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138 Cards in this Set

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What are emergency situations for CHF/Pulmonary edema?
Give o2, diuretics, Sit up-right
Why is a patient made NPO before an invasive procedure?
To prevent aspiration and help prevent nausea and vomiting
CBI (Continuous Bladder Irrigation) Interventions?
Monitor color and amount (light red to pink), check for kinks in tubing often
What are Maslows Hierarchy of needs?
Physiologic, Safety and security, Love and belongingness, Esteem, Self-actualization
What is the use of NTG (Nitroglycerin)?
Used for Angina Pectoris, which reduces pain and severity of angina attacks
What are the side effects of NTG?
Prolonged headache, hypotension
What are the signs and symptoms of parkinsons disease?
Tremors, shuffling gait, loss of postural reflexes, change in speach patterns, pill rolling
What are Nephrostomy tube interventions?
Meticulous skin care, assess for hemorrhage, accurate I&O
What are the signs and symptoms of hyperglycemia?
Dry mucous membranes, fruity breath, polydipsia, polyuria
What are the signs and symptoms of hypoglycemia?
E=excessive hunger
D=Diapharesis, dehydration
What are the signs and symptoms of appendicitis?
vomiting, low-grade fever, elevated white blood cell count, right lower quadrant pain, decreased or abscent bowel sounds
What are some interventions for appendicitis?
bed rest, NPO, comfort measures for pain relief, monitor VS, fluid/electrolyte replacement, NO HEAT APPLIED
Maintenance care for CHF patients?
Daily weights, diuretics, frequent rest periods, o2, sodium restricted diets, fluid restriction
What are the signs and symptoms of increased intracranial pressure?
Changes in LOC, headache, pupillary changes, pupil edema, doll's eyes, decreased sensory/motor function, changes in VS (I Bp, D pulse, D RR), vomiting
What are the interventions for Increased intracranial pressure?
Elevate head of bed to 30 to 45 degrees to promote venous return, restrict fluid intake, o2 via mask
What are the Signs and symptoms of Cataracts?
blurred vision, diplopia, photo sensitivity, glare, dif. driving at night
What are the post-op cataract surgery instructions?
Antibiotic and corticosteriod drops, avoid bending, stooping, coughing, wear an eye patch at night
What are COPD interventions?
Low flow o2 (1-2 L), bronchodilators, albuterol, atrovert, increased protein and calorie intake, frequent small meals
What are some interventions to prevent, treat pressure ulcers?
turn and position every 2 hours, frequent skin assessment, topical barriers, special mattresses
What are the signs and symptoms of Right sided CVA?
Paralyzed left side, left sided neglect, short attention span, safety problems, impaired judgement
What are signs and symptoms of Left sided CVA?
Paralyzed right side, impaired speech/language, slow performance, cautious, depression
Why do we check for bowel sounds?
To listen or check for problems with the bowels. Listen for 1 minute in 4 quadrants
What are some indications that there are no bowel sounds present?
No bowel movement or gargling with in 1 min.
How should Prednisone be taken?
tablets, solution
What is the minimal amount of urine output per hour?
30 mL
What is the minimal amount of urine output per day?
1000-2000 mL per day
What are analgesics used for?
Used to relieve pain without causing loss of consciousness or reflex activity
What are antipyretics used for?
used to reduce a fever
What are post-pneumonectomy interventions/assessment?
place patient in comfortable sitting position, cough/deep breathe, explain important of changing positions, admin. o2 prn, assess incision, prevent infection, assess lung sounds, pain meds, monitor VS
What are some cast care/handling instructions?
Do not put anything under the cast, support cast with pillows, inspect skin for erythema or skin impairment, report complaints of pain under cast, perform neurovascular checks
What are some risks of having a cast?
infection, irritation, neurovascular pressure, edema, compartment syndrome, DVT
What are some reasons for an amputation?
Crushing injury, trauma, disease. (blood flow cannot be restored to affected area)
What are some types of amputations?
Above the knee, below the knee
What are some interventions for amputations?
observe for signs of hemorrhage or bleeding, monitor and document drainage, neurovascular checks, prevent contractures, educate pt. about phantom limb sensation
What are some post-op complications of amputations?
phantom limb pain, infection, feelings of loss and anger
What are the signs and symptoms of shock?
tachycardia, restlessness, apprehension, cold moist skin, cyanosis
What is the treatment for Shock?
Admin. o2, raise pts. legs above the level of the heart, increase rate of IV fluids
What does ABC stand for?
Airway, breathing, circulation
What is the cause of hyperparathyroidism?
increased PTH d/t tumor, chronic renal failure
What are the signs and symptoms of hyperparathyroidism?
increased blood calcium levels, weight loss, bone pain, lethargy
What are some interventions for hyperparathyroidism?
Surgical removal, diuretics, strain urine for stones
What is the cause of hypoparathyroidism?
Decreased blood calcium d/t low PTH levels d/t accidental removal during thryoidectomy
What are the signs and symptoms of hypoparathyroidism?
