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12 Cards in this Set

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Atrovastatin (Lipitor)

Other Statins

Zocor, Mevacor, Prevachol, Crestor)
THERAPEUTIC CLASS: Antihyperlipidemic, a Statin drug

PHARM CLASS: HMG-CoA Redcutase Inhibitor, Statin

MECH OF ACTION: Inhibits the enzyme HMG-CoA reductase which is responsible for the production of cholesterol in the liver.

Liver shuts down the prodcution of biosynthesis of cholesterol
and the liver responds by making more LDL receptors on surface of liver cells

SIDE AFFECTS: Minor: Headache, fatigue, joint pain
Major: Myopathy, Rhadomyolysis (rapid
breakdown of muscle cells)
CONTRAIDINCATIONS/INTERACTIONS: Antifungals, and some immunosuppressants avoid b/c increase risk for rhadomyolsis

Do NOT take with OTC Niacin b/c of risk of increase rhabdomyolysis

DOSE/ADMINISTRATION: PT SHOULD take med at same time each day

FOLLOW UP: Liver Function tests performed before therapy starts and 6-12 weeks after each dose increase.


ADJUNCT TO DIET, not substitute for low cholesterol diet

BEST TO TAKE AT NIGHT cholesterol biosynthesis higher at night
Cholestyramine (QUESTRAN)

Colestid, Welchol
THERAPEUTIC CLASS: Antihyperlipidemic

PHARM CLASS: Bile Acid Resin

MECH OF ACTION: Bile acid resins bind with bile acid
is containing cholesterol and excrete it in the stool. It is not absorbed or metabolized once it enters the intestine therefore no systemic effect.

Headaches, dizziness, bloating, constipation, diarrhea,
CONTRAINICATIONS/INTERACTIONS: Tetracycline's, do not take at the same time as Digoxin, penicillin, thyroid hormones, thiazide diruetics. May increase the effects of anticoagulants

DO NOT TAKE: if history of bile obstruction,

DOSE/ADMINISTRATION: powder forms must be mixed with water or fruit juice and drank immediately. TAKE BEFORE MEALS with plenty of fluids
Give other drugs more than 2 hrs before or 4 hrs after

ADJUNCT TO reduce serum cholesterol

SPECIAL NOTES: Monitor for deficiencies from fat soluble vitamins (A & D), Long term use increases bleeding tendencies. Important drug to look for potential interactions.

MECH OF ACTION: decreases VDL and therefore LDL levels, reduces overall triglyceride levels and increases HDL

SIDE EFFECTS: Flushing and hot flashes, GI discomfort(nausea,vomitting,etc)

DOSE/ADMINISTRATION : Oral, 2-3 g/day for Hyperlipidemia
10-25 mg/day for Niacin deficiency

OTHER NOTES: Often used in combination therapy with other statins or bile-acid binding agents

NOT the preferred lipid lowering drug because of side effects, INCREASES RISK OF rhambdolmysis

Take one asprin 30 min prior to taking Niacin to mitigate the side effects

Nifedipine (Adalat, Procardia)
Therapeutic Class: Drug for hypertension and angina

Pharmacologic Class: Calcium Channel Blocker

Mechanism of Action: Selectively blocks calcium channels in myocardial and vascular smooth muscle

Result: less oxygen utilization by the heart, increased Cardiac Output, decrease in blood pressure

DO NOT administer immediate-release formulas if MI is suspected or for 2 weeks after a confirmed MI

Tablets should be administered whole DO NOT crush, divide, or have the patient chew the tablet

Side Effects:headache, dizziness, peripheral edema, flushing, reflex tachycardia

Contraindications: prior hypersensitivity to the drug
Enalapril (Vasotec)
Therapeutic Class: Drug for Hypertension and heart failure

Pharmacologic Class: ACE(angiotensin-converting enzyme) Inhibitor

Mechanism of Action: Reduces angiotensin II and aldosterone levels to produce a significant reduction of blood pressure

Administration Alert: May produce a first-dose phenomenon (profound hypotension which could lead to syncope)

Adverse Effects: may cause hyperkalemia, orthostatic hypotension, headache, dizziness

Contraindications: prior hypersensitivity, pregnancy, lactation
Doxazosin (Cardura)
Therapeutic Class: Drug for hypertension and BPH

Pharmacologic Class: Alpha-1-adrenergic blocker

Mechanism of action: lower blood pressure directly by blocking sympathetic receptors in arterioles, causing it to dilate

Administration alerts: monitor for profound hypotension and possible syncope

Can have first-dose phenomenon

Swallow whole

Adverse Effects: orthostatic hypotension, dizziness, headache

Contraindications: prior hypersensitivity to alpha-blackers
(gemfibrozil) LOPID
THERAPEUTIC CLASS: Antihyperlipidemic

