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52 Cards in this Set

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decrease in the volume of water, and electrolytes

elderly, yng chilren, & sick are prone to dehydration
third space fluid shift
Fluids (body fluids) move into areas such as pleural, peritoneal, joint cavities, bowel, or interstitial space.

*ECF vol. is lacking
*fluid in TS is not able to be used
results of third space fluid shift
Result of severe burn, pancreatitis, or bowel obstruction.
excess amount of water and sodium in ECF
only applies to excessive amounts of water in extracellular spaces
fluid excess caused by
failure of HEART (no pumping), & KIDNEYS (not enough excretion)
retained fluids
--w/ fl. comes sodium
--edema results in tissues
--weight gain is seen
electrolytes balance
Sodium: Hyper/Hyponatremia
Potassium: Hyper/Hypokalemia
Magnesium: Hyper/Hypomagnesemia
Phosphorus: Hyper/Hypophosphatemia
sodium levels
adult 135-145 mEq/L
sodium loss in ECF/gain of water
ECF moves into cells: press on area over STERNUM, marks REMAIN
overabundance of sodium in ECF/fluid loss.
potassium level
3.5-5.0 mEq/L
ECF is lacking potassium.
Body shows this deficit as leg cramps and muscle weakness
Excess of potassium in ECF
VERY DANGEROUS, could affect cardiac muscle by slowing functioning, with possible cardiac arrest
calcium levels
8.2-10.2 mg/dL
calcium deficit in ECF
Calcium can be taken from the bones, causing soft bones (Osteomalacia).
S & S of hypo
: tetany (spasms), numbness & tingling of fingers, & cramping
excess of calcium in ECF
EMERGENCY: can lead to cardiac arrest
magnesium levels
1.6-2.6 mg/dL
deficient amount of magnesium
OCCURS WITH HYPOKALEMIA (body excretes K+ when magnesium level is low.
excessive amounts of magnesium.
Seen in renal failure
phoshorus levels
2.5-4.5 mg/dL
lowered level of phosphorus
May be caused by many factors; renal disorders, V/D, burns
above normal level of phosphorus
respiratory acidosis & treatment
Too much carbonic acid (H2 CO3) in ECF, a decrease in alveolar ventilation causing a retention of CO2
Kidneys try to help by retaining BICARB (HCO3) to balance ACID state, and result is: HIGH PaCO2
TREAT: O2, hydration
electrolytes need...because
homeostasis for body to properly function

they CAUSE alterations in fluid, acid-base, and neuromuscular activity
Water passes from lesser concentration to greater to create a balance
greater osmolarity (CONCENTRATION OF PARTICLES IN A SOLUTION): water moves out of cells to plasma causing cells to shrink
HYPOTONIC: water moves out of the plasma into intracellular fluid, causing cells to swell
Solutes move freely throughout the solvent.
From higher to lower til equilibrium is reached.
GASES: O2 and CO2 diffuse in alveoli
balance of fluids
Adult intake 2500 ml/day
Intake/output/fluid loss should be BALANCED
thirst is stimulated by
stimulated by hypothalamus when cells become dehydrated
sourced of fluids
Water, foods containing water, end product of oxidation
sensible fluid losses
urine, feces, perspiration (SENSIBLE LOSS)
insensible losses of fluid
evaporation from skin, exhaled moisture from lungs
homeostasis of fl. kidneys
filter plasma and excrete urine; retain electrolytes and water and excrete waste and excess
homeostasis of fl. CV
pumps and carries nutrients & water through body
homeostasis of fl. lungs
regulate and balance O2 and CO2 levels in blood; CO2 level must be regulated for acid base balance
homeostasis of fl. adrenal glands
secrete aldosterone, which helps to conserve sodium, chloride, and water and excrete potassium.
homeostasis of fl. thyroxine
(thyroid) increases blood flow, renal circulation, and glomerular filtration and urine output
homeostasis of fl. parathyroid
helps to regulate calcium in ECF
homeostasis of fl. GI tract
absorbs water and minerals
homeostasis of fl. nervous system
regulates sodium and water intake and output

THIRST CENTER: in hypothalamus

ADH: stored in pituitary, formed in hypothalamus

OSMORECEPTORS: sense change in ECF, causing secretion or no secretion of ADH
an excess of hydrogen ions in ECF where pH falls below 7.35
lack of hydrogen ions and pH exceeds 7.45
acid base balance & resp. control
CO2 is excreted by exhalation. If CO2 increases, we breath more to get rid of more CO2. When the level decreases, we breathe at a lesser rate and depth to keep the CO2.
acid base balance & renal control
Kidneys retain or excrete hydrogen ions pending the pH of the blood. If acidosis is present, the kidneys will excrete hydrogen ions, and if alkalosis is present, the kidneys “keep” the hydrogen ions.
water and lytes are deficient in ECF. Interstitial fluid moves to intravascular space.
respiratory alkalosis & treatment
Not enough carbonic acid (H2 CO3) in ECF, due to increase in alveolar ventilation and decrease in CO2
Respiratory depression can occur (WHY?)
Kidneys try to retain more H+ and excrete more bicarb (HCO3), thus:
TREAT: , breathe slower, into paper bag
metabolic acidosis & treatment
Not enough BICARB (HCO3) in ECF
Respiratory rate and depth increases to try to get rid of more CO2
Kidneys try to retain BICARB and excrete H+
TREAT: GIVE BICARB, treat underlying cause
metabolic alkalosis
Too much BICARB in ECF
Body tries to retain CO2 to compensate, slowing respirations
Kidneys try to excrete K+ and Na+ with excess HCO3 and keep H+ in carbonic acid (H2 CO3)
TREAT: GIVE NaCl , treat underlying cause
labs for fluid/lytes
CBC: INCREASED Hct: dehydration/shock
CBC: DECREASED Hct: w/ blood loss
SG: INCREASED: concentrated urine, dehydration
SG: DECREASED: dilute urine, overhydration