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14 Cards in this Set

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What is the principle RP used for tumor imaging?
Ga-67 citrate
what is the usual dose?
half life?
4 principle gamma peaks?
6-10 mCi
78.2 hrs
93.3 - 40%
184.6 - 24%
296.0 - 22%
388.0 - 7%
What is the method of localization for Ga-67 on tumors?
In inflammatory processes lactoferrin is released by WBC's which Ga-67 binds to. In tumors Ga-67 appears to bind to intercellular components, not clear how it happens, just know it works
What are some factors that may interfere with Ga-67 uptake?
1. chemotherapy - duffuse lung uptake
2. radiation therapy-decreased uptake
3. antibiotics - increase in colon and kidney uptake
4. Estrogen - increase in mammary tissue uptake
What is the imaging time for Ga-67 scans?
6 hours post injection to 1 week
What are 2 important factors in later imaging times (past 2 days)
1. improved sensitivity due to increased target-to-background ratio
2. low count rate makes for longer imaging times
The majority of gallium clears from the blood in ________, _____of it remains in the body, effective half life is ____ hours, within 24 hrs ______is excreted in the urine and ____ excreted in the stool
The majority of gallium clears from the blood in 3 hours, 65% of it remains in the body, effective half life is 69.5 hours, within 24 hrs 10-15% is excreted in the urine and 10% excreted in the stool
Indications for Gallium scan?
Hodgkins Lymphoma, lumphoma, bronchogenic and hepatocellular carcinoma, melanoma, inflammatory processes like cellulitis,osteomyelitis, lung conditions and FUO (fever of unknown origin)
What is sarcoidosis?
a disease in which abnormal collections of inflammatory cells called granulomas form in many organs of the body but frequently in the lungs, unknown cause
In111 for labeling WBC's uses what dose, what is the half life and energy level?
0.5 mCi
67.2 hrs
171.3 keV
When do you scan post injection for In111 and how is it localized?
taken up through chemotaxis of wbc's
scan 3-4 hrs and again 24 hrs
When is a In111 WBC scan indicated?
confirmation of an acute abscess or inflammation when ultrasound, MRI and CT findings are negative or ambiguous
why is gallium better for chronic conditions of this nature?
In111 decreases with time
which RP is better for inflammatory bowel disease?
In111 as gallium is excreted through the colon which obscures or confuses abdominal images
Which type of leukocyte has a high affinity for acute abscesses, infection and inflammation and kill microorganisms by phagocytosis and make up the majority (60%) of WBC's?
Why is Tc not used often even though is offers a higher count rate, offers easier availability and lower cost?
shorter half life, 24 hr imaging difficult
MAA is trapped in the lung arterioles and capillaries since their particle size is _______ and the vessel diameter is about _____. About _______ arterioles will occlude(less than ___) with ___ to ____ particles, cleared from lungs in _____
MAA is trapped in the lung arterioles and capillaries since their particle size is 30-40 um and the vessel diameter is about 8 um. About 1/1000 arterioles will occlude(less than 1%) with 100 to 500k particles, cleared from lungs in 2-3 hrs