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64 Cards in this Set

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What is the best way to communicate that you truly accept the patient?
using silence

(silence for up to approximately 2 minutes is generally helpful)
Who is in control of therapeutic communication?
When you are "offering self", what must happen?
verbal and non verbal have to be congruent
How do you "offer" yourself?
through verbal and non verbal communication
Why would you consider "giving information" a technique to promote therapeutic communication?
because it helps the client feels safe and secure
Giving information can build _________ and decrease _____________.
trust and decrease anxiety
What type of communication do you use for assessment and patient teaching?
directive communication
What technique lets client know that nurse is actively involved in search for understanding?
Using fewer words or different words to give client feedback.
What is a step that is crutial to the paraphrasing technique?
validating after you paraphrase....is that correct?
Which technique searches for mutual understanding of communication between client and nurse?

making sure you heard them right
What does "validating" help the client do?
become clearer about what he is thinking
Nurse may use this technique to build client self esteem.
Observation can help assist the client to _____________ the behavior and describe _____________and ____________.
Observation can help assist the client to RECOGNIZE the behavior and describe THOUGHTS and FEELINGS.
Making observations offers the client ______________.
This technique encourages the client to continue with the topic of conversation.
Offering General Leads
When a nurse repeats the main idea expressed.
This technique directs questions, feelings and ideas back to the client.
This technique helps to clear up what is vague or gives the client feedback.
Seeking clarification
This technique encourages the client to accept his or her own ideas and feelings.
When you are asking close ended question, what are you trying to do?
seek information
What three techniques is the nurse the sender of the message?
using silence

offering self

giving information
Bringing together important points of discussion to enhance understanding, OR to bring closure to a conversation.
Really getting patient to delve deeper into a topic.
Client is jumping from topic to topic, so you should use this therapeutic communication technique.

anxiety could be causing patient to jump, so wait until they calm down
This bad technique is being used when the nurse opposes a client's ideas so that the client feels put in a position to defend.
This bad technique is being used when a nurse implies that the client is doing the right thing and not doing the wrong thing.
Giving approval/agreeing
When a nurse asks a client to explain or provide reasons for their feelings, thoughts or behavior, this is called ___________________.
Why questions

bad (obstructive) communication
This obstructive communication technique is when a nurse tells the client what to do, implying that the nurse knows what is best for the client and that the client is incapable of any self direction.
giving premature advice
Giving premature advice is also called ______________________________.
giving personal opinion
When a nurse attempts to decrease the anxiety of a client by implying there is insufficient reason for it to exist.
falsely reassuring
What does falsely reassuring do to a client's feelings and concerns?
minimizes and disregards them
When a nurse asks a client the reason they have these feelings, thoughts or concerns....
why questioning....bad because they don't know the answer
This obstructive technique criticizes the client based on the nurse's own value system.
making value judgments
This obstructive technique is used when a nurse is uncomfortable about a topic, so she switches conversation to another topic.
changing the subject
Oh, tons of people feel this way....
minimizing feelings
It's for your own good.....
making sterotypical comments
Keep your chin up....
making sterotypical comments

***defined as meaningless catch phrases or thoughtless expressions. implies lack of value in the nurse-client relationship
How come u smoke when your wife has cancer?
making value judgments
That's bad....
Why don't you....
giving premature advice
I wouldn't worry about that.....
falsely reassuring.
You'll be fine....
falsely reassuring
That's good....
giving approval, agreeing
I agree with your decision...
giving approval, agreeing
"Before we were interrupted you were telling me...
"What are your feelings about your discharge plans?
What should i do about having surgery?

What do you think?
You have said this and that.....
What meds are you taking?
seeking information
I can't sleep, I stay awake all night...

you are having difficulty sleeping?
I don't understand what you are saying....
seeking clarificiation
I am understanding you to say...
yes. I follow you.
I am not sure I understand you.
seeking clarification
go on....
offering general leads
You are smiling this morning....
making observations
I think you said....is that correct?
you seem to be saying that you have made decisions that you regret (what am I?) is that correct?
paraphrasing, then validaitng
I will stay here and sit with you awhile
offering self
My purpose for being here is.....
giving information
Who's responsibility is therapeutic communication?
the nurse

***this is the main difference between social conversation (both are responsible) and therapeutic communication
When the nurse responds to the communication of the client, what type of communication is this?
non directed communication
Any statement that starts with "I think....
premature advice