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15 Cards in this Set

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What is osteoarthritis (degenerative joint disease)?
OA is the degeneration & loss of articular cartilage in synovial joints, usually affecting the hand and weight bearing joints (spine, knees, hips). NO INFLAMMATION
What are risk factors for OA/DJD?
OA Risk Factors
- aging
- obesity
- joint trauma: repetitive movements, frequent strains/sprains/breaks, pounding
- genetic ?
What advice can a nurse give to minimize damage to joints?
- weight reduction
- protective sports gear
- warm up before exercise
- minimize repetitive movements
Describe the pathophysiology of OA
- cartilage softesn with age, narrowing the joint space.
- normal use thins and erodes cartilage
- cartilage flakes enter the synovial lining - fibroses - synovitis - limits joint movement.
What are osteophytes and lipping?
Osteophytes are bony spurs, especially around margins of cartilage - lipping.
They can break loose and lodge in synovial space - synovitis
What are the most commonly affected joints in OA/DJD?
hips: coxarthrosis
knees: varus or valgus deformities
wrist: CMC carpo-metacarpal
What are PIP and DIP?
They are the names of the joints in the hands affected by OA/DJD.
PIP: Proximal InterPhalageal Joint
DIP: Distal InterPhalangeal Joint
What are Heberden's nodes and Bouchard's nodes and how the hell can I remember which is which?
Bouchard's Nodes are in the PIP joint. "holding a bat"
Herbreden's Nodes are in the DIP joint. "holding a hair"
What are varus and valgus deformities? And what is the memory aid for this?
Varus: bowlegged. think V AIR US - air between knees
Valgus: knock knee
What are some assessment findings in OA/DJD?
- pain relieved by resting (versus RA)
- joint stiffness, decreases with movement (versus RA)
- Heberden's Nodes & Bouchard's Nodes
- Limited ROM
- Crepitation - heard or felt
- Enlarged Joints - fluid accumulation - bony, hard, COOL (versus RA)
What are some diagnostic test findings?
Xray: narrowing of joint space, lipping, spurs, bony cysts
ESR: elevated
Arthroscopy: same as xray
What medications are used to treat OA/DJD?
- NSAIDS, acetaminophen
- steroids: injection in joint
- glucosamine with chondrotin
- hyaluronic acid prodcts - injection - synvisc
What are some complications of OA/DJD?
- contractures
- GI Bleeding (NSAIDS)
- injury
What kind of surgery might be used in OA/DJD?
- joint replacements
- arthroscopy: visualize, debride, lavage
- osteotomy: removal of bone
What nursing interventions are good for OA/DJD?
- heat/cold
- pain meds
- provide rest periods as needed
- education: exercise, weight reduction