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258 Cards in this Set

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Hyperthyroidisim is aka
Graves disease
Why is Inderal used in the management of cirrhosis
to prevent bleeding from esopheal varicess
s/s most characterstic of acute pyelonephritis
flank pain
A pt with hypothyroidism who is taking hormone replacement therapy may be at risk for
following a thyroidectomy asses for bleeding by
asking the pt --Do you have a feeling of fullness at the incision site
Priority intervention for pt with hyperthyroidism who started on inderal
monitor pulse and pulse pressure
On synthroid therapy how long to achive full effect
10 days
What diet for Graves disease
and what should be provided
high calorie diet with increased carbs,protien and vit. supplements and a quite environment
Physiological effect of T4
increased neuromuscular response
clinical manifestations of hyperparathyroidism
muscular weakness/poor muscle tone
renal calculi
cardiac arrhythmias
what causes fatigue in hyperparathyroidism
calcium concentrating in blood stream
Priority intervention for pt during Thyroid storm with a NSG diagnosis of altered body temp
apply a hypothermia blanket
What is pheochromocytoma
a tumor of the adrenal gland
which produces catecholamines(epinephrine and norepinephrine)
How is pheochromocytoma cured
Pheochromocytoma causes
HTN-- and if HTN is untreated can lead to stroke
Older pt's with hyperthyroidism commonly present with what
diffuse puritus
Intervention likely to enhance the comfort of a pt with hyperthyroidism
provide a cool environment
Decreased Erythropoetin secondary to end stage renal disease(ESRD) causes
Pt with adrenal insufficiency is dizzy and experiencing neuromuscular irritability and confusion what lab finding would you expect
s/s of Graves
Nervousness,irritabily, hand temors,insomnia,heat intolerance, pyrexia, amenorrhea, tachycardia, palpitations, goiter, exphthalmos
What type of pt is at risk for gallstones
obese and women are 4x's more likely to get gallstones than men
What is the antidepressant effect
mood elevator
monitor pt with end stage cirrhosis of liver for
what lab value will be elevated in cirrhosis of the liver
Primary dx for pt with anorexia
altered nutrition less than bodys requirements
what should be measured when assesing a pt with liver cirrhosis
abd girth
position for pt with severe acites
pt with acute renal failure possible clinical manifestion
metabolic acidosis
Erickson developmental stage for a 10 year old
industry vs inferiority
signs found in pt with HEP A
dark urine,clay colored stools, yellow skin
before a 24 hr VNA test is collected what should be restricted
Diet for Glomerulonephritis
low protein
glomerulonephritis affects who
school age children--males more than females
causes of glomerulonephritis
occurs 1-2 wks after resp. infection post streptococcal infection
What causes anemia in pts with chronic renal failure
decrease erythropoetin production by the kidneys
appropriate nsg dx for a pt with exothalmus
body image disturbance
What clinical sign do you expect to see in a pt who has a high level of vassopressin
non-pharmacological pain management for sickle cell crisis
apply heat
nursing intervention for MILD hypothyroidism
promote activity
Pt is hypervigilant and has dejavu these are signs of
post traumatic stress disorder
bulima is
binge eating
In diabetes Insipidus the urine specific gravity is
What should be kept in pt's rm after a thyroidectomy
trach set
Why give Lugols solution prior to thyoidectomy
to devasculaize the gland
In corticosteroids therapy the plan of care is to
prevent infection
prior to an IVP the nurse needs to ask
do you have any allergies
Buffalo hump is an abnormal adipose tissue distribution in what disease
cushings syndrome
What med serves as replacement therapy in hypothyroidism
a hormonal change of adolescnce from adrogenic stimulation of sebum production is a predisposing factor for
acne vulgaris
Why should synthroid NOT be taken with food
food interferes with absorption
Tofranil with concomitant use may lead to
GI complications
a pt on Synthroid should report what
s/s of hyperkalemia
muscle weakness, hypotension, shallow respirations, anoxeria
s/s of hypokalemia
bradycardia, oliguria and muscle cramps
A pt who has good control of diabetes may show a
2 hr post prandial blood sugar result of 139
A pt with hypothyroidism has what type of intolerance
cold--give blanket
DM pt should care for feet how
bath feet with warm water and dry escpecially btn toes --ck feet daily
21 yr old is getting married and states unsure if they want to go thru with it what is this called
Intimacy vs isolation
The Psychosocial state of development in alcoholism is
clinical manifestiations of acute pancreatitis
constant epigstic pain, abd pain that radiates in to back, flank pain which is more intense in the supine position
If a pt has a postitive out look on surgery what goal has been met
self actualization
What lithum side effects should be reported immediately
diarrhea, vomiting, drowsiness weakness,lack of coordination
