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30 Cards in this Set

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Give examples of a physiological stressor.
trauma, surgery, infections, pain, sleep deprivation
Give examples of a physical stressor.
pollutants, urbanization, overload, sensory deprivation
Give examples of a psychological stressor.
fear, anxiety, feelings of helplessness, powerlessness, lonliness, poor self esteem
Give examples of a sociocultural stressor.
change, financial status, family dysfunction, aging, retirement
Describe a physiological response to stress (expanding into details).
autonomic nervous system stimulation

fight or flight(both biological and physiological)

increased vital signs

increased blood flow to skeletal muscles, and increased muscle tension
This stress response can be described as an increase or decrease in eating, sleeping, social interaction and interpersonal actions.
behavioral stress response
Describe what a psychological stress response would be like.
Decreased concentration and problem solving ability, depressed mood, apathy
What is adaptation?

What is its goal?

What else can adaptation achieve for the individual?
the response.

process of change that occurs whan a person responds to stress. An attempt to restore equilibrium; may increase personal growth and stress tolerance.
What is coping?
What one does about a problem in order to gain relief. What they do or do not do about a problem constitutes how one copes.
What is as important as the actual stress?
individual perception
What is GAD?
General adaptation syndrome
What does GAD explain?

Who came up with GAD?
it is a model that explains physiological stress response

created by Hans Selye
What are the three phases of GAD?
This is the stage of GAD that illness or death may occur.
This is the stage of GAD that mobilizes the body's defenses.
This is the stage of GAD that is fight or flight
This is the stage of GAD that the body stabilizes.
This is the stage of GAD that vitals and hormone levels return to normal
Defined as:

Harmful to the individual's health and focuses on loss, threats, harm and change. it is negative and often leads to feelings of anxiety, depression and hopelessness.
What is eustress?
positive stress...focuses on mastry of demands or tasks. it is motivating and leads to improved self esteem
Instinctual satisfaction. Instinctual drive. Seeks gratification.
Strives for perfection and morality.
Super ego
Mediates demands of the environment and the demands for instinctual satisfaction
The key term for defense mechanisms is unconcious, but how do we know they exist?
We can infer their existence because of behavior that an individual exhibits
What is the one exception to the fact that defense mechanisms are unconscious?
Suppression. It is a deliberate and conscious exclusion from awareness of unwanted thoughts or feelings.
Scarlet O'Hara says, "I'll deal with that tomorrow.."
What is the first category of defense mechanisms?
Defenses against knowing
What does the category of defenses against knowing include?
What is the second category of defense mechanisms?
reality respecting defenses
What is the level of reality in reality respecting defenses?
little bit more out of reality not out of touch with reality yet.