PHARM CLASS: Fibric Acid Agent

MECH OF ACTION: decreases liver production of trigylcerides, reduces VLDL synthesis and inhibits the breakdown of fat

SIDE EFFECTS: CNS- chills, fatigue, increase likelihood of gallstones, can affect liver fx, vasculitis, blurred vision, abdominal pain, anemia, decrease WBC
CONTRAINDICATIONS: Liver impairment, Renal impairment, pre-existing gallbladder disease

DOSE/ADMINISTRATION: Oral, 600-1200 mg/day

SPECIAL NOTES: Should NOT be used with Statins b/c of risk of rhabdomolysis

Lab Tests for Liver and Renal Functioning
Monitor serum triglyceride and cholesterol levels
Gemfibrozil (Lopid)
Therapeutic class: Antihyperlipidemic
Pharmacological class:
Fibric acid agent
Mech. of Action:
up to 50% reduction in VLDL with an increase in HDL. Less effective than statins at lowering LDL, not first choice. Taken Orally.

Adverse Effects:
increase likelihood of gallstones, may affect liver function, GI, blurred vision (cataracts), CNS-chills.

Nursing Consideration:
monitor serum trigylceride & cholesterol, CBC & liver tests
Patients with hepatic impairment, severe renal dysfunction, or those with prior hypersensitivity to the drug

Fatty foods may decrease efficacy of Gemfibrozil, may increase Liver enzyme values and CPK & serum glucose levels.
Hydrochlorothiazide ( Microzide)

***can be written as HCTZ *****
Therapeutic Class:
hypertension and edema
Pharmacologic Class:
Thiazide diuretic
Mech. of Action:
most widely used. produces 10 to 20 mmHg reduction in BP. Approved to treat HTN, HF, edema & nephrotic syndrome. Acts on kidney tubule decreases reabsorption of NA+ and is sent into the urine along with H2O (decr.Blood volume, decr. BP). *amount of urine produced directly proportional to amount of NA+ reabsorption blocked by diuretic.
Admin. Alert:
Give early in day to prevent nocturia
Adverse Effects:
potential electrolyte imbalances due to loss of K+, Na+. Hypokalemia may cause cardiac conduction abnormalities need to increase K+intake. May precipitate gout attacks due to hyperuricemia.hyperglycemia, dehydration.
Anuria, prior HTN sensitivity to thiazides.
may increase serum glucose, cholesterol, bilirubin, triglyceride, ca+. increases risk of renal toxicity from NSAIDs. Hypokalemia may increase digoxin toxicity.
Atenol (Tenormin) p 347
Antianginal Drug

Beta-adrenergic blocker

Selectively blocks beta1-adrenergic receptors in the heart and thus it slows HR and reduces contractility-->lowering mycardial O2 demand

P.O. (By mouth)

If administered by IV then the ECG must be continuously monitored and BP should be assessed before, during and after

Hold drug if pulse is below 60 BPM and if PT is hypertensive

Fatigue, insomnia, drowsiness, impotence or decreased libido, bradycardia and confusion


Concurrent use with Ca channel blockers MAY result in excessive cardiac supression

Use with Digoxin may slow AV conduction...leading to HF/MI

Anticholinergic may cause decreased absorption from the GI tract
Lab tests should be done b/c Atenolol may increase values of the following tests: uric acids, lipds, potassium (K), creatinine, and antinuclear antibody

No known food interactions
Hydralazine (Apresoline) p. 319
Drug for hypertension and heart failure

Direct-acting vasodialator

One of the FIRST oral antihypertensive drugs in US. Acts through a direct vasodialation of arterial smooth muscle and has no effect on veins.

Therapy starts with low doeses and increased gradually until desired outcome obtained.

Effectivly reduces BP but other antihypertensive classes have largely replaced due to safety concerns.
PO and IV for (Nitroprusside/Nitropress)

Orthostatic hypotension (a form of hypotension in which a person's blood pressure suddenly falls when the person stands up), fluid retention, headache, palpitations

*****Lupuslike reaction (hydralazine only)*****PT with Lupus should NOT get this drug, sever hypotension, MI, dysrhythmias, shock

Abrupt withdrawal of the drug may cause rebound hypertension and anxiety

Sodium and fluid retention is potentially serious adverse effect. B/c of these effects *****hydralazine is limited to mostly PTs whose HTN (hypertension) cannont be controlled with other SAFER meds*****

Contraindicated in PT with angina, rheumatic HD, MI, or tachycardia. *****PT with lupus should NOT receive hydralazine as drug can worsen symptoms*****
Ezetimibe (Zetia)
Therapeutic Class:
Cholesterol Absorption Inhibitors
Mech. of Action:
blocks cholesterol from being absorbed in small intestine, 50% less cholesterol enters bloods, take with statins
Adverse Effects:
body will respond by synthesizing more cholesterol, CNS, GI, cough, back pain
don't take with sequestrants b/c it inhibits absorption.