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20 Cards in this Set

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What does Heat therapy do?

-promote vasodilation

-reduce muscle tension

-increase capillary permeability

-increase cellular metabolism

What does Cold therapy do?

-promote vasoconstriction

-provide local anesthetic effect

-reduce muscle tension

-slow bacterial growth

How long do you keep cold or heat therapy on for?

at least 20-30 min

signs of inflammation

heat, redness, pain, swelling


rest, ice, compression, elevation

Localized vs. systemic infection

localized: heat,swelling, edema

systemic: fever, anorexia and headache

factors that cause wounds

pressure, shear, friction

primary vs. secondary intention

primary- repairs quickly and well approximated

secondary- extensive wound size and takes longer

When is the braden scale high risk?

12 or less

types of wound drainage


purulent= thick and yellow green

sanguineous=bright red

serosanguineous= pale, red, watery mix

who are at risk for fluid imbalance?

elderly and infants

signs and symptoms of dehydration

quality of pulse, cbcs, creatine levels, change in mental status, thirst


dehydration resulting from loss of fluid from the body decrease blood volume

BUN, hematocrit, specific gravity

BUN= renal failure

hematocrit= less fluid in blood stream and more solute

specific gravity=density comparison to water


excess fluid in the intravascular space

Congested heart failure- left and right

left-fluid backs up into lungs=pulmonary edema

right-other organs cannot receive adequate oxygen= peripheral edema


routine and microbiology

-first morning specimen


culture and sensitivity

culture: grown in petri and determines causative organism

sensitivity: apply medication discs to determine what is effective

norm value for blood sugar


invasive vs. noninvasive

invasive= involves puncture, incision

noninvasive= device or procedure that does not penetrate the skin