified products

What vitamin needs to be taken with calcium for optimum absorption

Vitamin D

What lab value indicates hypocalcemia

< 8.4 mg/dl

What causes hypocalcemia

vit D deficiency, surgical removal of parathyroid glands, acute pancreatitis, thyroid cancer, poor calcium intake, steatorrhea(diarrhea that contains a lot of fat) alcoholism, malabsorption, spesis, hypoparathyriodism

What are the signs and symptoms of hypocalcemia

Pos. Chvostek's sign, positive trousseau's sign, paresthesia of extremities or around the mouth, hyperactive reflexes, muscle cramps or twitching, tetany, seizure, diarrhea, laryngospasm, bronchospasm, cardiac dysrhythmias, confusion

Treatments for hypocalcemia

closely monitor cardiac and resp status, admin cal. orally or IV, calcium rich foods, be prepared for intubation in severe cases

Lab values for hypercalcemia

> 10.5 mg/dl

what are the causes for hypercalcemia

prolonged immobilization, parathyroid tumor, bone malignancy, excess intake of cal. containing antacids, pagets dz of the bone, hyperparathyroidism, use of thiazide diuretics, use of lithium, dehydration

Signs and symptoms of hypercalcemia

anorexia, nausea and vomiting, flank pain, personality changes, fatigue, bone pain, bone fractures, lethargy, weakness, constipation, renal calculi (kidney stone) polyuria, polydipsia (excessive thirst) bradycardia

treatments of hypercalcemia

increase activity, encourage fluids to dilute urine, limit foods and supplements high in cal, encourage fiber, use of calcitonin, renal dialysis may be required

Normal lab values of Chloride CL -

98-106 meq/L

What is the major anion of the extracellular fluid


What are the functions of chloride

regulates water balance along with sodium

acid/base balance


works w/ NA to maintain osmotic pressure

essential for productions of HCL

What are the sources of calcium

table salt, ham, bacon, processed meat, and foods

What is the normal lab values for magnesium

1.5-2.5 meq/L

Where is magnesium found in body

mostly in the intracellular fluid bones - 99% only 1% is found in the bones

What are the functions in the body

helps regulate activity at neuromuscular junctions, helps with electrical activity in nerve and muscle membranes, needed for enzyme activity, helps maintain normal intracellular levels of K, necessary for protein and DNA synth. plays role in BP reg, may influence release and activity of insulin

What are the sources of magnesium

found in most foods, highest levels in dark green leafy veg. whole grains, cereal and nuts.

also found in laxatives and antacid that contain MG++

Lab values that indicate hypomagnesaemia

< 1.5 meq/L

what are the causes of hypomagnesaemia

chronic alcoholism, chronic malnutrition, chronic diarrhea, aldosterone excess, malabsorption, diabetic detoacidosis, prolonged gastric suction, use of loop or thiazide diuretics, preeclampisa or eclampsia, use of cylclosporine

What are the signs and symptoms of hypomegnesaemia

nystagmus, neuromuscular irritability, muscle cramps, weakness and numbness to convulsions, disorientation, mood changes, + chvosteks sign, + trouseaus sign, insomnia, dysphagia, hypertension, tachycardia, caridac dysrhythmias, increased ris of digoxin toxicity

What are the treatments for hypomanesaemia

monitor cardiac and resp status, admin magnesium as ordered (oral or IV) encourage foods high in magnesium, avoid alcohol, if taking digoxin, monitor pulse and observe for toxicity

What is the lab value for hypermagnesaemia

> 2.5 meq/L

What are the causes for hypermagnesaemia

end stage renal dz, excessive use of magnesium containing products, adrenal insufficiency

What are the signs and symptoms of hypermagnesaemia

May be NO symptoms unless levels are sig. elevated. Flushing warmth of skin, hypotension, confusion, drowsiness, lethargy, decreased reflexes, bradycardia, muscle paralysis, decreased rate and depth of resps, cardiac dysrhythmias, cardiac arrest

What are the treatments for hypermagnesaemia

monitor cardiac and resp status, monitor vital signs, avoid magnesium containing products (antacids, laxatives or food) monitor reflexes

What is the normal value for phosphate PO-4

2.7-4.5 mg/dl

What is the major anion in the extracellular fluid

Phosphate (known as phosphorus)Whe

Where is the majority of phosphate found

Bound w/ calcium in bones and teeth

What type of relationship do phosphate and calcium have

An inverse relationship. As one increases, the other decreases

What are the functions of phosphate

catalysts for many intracellular activities

promotes muscle and nerve action

assists with acid base balance

important for cell division and transmission of hereditary traits

What are good sources of phosphate

meat, fish, poultry, milk products, carbonated beverages, legumes

What are the lab values that indicate hypophosphatemia

< 2.7 mg/dl

What are the causes of hypophosphatemia

feeding after starvation, alcohol withdrawal, diabetic detoacidosis, respiratory acidosis

What are the signs and symptoms of hypophosphatemia

paresthesia, joint stiffness, seizures, cardiomyopathy (dz of the heart muscle) impaired tissue oxygenation (increased resp rate, confusion, cyonosis)

Treatment for hypophosphatemia

monitor calcium levels as phosphate is replaced, start TPN slowly to prevent drops in phosphate

What are the lab values to indicate hyperphosphatemia

> 4.5 mg/dl

What are the causes of hyperphosphatemia

renal failure, hyperthyroidism, chemotherapy, excessive use of phosphate-based laxatives

What are the signs and symptoms of hyperphosphatemia

tetany, tingling in extremities, cramping, if it exists long term may result in calcification in the soft tissues

What is the treatment for hyperphosphatemia

monitor for tetany.

If severe will admin aluminum hydroxide with meals to bind phosphorus