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42 Cards in this Set

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Describe the distribution of body fluids?
ICF (Intracellular) inside cell
ECF (extracellular) Outside cell.
What are the composition of body fluids?
water, electrolytes, nonelectrolytes, minerals, and cells.
Identify the purpose water serves in the body?
universal solvent, transports nutrients and carries waste products from the cell. Medium for chemical reactions, participates in chemical reactions. Maintains stable body temp. Absorbs heat in the body.
Describe the variation in the amount of body fluid according to age?
Decreases with age. Infants 80%H2O, Men 50-60% H2O. Women 45-50% H2O
Name the body fluid compartments?
Intravascular, interstitial, transcellular
Identify major constituents of intracellular and extracellular fluid compartments and body secretions?
1) plasma found within vascular system ARTERIES and VEINS
2) surrounds cell, includes lympth fluid and fluid tissue (EDEMA)
3) cerebrospinal, pleural, peritoneal, and synovial fluids
Describe the ways in which fluids and electrolytes move through the body?
osmosis, diffusion, filtration, active transport.
Describe the ways in which osmotic and hydrostatic pressure influence movement of fluids through membrane?
osmotic-movement from lower concentration to higher solute concentration.
hydrostatic- when venous pressure is greater than or equal to arterial pressure fluid is forced out (BP)
Describe how body mechanism regulate fluid and electrolyte balance?
balanced by the water loss through the feces, skin, and the respiratory process. Fluid intake, ingested H2O, ingested food, metabolic oxidation.
Identify sources of fluid output?
Kidneys, skin, insensible (something that cannot be seen), Sensible ( you can see this stool, mucous), lungs, GI
Identify the role of the kidneys and lungs in regulating acid-base balance
regulate hydrogen ions. They are part of buffer system. controll PH. Respiratory system short term PH balance. Kidneys long term PH balance.
Describe the main functions of the major and minor electrolytes.
Read pg 1674-1676
The major electrolytes are?
Na,K, Ca, Mag
Describe how acid-balance is maintained in the body?
Buffer system, respiratory mechanisms, renal regulation
Identify the factors that affect body fluid, electrolytes and acid-balance?
age, gender and size, environmental temp, lifestyle.
Identify different types of fluid imbalances?
fluid volume deficit (hypotonic), fluid volume excess.(Hypertonic)
Identify causes of water deficits and excesses?
Fluid deficit-vomiting, diaherra, gastric suction, elevated body temp, hemorrage, profound urine loss.
Fluid vol excess- kidney and circulatory impairments, liver impairments
Describe the typical clinical signs of a dehydrated person?
dry skin, mucous membrane, oliguria, weight loss, VS, decreased BP, high resp, increased heart rate, increased hemocrit, Na-normal
Compare effects of extracellular fluid deficits and excesses?
Hypovolemia-fluid loss (fluid deficit)
Hypervolemia-excess of fluid. (fluid excess) EDEMA
Hyponatremia(Sodium Deficit)
Serum Na+ <125mEq/L
Causes, Signs, Medical Therapy
*Causes:Excess perspiraton or drinking, excess vomiting or diarrhea, nasogastric suction, infusion of Lg. volumes of electrolyte free IV solutions, diuretic administration, low sodium diets* Signs: abdominal cramps, nausea, vomiting or diarrhea, rapid pulse, orthostatic or postural hypotension, cold clammy skin, convulsions, apprehension, anxiety, confusion, decreased urine output, dry mucous membranes, decreased skin turgor. *Medical Therapy: administration of sodium chloride (IV-NS)
Hypernatremia(Sodium Excess)
Serum Na+ >145mEq/L
Causes, Signs, Medical Therapy
inadequate water intake, excess salt intake, vomiting, diarrhea, tube feedings, diabetes insipidus or polyuria(Steroid Therapy), heat stroke. *Signs: thirst, dry, sticky mucous membranes, flushed skin, short attention span, agitated behavior, confusion, restlessness, disorientation, hallucinations, fever, oliguria, tachycardia, hypotension, and muscle weakness as it gets worse. *Treatment: treat reason for excess;IV fluids of choice being D5W, unless diabetic.
Hypokalemia(Potassium Deficit) Serum K level <3.5mEq/L (MOST COMMON ELECTROLYTE IMBALANCE)
Causes, Signs, Medical Therapy
*Causes: vomiting, diarrhea or NG suctioning, excess perspiration, polyuria, prolonged use of K+ wasting diuretics, poor intake of K+ use of strong laxatives, hyperaldosteronism or excess IV fluid administration w/out potassium replacement. * Signs: Parethesias, muscle weakness & fatigue, anorexia, nausea , vomiting, abdominal distention, decreased bowel sounds, irregular pulse, cardiac arrhythmias, hypotension. *Treatment: Replacement of potassium
Hyperkalemia(Potassium Excess) Serum K+Level >5.0mEq/L
Causes, signs, medical therapy
*Causes: RENAL FAILURE, dehydration or fluid volume deficit, intake of K+ conserving diuretics, high potassium intake, Infusion of stored blood administration or large amts of potassium IV fluid administrations, Seen in patients w/Large areas of tissue damage such as burns or trauma.*Signs: paresthesia, weakness, GI hyperactivity, diarrhea, irritability, anxiety, confusion, cardiac arrhythmias.*Treatment: reduction of K+levels, Kaexelyate ememas
Hypocalcemia(Calcium Deficit) Serum Ca level <4.5mEq/L
Causes, signs, medical therapy
*Causes: Hypoparathyroidism, Vitamin D deficiencies, inadequate dietary intake of calcium, high protein diets, pancreatitis, diarrhea, administration of multiple units of blood, caffeine, laxative, and nicotine use. *Signs: Numbness and tingling of extremities and around mouth, hyperactive reflexes, tetany, muscle spasms, Positive Chvostek's and Trousseau's sign. *Treatment: Oral or IV calcium administration, increase Vitamin D intake.
