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15 Cards in this Set

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Term for a variety of disorders, most caused by immunological rxn. Results in imflammatory changes in glomerular structure, loss of kidney function occurs.
Glomerulonephritis (Causes & Types)
Caused by immune disorders, group a strep, and a history of pharyngitis/tonsillitis.
Acute - 5-21 days after strep infection
Chronic - After acute phase or slowly over time
Glomerulonephritis (Assessment Signs)
Gross hematuria, cola colored or red-brown urine, proteinuria with excessive foam, urinary debris, moderately high urine specific gravity, low urine pH, oliguria or anuria, large # of erythrocytes in urinalysis, flank pain.
Glomerulonephritis (Complications)
Heart failure, renal failure, nephrotic syndrome, pulmonary edema, hypertensive encephalopathy.
Glomerulonephritis (Interventions)
Monitor vitals, I&O. Daily weight. Fluid restriction as prescribed. High calorie, low protein/potassium/protein diet. Bed rest. Diuretics, antihypertensives, antibtiotics as needed. Report signs of bloody urine, headache, or edema. Obtain treatment for infections, esp sore throats, skin lesions, and upper resp infections.
Nephrotic Syndrome
A set of clinical manifestations arising from protein wasting caused by diffuse glomerular damage.
Nephrotic Syndrome (Signs)
Proteinuria, hematruia, hypoalbuminemia, periorbital edema most notable in the morning and dependent, hyperlipidemia, anemia, waxy pallor.
Nephrotic Syndrome (Interventions)
Monitors vitals, I&O, daily weight. Bed rest. Measure abdominal girth. Low to moderate protein diet as prescribed to prevent worsening azotemia and fluid retention. Monitor serum K levels. Avoid trauma to edematous tissue, keep nails trimmed. Administer antihypertensives, diuretics, lipid lowering agents, corticosteroids, cytotoxic medications, anticoagulants, plasma expanders, as prescribed.
Epispadias / Hypospadias
Disorders where urethral opening is ventral/dorsal to the normal position on penis. Corrected by surgery.
One or both testes have not descended. Easily palpable. HCG may be prescribed for older child. Surgical correction (orchiopexy) done between 1-2 yrs.
Cystitis - UTI
An infection of the bladder, most commonly caused by E.coli, Enterobacter, Pseudomonas, and Serratia. More common in women due to shorter urethra, sexually active and pregnant most at risk.
Cystitis - UTI (Assessment Signs)
Frequency and urgency, burning on urination, voiding in small amounts, inability to void, incomplete voiding, lower abdominal or back pain, cloudy dark or foul smelling urine, hematuria, WBC over 100,000, altered mentation is a sign in older adults.
Cystitis - UTI (Interventions)
Obtain urine specimen for culture before antibiotic tx. Increase fluids by up to 3000 ml/day. Administer prescribed medications (antibiotics, angesics, antispasmodics). Maintain acidic (<5.5 pH) urine. Provide head to abdomen or sitz baths. Sterile tech. for catheters. Maintain closed urinary drainage systems for indwelling catheters. Provide meticulous perineal care. Note that if pt is prescribed glycoside, sulfonamide, or nitrofurantoin that acid urine will diminish effect.
Cystitis - UTI (Prevention)
Avoid caffeine, alcohol. Increase fluid intake. 50mL cranberry juice daily. Apple cider vinegar 1 tsp BID in juice. Vitamin C 500mg daily.
Types of Incontinence
Stress - involuntary leakage of urine that occurs with increased intra-abdominal pressure and detrusor pressure
Urge - involuntary urination that occurs soon after a strong sense of urgency to void
Iatrogenic - incontinence results from treatments controlled by health care givers
Functional - Leakage of urine caused by factors other than disease of the UT
Overflow - Involuntary loss of urine associated with over distention of the bladder (incomplete bladder emptying)