Theraputic level for lithium
0.6- 1.2
What type of disorder is OCD
anxiety related
alanon is a help group for
families of alcoholics
The treatment for a phobia is
position of pt after ECT
on side or with head turned to side
what is given before ECT
Atropine to inhibit salivation and respitatory secreations to minimize the risk of aspiration
how should trazadone be taken
with a meal or snack and at bed time
endogenous depression is
depression comming from with in the person and is biochemical
reactive depression is
depression caused by the occurance of something
paxil should be taken
with food and NOT at bedtime
Delusion is
a fixed false belief
giving away personal posseseions is a tell-tell sign of
sucide ideation
agoraphobia is
the fear of open, crowded spaces
a personality disorder that manifest hostilities onto others is
a long term complication of DM is
diabetic neuropathy
deep rapid respirations are
The most important factor predisposing to the develpoment of type 2 DM is
diet for Lithum therapy
adequate sodim and intake of fluids 2500 to 3000mls
A doctor pronounces a child dead and the mother continues CPR --what is mom showing
what is transvestitism
the desire to wear the opposite sexs clothes
portal vein HTN is associated with
liver cirrhosis
After thyroidectomy assess for laryngeal damage that is manifested by
A pt with hypoparathyroidism will have
decrease calcium
increase phosphorous
What meds are given to counteract extrapyramial side effects
artane and cogentin
In order to prevent a HTN crisis and headache what foods should be avoided while taking a MAOI
aged cheese, beer, yeast, liver, chocolate, processed foods, and MSG
a manic depressive should be given what to supply adequate nutrition
finger foods
diet for chronic pancreatitis
low fat bland
Hep A pt should be on what type of percaution
Jaundice will be associated with
liver disorders
side effect of dilantin
gum hyperplasia
What should you watch for in Penylketonuria
what happens in diabetic ketoacidosis
fatty acids are broken down
rapid insulins
rapid insulin onset and duration
onset 5-10 min
duration 3-5 hrs
peak 30-90 mins
short insulin
short insulin onset and duration
onset 30 min
duration 4-6 hrs
peak 1-2 hrs
long lasting insulin
Intermediate insulin
Intermediate insulin onset and duration
onset 1-2 hrs
duration 8-24 hrs
peak 4-6 hrs
what causes puritis with biliary cirrhosis of the liver
retention of bile salts
when should Acarbose be taken
immedialtely before meals or with 1st bite of a meal-because it effects food absorption
Why is lactulose given with cirrhosis
to reduce ammonia
if a pt is experiencing auditory hallucinations what is the most important nsg intervention
determine what the voices are saying
What is the primary focus of cognitive therapy
current problems
bipolar nsg dx
risk for injury
the most common inital finding during the onset of mania is
rapid pressured speech
other findings:
elated mood,increased activity, reduced sleep
What lab test should be performed and monitored at regular intervals for pt taking valproate acid
liver functions
lack of empathy is a behavioral characteristic of what disorder
narcissistic personality disorder
What is a priority for a family with a member who has schizophrenia
reducing stress
sublimination is
transforming impulses into something constructive
displacement is
moving an impulse from one object to another
rationalization is
finding a rational explantion for questionable behaviors
repression is
banishing a memory -if the memory is banished the pain will not feel pain or sorrow
fine hand tremors and slight thirst with lithum therapy would show a level of
Inability to sleep thru the night is a common symptom of
post tramatic stress disorder
vegetative signs of depression
changes in bowel movements, eating habits, sleep disturbances, sex
what should you watch for in a pt taking tricyclic antidepressants
orthostatic hypotension due to alpha-adrenigic blockage
an excess of what can exacerbate the symptoms of schizophrenia
In conversion disorder there is an
actual change or loss of body function
what is used to treat severe hypoglycemia
pt's recovering from pancreatitis should aviod
Signs of lithum toxicity
acute confusion and ataxia
lithium levels should be
how do you ck for patency of an atriovenous shunt in hemodialysis
the presnce of Bruit
In acute pancreatitis labs will show
increase glucose and lipid

decreased calcium and potassium
early complaints of liver cirrhosis
fatigue, bleeding gums, anoxeria, edema of the anides in the evening, epistaxis
a sigh of transplant rejection is
if pt is wandering what can you do
provide a braclet with pt info
a child fails to grow above the 3rd percental in 2 years. What is the clinical manifestation
what should pt do prior to paracentesis
What is the usual reaction of a woman dx'd with CA
a husband had problems at work and comes home and hits wife what defense mechanism was used
korsakoff's syndrome is due to the deficiency of
In order to prevent lipodysropy in diabetic pts you should
rotate injection sites
How can peripheral problems in diabetic pts be prevented
