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39 Cards in this Set

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disease process resulting from excessive secretion of somatotropin; causes progressive enlargement of peripheral body parts
addisonian crisis
acute adrenocortical insufficiency; characterized by hypotension, cyanosis, fever, nausea/vomiting, and classic signs of shock; precipitated by stress or abrupt withdrawal of therapeutic glucocorticoids
Addison's disease
chronic adrenocortical insufficiency secondary to destruction of the adrenal glands
surgical removal of one or both adrenal glands
adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)
hormone secreted by the anterior pituitary, essential for growth and devel
adrenogenital syndrome
masculinization in women, feminization in men, or premature sexual development in children; result of abnormal secretion of adrenocortical hormones, especially androgens
hormones secreted by the adrenal cortex; stimulate activity of accessory male sex organs and development of male sex characteristics
basal metabolic rate
chemical reactions occurring when the body is at rest
hormone secreted by the parafollicular cells of the thyroid gland; participates in calcium regulation
Chvostek's sign
spasm of the facial muscles produced by sharply tapping over the facial nerve in front of the parotid gland and anterior to the ear; suggestive of latent tetany in patients with hypocalcemia
hormones produced by the adrenal cortex or their synthetic equivalents; also referred to as adrenal-cortical hormone and adrenocorticosteroid; consist of glucocorticoids, mineralocorticoids, and androgens
stunted body growth and mental development appearing during the first year of life as a result of congenital hypothyroidism
Cushing's syndrome
group of symptoms produced by an excess of free circulating cortisol from the adrenal cortex; characterized by truncal obesity, “moon face,” acne, abdominal striae, and hypertension
diabetes insipidus
condition in which abnormally large volumes of dilute urine are excreted as a result of deficient production of vasopressin
generalized limited growth resulting from insufficient secretion of growth hormone during childhood
secreting internally; hormonal secretion of a ductless gland
state of normal thyroid hormone production
secreting externally; hormonal secretion from excretory ducts
abnormal protrusion of one or both eyeballs
steroid hormones secreted by the adrenal cortex in response to ACTH; produce a rise of liver glycogen and blood glucose
enlargement of the thyroid gland; usually caused by an iodine-deficient diet
Graves' disease
a form of hyperthyroidism; characterized by a diffuse goiter and exophthalmos
chemical transmitter substances produced in one organ or part of the body and carried by the bloodstream to other cells or organs on which they have a specific regulatory effect; produced mainly by endocrine glands
removal or destruction of all or part of the pituitary gland
steroid of the adrenal cortex
severe hypothyroidism characterized by an accumulation of mucopolysaccharides in interstitial tissues, a masklike expression, puffy eyelids, loss of eyebrow hair, thick lips, and a broad tongue
negative feedback
regulating mechanism in which an increase or decrease in the level of a substance decreases or increases the function of the organ producing the substance
hormone secreted by the posterior pituitary; causes myometrial contraction at term and milk release during lactation
chromaffin cell tumor, usually benign, located in the adrenal medulla; characterized by secretion of catecholamines resulting in hypertension, severe headache, profuse sweating, visual blurring, anxiety, and nausea
syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (SIADH) secretion
excessive secretion of antidiuretic hormone (ADH) from the pituitary gland despite low serum osmolality level
surgical removal of all or part of the thyroid gland
inflammation of the thyroid gland; may lead to chronic hypothyroidism or may resolve spontaneously
thyroid-stimulating hormone
released from the pituitary gland; causes stimulation of the thyroid, resulting in release of T3 and T4
thyroid storm
severe life-threatening hyperthyroidism precipitated by stress; characterized by high fever, extreme tachycardia, and altered mental state
condition produced by excessive endogenous or exogenous thyroid hormone
thyroxine (T4)
thyroid hormone; active iodine compound formed and stored in the thyroid; deiodinated in peripheral tissues to form triiodothyronine; maintains body metabolism in a steady state
triiodothyronine (T3)
thyroid hormone; formed and stored in the thyroid; released in smaller quantities, biologically more active and with faster onset of action than T4; widespread effect on cellular metabolism
Trousseau's sign
carpopedal spasm induced when blood flow to the arm is occluded using a blood pressure cuff or tourniquet, causing ischemia to the distal nerves; suggestive sign for latent tetany in hypocalcemia
ADH secreted by the posterior pituitary; causes contraction of smooth muscle, particularly blood vessels