Decreased blood calcium levels, muscle spasms, tetany, kidney stones
What are some interventions for hypoparathyroidsim?
Respiratory assessment, increase calcium intake, teach s&s of hypocalcemia
What is the cause of cushings disease?
Excessive corticosteriods caused by adrenal hyperplasia/tumor of adrenal cortex. Also can be caused by prolonged steriod use
What are the signs and symptoms of cushings disease?
weight gain, moon face, buffalo hump, thin arms and legs d/t muscle wasting, low potassium levels, back problems, mood swings, depression
What are some interventions for cushings disease?
adrenalectomy, low salt diet, good skin care, support with ADL's
What is the cause of addisons disease?
d/t not enough corticoids. The most common cause is autoimmune response. Destruction of adrenal tissue
What are the signs and symptoms of addisons disease?
n/v/d, anorexia, weight loss, dry mucous membranes, hypoglycemia, dark pigmented areas on the skin
What are some interventions for addisons disease?
decrease potassium, increase sodium, watch for adrenal crisis
What are some risks for a thyroidectomy?
bleeding, vocal paralysis, hypoparathyroidism
What are some pre-op interventions for a thryroidectomy?
rest, keep room cool, teach deep breathing
What are some post-op interventions for a thyroidectomy?
HOB up (semi-fowlers), avoid hyperextension of neck, must have trach kit at bedside, airway assessment, make sure gag reflex returns
What are some tests for Diabetes Mellitus?
Fasting blood sugar (FBS), oral glucose tolerance test, serum insulin, glycosuria, C-PEPTIDE test, glycosylated hemoglobin, postparndial blood sugar (PPBS)
What is Type 1 diabetes?
Insulin dependent
What are the signs and symptoms of type 1 diabetes?
polyphasia, polyuria, polydipsia, dehydration, weight loss, fatigue, progressive destruction of beta cells
What are some interventions for type 1 diabetes?
insulin, diet, exercise, knowledge of disease process
What are some complications of type 1 diabetes?
risk for cardiovasuclar disease, infections, slow healing rate, renal failure, damaged blood vessels
What are the signs and symptoms of type 2 diabetes?
blurred vision, increased UTI's, hypertension, yeast infections, decrease healing rate
What are some interventions for type 2 diabetes?
diet, exercise, oral agents
What are some meds for post-op bladder spasms??
anticholinergic agents, neostigmine (prostigmine)
What are some super pubic catheter care interventions and complications?
Check for leaks and kinks, check for blood or exudate, assess for infection
What are some interventions for constipation?
increase fiber intake, increase fluid intake, ambulation
What is a papsear?
method of examining stained exfoliative peeling and sloughed off tissue or cells
What is a pelvic exam?
Visualization and palpation of the vulva, perineum, vagina, cervix, ovaries and uterine surfaces
What are some risks for cervical cancer?
Multiple sexual partners, multiple births, lower socioeconomic status, smoking, chronic infections
What are the signs and symptoms of cervical cancer?
luekorrhea, irregular vaginal bleeding or spotting between menstration periods, severe pain in the back, upper thighs and legs
What are some interventions for cervical cancer?
Verbal reassurance, position comfortably, maintain body alignment, provide pain relief measures, change dressing frequently, monitor skin
What is SBE?
This is a self breast exam. The entire breast should be examined systemically, clockwise, in a circular motion
What is chemotherapy used for?
to reduce or slow the growth of metastic cancer
What are the complications of chemotherapy?
destruction of normal cells, n/v/d, can result in other problems
What are some interventions of musculoskeletal injuries?
restricted activities, check for sensation, assess for edema
What is involved in the assessment of a musculoskeletal injuries?
patient description of injury and pain, signs of edema, limited function, ecchymosis of soft tissue around injury
What is muscular atrophy?
muscle wasting causing weakness from not being used
What are the signs and symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis?
joint stiffness that is worse in the morning, fatigue, anorexia, weight loss, fever. red, swollen, warm joints
What is rheumatoid arthritis?
inflammatory disease of connective tissue
What is osteoarthritis?
wear and tear disease from overuse or injury
What are the signs and symptoms of osteoarthritis?
stiffness and pain in joint, may become enlarged over time
What is the treatment for rheumatoid arthritis?
meds, heat and cold applications, rest and stress reduction, pain management
What is the treatment of osteoarthritis?
rest of joint, weight loss if overweight, meds to reduce pain and inflammation, joint replacement
What are the signs and symptoms of salicylate toxicity?