examine skin daily for lesions
a father lost his job and is very upset. What should be assessed first
previous coping mechanism
what should you ck for in a pt with esophageal varices
portal HTN
definitive diagnostic test for DM
DOC for manic depressive
What should be kept in pt room with esophageal balloon tamponade
scissors at bedside to cut tip
A pt has had their gallbladder removed. What are they at risk for
atelectasis and dehiscence
position of pt after liver biopsy
R side with a pillow underneath
1st priority for a batterd wife
provide safety
expected out come of kayexalate therapy
decrease potassium
what is a clinical sign of increased ammonia levels
decreased consciousness
DOC for acute pancreatitis
meds for N/V for cholecystitis
a manic pt under milieu therapy has achieved goal if he
gets along with staff
Idiopathic nephrotic syndrome clinical manifestations
double weight
myelomeningocele causes
flaccid paralysis of the lower extremites
What can you expect with hyperparathyroidism
renal calculi
pt in acute panic episode what should you do
assure pt that the enviroment is safe
what is the best way to deal with a depressed pt
initate conversation
you will find a low urine specific gravity in what disease
diabetes inipidus
a decrease in ESR indicates what in glomerulonephritis
a sign of a potential emotional problem in adolescent is he states
I dont have any friends
Haldol, an antisychotic drug has been given to a pt what side effect can you expect
urinary frequency
a pt is recieving clozaril which significant toxic risk must be assessed
blood dyscrasia-monitor WBC count
what state follows manic state
depressed state
why is atelectasis a complication after gallbladder surgery
incision is close to the diaphragm and cause pain when the pt breaths
What statement made by a pt indicates EPS meds are working
my tongue doesnt feel thick anymore
what is the cause of pancreatitis
side effects of Haldol
drowsiness, insomnia, weakness, HA,
what lab gives most specific indication of kidney disese
serum creatinine
who would be an ideal donor
sibling or twin
after a bilateral adrenalectomy what will pt need take for life
An alcoholic man states he drinks because no one understands how he works so hard -he is using what defense mechanism
pyloric stenosis clincial manifestation
epigastic nodule
priority for pt with psychosis
do not let them harm themselves or others
pt with liver cirrhosis discharge instruction
use soft bristle toothbrush
To ck neurologic status of pt with hydrocephalus
ask person, place, time
NPH insulin is given to pt when will they experience low BS
10 hrs
What is used to block cravings for opiate based substances
What test is used for sudicial pt
mini mental staus examination measures
orientation, recall, calculation and language
cognitive assessment scale measures
orientation, general knowledge, mental ability, and psychomotor function
cognitive capacity screening measures
orientation, memory, calcuation and language
functional dementia scale measures
orentation, affect, and the ability to perform ADL's
CAGE questionare
a 4 question tool in which 2-3 answers indicate alcoholism
michigan alcoholism screeing test
a 24 item timed test in which a score of 5 or better classifies an alcoholic
beck depression inventory
used to dx and determine the severity of depression
minnesota multiphasic personality inventory assesses
personality traits and ego function, including coping strategies, defences, gender ID, and self esteem
A pt is preoccupied by fear of serious illness, interpreting all physical sensations as illness-impairs normal function, frequent visits to doctor despite ressurance all is well
treatment for hypochondriasis
individual therapy
elavil, tofranil, nardil
(tricylclic antidepressants and benzodiazepines)
Pt with major depression and anorexia and weight loss intervention
stay with them during meals to encourage nutrition
Pt with borderline personality disorder will be
manipulative and impulsiveness
pt with antisocial personality will have
total disregard for others destructive and irritation in reponse to confrontation, lack of remorse arrogant
What is Wernicke-Kofsakoff syndrome
a dementing brain encephlopathy assoc. with chroinc alcoholism related to deficiency of thiamine(B1) due to malnutrition
s/s of wernicke-kofaskoff syndrome
fatigue, irritability,ptosis, anorexia, muscle tenderness
what is clang association
meaningless rhyming of words
word salad
a mixture of phrases meaningless to listener
nealogisims are
words made up by the person using them
associative looseness is
hapazard and confused thinking that is manifested in jumbles and illogical speech
Normal tegretol levels
Haldol is used for
hallucinations, delsions, disorderd thinking, paranoia
low levels of what are associated with depression
A decrease in what is associated with anxiety, schizophrenia and Huntingon chorea
What is a coexsiting conditon that a nurse should recognize as a problem with acute pancreatitis
pleural effusion
What is given to pt's with pancreatitis to aid in the digestion of fats, carbs and trigly.
