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24 Cards in this Set

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If you were asked to suction her trachea, how long at a time would you suction?
10 secs
-As lung secretions are drawn out by tracheal suction, air is also removed. Ten seconds is the recommended time to suction (a time that removes fluid but also protects oxygen in alveoli).
Baby has no spontaneous respirations at birth. Suppose her amniotic fluid is heavily stained with meconium. Which would be your best action?
Keep her warm until a laryngoscope can be passed.
- When amniotic fluid is meconium stained, stimulating respirations can suck meconium particles into the lungs; passing a laryngoscope before respirations occur allows for suctioning and removal of meconium.
.If lung sounds can only be heard on one side, it suggests?
the ET tube is at the junction of the main stem bronchi; pulling it back ½ cm would remove it from blocking the bifurcation and allow air to enter the second lung
Babyis breathing well after ET tube placement except you hear a grunting sound. You would assess this as
abnormal; the glottis is closing on exhalation
-grunting sound suggests the glottis is closing on exhalation or the infant is having difficulty breathing b/c alveoli are completely closing on exhalation
causes both cardiac stimulation and bronchodilation (a sympathomimetic) so has both heart and airway effects.
Immature infants are at special risk for hypothermia. Hypothermia is dangerous as it leads to
-vasoconstriction, especially of the pulmonary artery.
-Infants increase their metabolic rate to warm themselves; they also constrict blood vessels to shunt blood to major organs. Pulmonary artery constriction can limit the blood that can be aerated in the lungs.
baby develops respiratory distress syndrome. This disorder occurs because
-lack of surfactant in her alveoli
-Surfactant is important for efficient respiration and does not form in utero until about the 34th to 36th week of intrauterine life.
Baby develops an elevated indirect bilirubin level so she is placed under bilirubin lights. A precaution you would want to take with this therapy is to
-be certain intake is adequate
-As bilirubin is excreted in stools, stools become loose so an infant can become dehydrated if intake is not adequate.
The diagnosis of RDS is made on the clinical signs of
GRUNTING, central cyanosis in room air, tachypnea, nasal flaring, retractions, and shock
What is the complication of O2 toxicity?
retinopathy of prematurity (blindness) bronchopulmonary dysplasia
What part of the body is involved in respiration?
-diaphgram & abd muscles
How much O2 should be admin w/ RDS?
100% via mask
Suction 1st!!
(don't bag 1st, can't get air in)
-some apnea is normal
Blood glucose level for term infants?>

-preterm infants:
1. 45

S/S of pre-term or term infants has Hypoglycemia?
-giddy, excessive sweating
-give dextrose 10%
dangers of 100% O2 given to pre-term infants/
-pulmonary edema and retinopathy of prematurity) blindness
If a newborn's amniotic fluid was meconium stained, do not stimulate an infant to breathe by rubbing the back or administering air or oxygen under pressure, why?
doing so could push meconium down into an infant's airway, further compromising respirations. Give oxygen by mask without pressure. Wait for a laryngoscope to be passed and the trachea to be deep suctioned before giving oxygen under pressure.
during 1st inspiration, stat follwoing birth, suction is applied where 1st?
mouth then nose
if fetus suffered hypoxi in utero, what will happen
brain damage
Observe LGA infants closely for signs of .
hyperbilirubinemia (increased serum bilirubin level), which may result from absorption of blood from bruising and polycythemia
_______has been caused by an infant's system attempting to fully oxygenate all body tissues. This effort puts extra stress on the heart, so the heart rate of LGA infants should be carefully observed
Why is the respiratory system affected by Polycythemia?
b/c the increase in rbc that result as a compensatory response to insufficient oxygenation of blood and caused by infants system attempting to fully oxygenate all body tissues
cause of meconium aspiration if not born breech?
had a hypoxic episode in utero
-apgar score:low
elevated level of bilirubin in the blood
destruction of brain cells by invasion of indirect bilirubin . This invasion results from the high concentrations of indirect bilirubin in the blood from excessive breakdown of red blood cells.