Hypercalcemia(Calcium Excess) Serum Ca levels >5.5 mEq/L
Causes, signs, medical therapy
Causes: Hyperparathyroidism, Osteoporosis, prolonged immobilization or immobility, related to cancer newplasms, multiple fractures, use of thiazide diuretics or excess intake of calcium supplements.
*Signs: anorexia, nausea, vomiting, weakness, lethargy, decreased level of consciousness, anxiety, cardiac arrhythmias. *Treatment: indentify cause, increasing the excretion of calcium by giving NS and diuretics.
Hypomagnesium(Magnesium Deficit) Serum Mg level < 1.5 mEq/L
Causes, signs, medical therapy
Causes: chronic alcoholism in the MOST COMMON CAUSE, inadequate intake, malnutrition, inadequate absortption, vomiting, fdiarrhea, intestinal disorders, dseptic infections, *Signs: muscle tremors, hyperactive reflexes, confusion and disorientation, will also have a positive Chvostek's and Trousseau's sign, cardiac arrhythmias. *Treatment: identify & treat cause, Improve nutritional intake
Hypermagnesium(Magnesium Excess) Serum Mg level > 2.5 mEQ/L
Causes, signs, medical therapy
*Causes; patients with remal failure, overuse, of antacids or laxatives in the elderly. *Signs: Hypoactive deep tendon reflexes, decreased rate and depth of respirations, drowsiness, sedation, bradycardia, hypotension, coma, and death. *Treatment: indentify cause. Patients with renal failure will require dialysis
Hypochloremia(Chloride Deficit) Serum Cl level < 95mEq/L
Causes, signs, medical treatment
Causes: Most Common cause is GI loss from vomiting or nasogastric suctioning, excess urination or sweating. *Signs: muscle tremors, hyperexcitability, respiratory depression due to acid base imbalance the body trying to conserve Co2 and hypotension. *Treatment: identify & treat cause, Monitor for electrolyte imbalancecs
Hyperchloremia(Chloride Excess) Serum Cl levels > 105mEQ/L
Causes, signs, symptoms
*Causes: may occur in patients w/metabolic acidosis. *Signs: weakness, lethargy, deep rapid breathing as acidosis gets worse, decreased level of consciousness and cardiac arrhythmias and death. *Treatment: identify cause, treat patient for acidosis.
Respiratory Alkalosis
pH>7.45, Pa)2 80-100, PaCO2<35, HCO3 22-26
hyperventilation, blowing off too much CO2. causes: fever, anxiety pulmonary infection anemia, cns injury asa overdose, Treatment; removal of cause, rebreather mask or paper bag, relief of anxiety, reduction of fever
Respiratory Acidosis
occurs when exhalation of Co2 inhibited and hypoventiolation occurs. Causes; CNS depression, COPD, chest wall injuries, drug overdoses, neuro disease. Signs; rapid bounding pulse, slow shallow respirations, dyspnea, increased BP confusion, lethargy. Treatment; IV or oral
sodium bicarbonate or sodium lactate. correction of cause
Metabolic Alkalosis
pH>7.45, PaO2 in range, PaCO in range, HCO3>26
excess intake of bicarbonates, other alkalies; prolonged vomiting, gastric suction, prolonged diuretic use (K-wasting) adrenal gland imp. signs; decreased respiratory rate & depth, dizziness, confusion, agitation, paresthesia, muscle hypertonicity, nausea, & vomiting
Metabolic Acidosis
pH<7.35, PaO2 in range, PaCO2 in range, HCO3<22
when bicarbinate is low in rrelation to carbonic acid levals. Cause; diabetes, mellitus, renal impairments, starvation, prolonged diarrhea, shock, drug use, alcohol intoxication. Signs; headache, lethargy, confusion, weakness, tachycardia, increased repid deep respirations(Kussmaul's) , flushed skin, fruity, acetone smelling breath
Nursing Measurements for identifying fluid and electrolyte balance
dietary modification, modicication of fluid intake, medicine administration, IV therapy, blood and blood product replacement, TPN, alleviating anxiety, appropraiate family, PT teaching
Identify labratory test used for identifying fluid & electrolyte imbalance
CBC, Serum electrolytes, BUN, Creatin, Uring pH, specific gravity, ABG
Give examples of nursing diagnoses R'T fluid, electrolyte, and acid base imbalances
Fluid & Electrolyte Problems:
Excess Fluid Volume, Deficient Fluid Volume, Risk for Imbalanced Fluid Volume,
Common purposes of IV therapy
FASTER response
Identify various types of IV solutions
Isotonic, Hypotonic, Hypertonic Solutions, pgs 1705
Identify typical measures required to maintain IV therapy
pg 1710 iniation of IV infusion, regulation and monitoring, solution and tubing changes, infusion site care,
Identify potential complications of IV therapy and nursing interventions.
Patient most source of information for complications, pt. position, circulatory status, pt. anxiety, inffiltration, phlebitis, thrombophlebitis, fluid overload, embolus, sepsis (pgs 1713)
Identify what is to be marked on IV bottle and how it is to be labeled
Name, Date, Time
Technique used for discontinuing iv infusions, changing IV solution and tubing, crediting iv fluids and assessing iV site.
pg 1719.
wear clean gloves, supine postion, slowly remove cath, apply pressure, measure cath to length in chart, document procedure and how pt tolerated