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9 Cards in this Set

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A- Composition: ____, ____, and ____. These units form a ________

B-Structure- ____ ____
1.Sides of the chain or ladder
a) ____ group
b) ____ group
2.Steps of the ladder
Nitrogen bases:: ____, ____, ____, and ____

C Base Pairing Rule
____ with ____ and ____ with ____
A. Deoxyribose, phosphate group, nitrogenous bases, nucleotide

B. sugar group (deoxyribose), phosphate group, adenine, thymine, cytosine, guanine

C. adenine with thymine and cytosine with guanine
Replication of DNA
A. Each of the ____ strands of the DNA double helix has all the ____ to ________. Because of this, the strands are said to be ____.

B. Replication occurs in the ____ just before the cell divides.

C. Steps in DNA Replication::
1- ____ between bases break and molecule "unzips."
2- The two halves are now exposed to free floating ____ in the nucleus.
3- The G-C and A-T pairing take place until the whole original molecule is copied.
a) There are now ____ identical strands of DNA
b) This provides enough DNA for the cell to ____

D. Replicate::
A. two, information, reconstruct the other half, complementary

B. nucleus

C. hydrogen bonds, nucleotides, two, divide

D. T C G A T C A A T T
A. ____ stranded

B. Composition:
____, ____, and ____

C. Base Pair Rule for RNA
____ with ____ and ____ with ____

D. Types of RNA
1- mRNA ____
function: ____________
2- tRNA ____
function: ____________
3- rRNA ____
function: ____________
A. single

B. ribose, phosphate group, nitrogenous bases

C. adenine with uracil and cytosine with thymine

D. messenger: brings the genetic code for protein to a ribosome for production
transfer: transfer a certain amino acid in the cytoplasm to a ribosome
ribosomal: combines with proteins to make a ribosome
A. Process occurs in the ____.

B. Double stranded ____ unwinds and unzips.

C. RNA nucleotides attach onto exposed bases of the DNA at region known as ____.

D. This new strand of RNA is ____ and it will detach from DNA and move into the ____ toward the ____
A. nucleus
C. promoters
D. mRNA, cytoplasm, ribosomes
Group of 3 bases located on ____ which will code for a certain ____ ____.
Lysine: ____, ____
Glycine: ____, ____, ____, ____
Alanine: ____, ____, ____, ____
mRNA, amino acid
Protein Synthesis is the ____ of the message::
A. The info. that DNA transfers to mRNA is in the form of a ____.
1- Each combo of ____ nucleotides on mRNA is called a ____
2- Each codon codes for a certain ____ ____
3- There are ____ codons. Sixty one specify a particular amino acid.
4- AAA: ____
AUG: ____
CGG: ____
ACG: ____
GCA: ____
UAU: ____

AUG is called an initiator codon. It tells the ribosome where to start reading the message. There are several stop codons. They are ____, ____, and ____. Their job is to ________

B. Translation
1- The decoding of a mRNA message to make a ____ chain
2- cell parts involved: ____, ____, and ____.
3- workings of translation
1) tRNA, found in the ____, works with ____.
b)One end of the tRNA attaches to a specific amino acid and the opposite side bonds with ____
c) The 3 bases on the tRNA are called ____, and they are complementary to the bases on the ____ strand
d) tRNA delivers ____ ____ in a sequence called for by mRNA codons
e) the ____ moves along the mRNA strand, reads the coded message, then translates it into a ____ ____.
f) When the ribosome reaches a "stop" codon, ________
A. code, 3, codon, amino acid, 64, lysine, methionine, arginine, threonine, alanine, tyrosine, UAG, UGA, UAA, signify the end of a polypeptide

B. polypeptide, mRNA, tRNA, ribosome, cytoplasm, mRNA, mRNA, anticodon, mRNA, amino acids, ribosome, polypeptide chain, it releases the newly formed polypeptide and the mRNA molecule
Translation (Cont'd..)::
1- What does the AUG codon tell the ribosome?
2- What does the UAG codon tell the ribosome?
3- Why is a ribosome essential for protein synthesis?
4- If a certain protein is made up of 100 amino acids, how many bases on the mRNA are needed to carry the code for the synthesis of this protein?
to start the translation
to stop
it reads the mRNA and put amino acids together
Translation (doesn't include the "Translation cont'd..")::
A. Definition: ________

B. mRNA acts as a template (pattern) and directs ____ to bring the proper amino acid to mRNA

C. tRNA has groups of 3 bases called ____ which are complementary to the ____ on ____

D. Each tRNA combines with ____ specific amino acid

E. Translation takes place in the ____
A. decoding of an mRNA message into protein (polypeptide chain)


C. anticodon, codons, mRNA

D. one

E. ribosomes
A. Made up of variations of ____ amino acids

B. The ____ in which amino acids are joined makes one protein different from another

C. The type of amino acid is determined by the ____.

D. Chromosomes, which are made of sections of the DNA molecule, control the building of every ____

E. Proteins in many ways control all reactions taking place in the cells of all organisms. List 3 functions:
A. 20

B. order

C. DNA (has the original code)

D. proteins

E. 1- support
2- structure
3- cell movement
4- enzymes