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25 Cards in this Set

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Generalized Seizures
begin in one area of the brain and rapidly spread throughout bpth hemispheres of the brain.
partial seizures or focal seizures
begin and remain in one are of the brain.
classifications of generalized seizures (5)
Tonic-clonic (grand mal seizures)
absence (petit mal seizures)
myoclonic seizures
febrile seizures
status epilepticus
Tonic-clonic seizures (grand mal)
aura, has tonic, clonic, and postictal stage
absence seizures (petit mal)
common in children, subtle symptoms.
myoclonic seizures
large jerking movements, stumbling, and falling
febrile seizures
1-2 minutes, tonic clonic activity
status epilipticus
continuous repeating seizures that do not stop. compromise airway, acidosis, low BS, low temp, lactic acid buildup. IV valium and ativan.
classification of partial seizures
simple partial seizure
complex partial seizure
simple partial seizure
occur in a single area of the brain and may involve a single muscle movement or sensory alteration. (ex 1 arm)

hallucinations, extreme emotions, twitching
complex partial seizure
involve complex sensory changes
altered LOC, aura common, no memory of seizure.

motor changes may include involuntary urination, chewing motions, diarrhea...
Involuntary violent spasm of large muscles of the face, neck, arms, and legs.

NOT synonymous with seizures.
abnormal or uncontrolled neuronal discharges in the brain.

location determines the type of seizure

symptom of an underlying disorder

seizures occur chronologically and are part of a diseas called epilepsy
Hydantoins (drug/s)
Phenytoin (Dilantin)

most common

treats tonic-clonic seizures and status epilepticus; prevents and treats seizures after neurosurgery.

treat all types of seizures except absence.
normal dilantin level

if low can have seizures still
if high can become toxic
Hydantoins (action, indication, contraindication, adv rxn, drug-drug rxn)
ACTION: Stabilize nerve membranes and limit the spread of excitability by desensitizing Na channels which determine action potential.

INDICATION: treatment of tonic clonic seizures

CONTRAINDICATIONS: hepatic or renal impairment at incr risk of toxicity.

ADV RXN: report dermatitis to MD stat (sign of toxicity, stop drug immediately). nystagmus, ataxia, dysarthria, slurred speech, dizziness, fatigue, headache, gigival hyperplasia.

DRUG-DRUG RXN: alcohol, wide variety.
Barbiturates and Barbiturate like drugs
Phenobarbitol (Solfoton, Luminal)
- drug fo choice for status epilepticus andd acute seizures. management of tonic clonic and cortical focal seizures; treatment of simple partial seizures.

Primidone (Mysoline)
treatment of tonic-clonic or partial seizure)
drug of choice for status epilepticus
phenobarbitol (solfoton, Luminal)
Barbiturates and Barbiturate like drugs
(action, indication, contraindication, adv effects, drug-drug rxn)
ACTION: CNS depressants; inhibit conduction in ascending RAS

INDICATION: long term treatment (PO) of generalized seizures, emergency control of certain acute convulsive episodes. IV give over 1 min-onset 5min. monitor for infiltrate)


ADV RXN: Somnolence, Insomnia, vertigo, hallucinations, and anxiety.

DRUG-DRUG: wide variety.
Diazepam (Valium)
-used in ER for acute seizure activity.
-useful in releiving tension, anxiety, and muscle spasm.

Clonazepam (Klonopin)
-used for the treatment of absence seizures and myoclonic seizures.
(action indication, contraindication, adv rxn, drug-drug)
ACTION:potentiat the effects of GABA, and inhibitory neurotransmitter that atabilizes nerve cell membranes.

INDICATION: management of anxiety disorders and acute alcohol with drawal; muscle relaxant; adjunct in status epilepticus and sever recurrent seizures.


ADV RXN: Drowsiness, sedation, depression, lethargy, fatigue, disorientation, and urinary retention, respiratory depression (watch rate and rhythm).

DRUG-DRUG: wide variety.
Drugs for treating absence seizures
Valproic acid (Depakene)
reduces abnormal electrical activity in the brain.

Acetazolamide (Diamox)
a sulfamide drug effective for treatment of absence seizures in children


ethosuximide (zarontin)
Drugs for treating partial seizures
carbamezipine (Tegretol)
drugs for treating partial seizures
(action, indication, contraindications, adv effects, drug-drug rxn)
ACTION: stabilize nerve membranes

INDICATION: treatment of partial seizures

CONTRAINDICATIONS: allergy, bone marrow suppression, hepatic dysfunction.

ADV RXN: drowsiness, fatigue, weakness, confusion, nausea, vomitting, and anorexia.

can be taken with food for GI upset

DRUG-DRUG: CNS depressants, numerous interactions
withdrawal from antiseizure meds
seizure free atleast 3 years

reduce dose gradually over several months

resume meds if seizures return

rebound seizures