Tinnitus, impaired hearing, sweating, fever, lethargy, dizziness, mental confusion, N/V, can lead to respiratory depression and coma
Compound or open fracture
through the skin
Simple or closed fracture
not through the skin
complete fracture
broke all the way
incomplete fracture
hairline or crack in bone
communuted fracture
crushing break
displaced fracture
moved from origin
spiral fracture
greenstick fracture
break from a bend in the bone
Pathological fracture
unknown reason for the break
compression fracture
splinters from compression
impacted fracture
What is ORIF?
open-reduction with internal fixation. Surgical procedure allowing fracture alignment under direct visualization while using various internal fixation devices applied to the bone
What is closed reduction of fractures?
manual manipulations, moving bony fragments into position by applying traction and pressure to distal fragments
What are the signs and symptoms of ulcerative colitis?
rectal bleeding, abdominal cramping, lethargy, weight loss, abd. distention, fever, tachycardia
What are some interventions for ulcerative colitis?
antidiarrheals, antiinflammatores, diet therapy, stess control, surgery
What are some complicaitons of ulcerative colitis?
dehydration, abdominal pain
What are the signs and symptoms of crohns disease?
diarrhea, fatigue, abd. pain, weight loss, fever, anemia, dehydration, weakness, stress
What are some interventions for chohns disease?
drug therapy, antiinflammatory agents, corticosteriods, vit. b12 injections, immunosuppressants, surgery
what are some complications of chrohns disease?
electrolyte imbalance, sleeplessness d/t diarrhea
What are the signs and symptoms of thrombophlebitis?
pain, edema, positive homans signs, erythema, warmth and tenderness along the vein
What are some interventions for thrombophlebitis?
early mobilization, changing position, skin checks
What is a complication of thrombophlebitis?
Can cause a pulmonay embolus
What is a colostomy?
Part of the colon is removed or disconnected and the colon is brought through the abd. wall to form a stoma
What types of colostomys are there?
Sigmoid, transverse, descending
What are some colostomy complications?
What signs and symptoms indicate that bowels are working?
Bowel sounds, bowel movements, gurgling in all four quadrants
What is PUD?
excess of gastric acid, decrease in natural ability of GI mucosa to protect itself from acid and pepsin
What are the signs and symptoms of PUD?
weight loss, burning left epigastric area, food leads to pain frequently
What are some complications of cholecysteectomy?
jaundice, hemorrhage, increased HR, increased Temp
What are the post-op instructions for a cholecystectomy?
care of the tube, follow up care, stones may reaccur
What is the actual cause of ascites?
the damaged live can't metabolize protein normally
What is the appearance of ascites?
veins in the upper part of the body distend
What are the signs and symptoms of Cirrhosis?
enlarged liver, pain in RUQ, dyspepsia, change in bowel habits, weight loss, ascites, jaundice
What is the most common cause of Cirrhosis?
alcohol consumption
What are some complications of Cirrhosis?
Portal hypertension, ascites, esophageal varices
What is the treatment for Cirrhosis?
eliminate ETOH and hepatic toxins, high protein/calorie diet, low fat/sodium diet, antiemetics, fluid restriction
What are some organic brain disorders?
Meningitis, Guillain-Barre Syndrome, Encephalitis, West nile
What could indicate possible abuse in children?
burns, falls, MVA, ingestion, frequent injuries explained as accidents, conflicting stories, fear of parents
What are some of the focuses for a terminally ill patient?
Pain management, palliative care, quality of life
What is Pentobarbital (Drug)
(barbitone) depresses activity in the brain cells. It is used for insomnia, sedation, Pre-op, IICP, dental anesthetic (can be given PO, IM, IV
What are the stages of anxiety?
Mild, Moderate, Severe
What are the signs and symptoms of the mild stage of anxiety?
increased vs, awareness of danger, able to think and make corrections, heightened awareness, motivated
What are the signs and symptoms of the Moderate stage of anxiety?
tense, decreased perception, alert to specific information only, HA, N/V/D, back pain
What are the signs and symptoms of the Severe stage of anxiety?
Feelings of impending danger, distorted perception, communication distored and dif. to understand, fatigue
What is the use for Digitalis?
treat mild to severe systolic heart failure where the patient does not respond to diuretics or beta blockers
What are the side effects of Digitalis use?
decreased pulse rate, casoconstriction
What are the toxicity signs and symptoms of Digitalis overdoes?
pulse defecit, bigeminy, loss of appetite, N/V/D, extreme fatigue, blurred vision
What med is admin. during CPR to reverse acidosis?
Sodium Bicarbonate
What is the dif. between Angina and an MI?
agina is spasmatic cramplike chest pain that resembles an MI, and an MI is an occlusion of a major artery
What is the cause of anemia?
delivery of insufficient amounts of o2 to tissues and cells
What are the signs and symptoms of anemia?
anorexia, cardiac dialation, disorientation, vertigo, dyspepsia, dyspnea, fatigue, HA, insomnia, pallar, shortness of breath, tachy
What are some of the diagnostic tests used for cardiac d/o's?
cardiac catheritization, angiography, ECG, EKG, thallium scanning
What is pulse defecit?
Difference between apical and radial pulse
What is thrombocytopenia?
an abnormal hematological condition in which the number of platelets is reduced to fewer than 150,000/mm3
What are the signs and symptoms of thrombocytopenia?
the s&s correlate with the platelet count (petechiae and ecchymoses on the skin)
What are some complications of thrombocytopenia?
if the level drops to less than 100,000/mm3 then the risk for bleeding becomes a factor
What is the tx for thrombocytopenia?
corticosteroid therapy and splenectomy