What provides the most information when diag. chronic pancreatitis
progressive hepatic encelopathy will be characterized by
a deteration of handwriting and the inablity to draw a simple star pattern
What is a side effect of orinase
GI symptoms
precose causes a decreased
metaformin and glyburide cause a risk for
What will pt have with HHNS
a BS of 750 or greater
elevated BUN and creatinine
normal ph
Why is massage good for pt with impared liver function
it promotes mobilization of edema
A pt with diabetes insipidus will crave what
cold water
A pt with diabetes insipidus fluids should
= output
What is the key behavior in in antisocial persons
what is cirrhosis
scaring of the liver resulting in impaired function and portal HTN
Oral hypoglycemic drugs work by
stimulating pancreatic cells to produce insulin
Hepatic coma results primarily from accumulation of what substance in the blod
a common cause of hypoparathyoidism is a
Diet of Nephrotic syndrome
high protein
a pt is undergoing a transphenoidal hypophysectomy this is the removal of
the pituitary gland
cushings syndrome results primarly from
excessive secreations of adrenocortical hormones
What EKG changes might be seen in renal failure
elevated T wave related to hyperkalemia
is the result in excessive growth hormone seen in adults
hypopituitarism in childhood
sheehans syndrome-partial to complete loss of thyroid, adrenocortical, and gonadal function
signs of thyroid toxicity
rapid weight gain
extreme nervousness
Hashimotos Thyroiditis is
hypothyroidism that is congenital or results from immunologic dysfunctions
s/s of hypothyroidism/myxedema
hair loss cold
brittle nails
enlarged tongue
s/s of Graves/hyperthyroidism
muscle fatigue
how do antidepressants work
they inhibt reuptake of norepinephrine and serotoin
what are the side effects of MAO INHIBITORS
orthostatic hypotension, dizziness, insominia,anoxeria
Tardive Dyskinesia signs
excessive blinking ,verm tongue movement, abnormal involuntary sucking, chewing licking, and pursing movements of the toungue and mouth
bipolar disorder
severe mood disorder manifested by episodes of extreme sadness alternating with episodes of euphoria
meds for bipolar
anticonvulsant, antimanic(lithum) and selective serotonin reuptake inhbitors(paxil)
a lithum level of 2.2mEg/l will result in what
interventions for cirrhosis
turn pt q 2 hrs
use soft toothbrush
avoid im injections
protect skin integrity
what is a major concern with liver dysfunction
what causes splenomegaly
backup of blood from portal vein into the spleen
What is given to a pt with diabetic ketoacidosis
fast acting insulin
pt's with HHNK need
what is an indicator that Lithum therapy is working
concentration improves
The DOC for manic depressive pt is
What hormone is deficient in diabetes insipidus
what do you expect when mother states her baby sleeps all the time and does not cry
pt's with renal calculi should increase fluid intake to
The onset of alzheimers sx may be described as
An indication that lactulose has been effective is
pt has increased alertness
after a bilateral adrenalectomy what will pt need to take for lifetime
What effect will happen if you take thorazine with alcohol
quicker intoxication
Why should steriod therapy be tapered
to prevent an addison's effect
What is a clinical sign of esophageal varices
What is used to treat anemia in a pt with chronic renal failure
epoietin alfa
epoietin alfa increases
the hematocrit
What will happen if pt drinks alcohol while taking antabuse
severe headache
6-12 YRS
12-20 YRS
20-25 YRS
25-65 YEARS