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66 Cards in this Set

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Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

anti-inflammatory activities

act primarily by inhibiting the cyclooxygenase enzymes (NOT lipoxygenase enzymes)
What is the prototype NSAID?
Pharmacological Actions of NSAIDS
1. inhibition of COX, which then inhibits production of prostaglandins and thromboxanes
COX Types
1. COX-1

2. COX-2
constitutive enzyme expressed in most tissues, including blood platelets

involved in cell-to cell signaling, tissue homeostasis, generates prostanoids for housekeeping : gastric epithelial cytoprotection

early-response gene product

upregulated by shear stress, growth factors, tumor promoters, cytokines

major source of prostanoid in inflammation and cancer
Where is COX-2 constitutive in the body?
Kidney and Brain
What is the primary source of vascular prostacyclin?
Endothelial COX-2
What are kidney COX-2 derived prostanoids important for?
normal renal development and function
Do NSAIDs block both COX isozymes?
Most Yes

anti-inflammatory action is mostly due to blocking of COX-2

adverse affects causing gastric damage is due to inhibition of COX-1
selective COX-2 inhibitor

minimizes GI adverse effects
Aspirin and the Salicylates
Irreversibly acetylating and inactivating cyclooxygenase

all other NSAIDs are all reversible inhibitors of cyclooxygenase

aspirin is rapidly deacetylated by esterases in the body, producing salicylate----> antiinflammatory, antipyretic and analgesic effects
Does salicylate inhibit COX?
Not very well
MOA of Aspirin and Salicylate
Antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effects: primarily due to blockade of prostaglandin synthesis at the thermoregulatory centers of hypothalamus and at peripheral sites.

Salicylates also prevents sensitization of pain receptors to both mechanical and chemical stimuli.

Aspirin may also depress pain stimuli at subcortical sites (thalamus and hypothalamus)
Uses/Actions of Aspirin
1. Reduce Inflammation
2. Reduce Pain
3. Reduce Fever
Anti-Inflammatory Actions
diminishes synthesis of prostaglandins and thus modulates those aspects of inflammation in which prostaglandins act as mediators

NSAIDs are more effective than opiods in treating pain in which inflammation
Analgesic Actions
PGE2 is thought to sensitize nerve endings to action of bradykinin, histamine, and other chemical mediators released by inflammatory process

decreasing PGE2 synthesis, aspirin and other NSAIDs repress sensation of pain

salicylates are used for managment of pain low to moderate intensity arising from integumental structures rather than arising from viscera
How do NSAIDs relieve headaches?
Abrogation of the vasodilatory effect of prostaglandins in the cerebral vasculature
Antipyretic Actions
reduce elevated temperatures but has no real effect on normal body temperature

Aspirin blocks both pyrogen induced production of prostaglandins and the CNS repsonse to interleukin-1 and so may reset the temperature control in the hypothalamus
How is fever produced in infection?
1. production of prostaglandins in the CNS in response to bacterial pyogenes

2. Effect of interleukin-1 on hypothalamus. IL-1 is produced by macrophages and released during inflammatory responses
Respiratory Actions
@ therapeutic doses it increases alveolar ventilation

salicylates uncouple oxidative phosphorylation----> elevated CO2 and increased respiration

Higher doses work directly on the respiratory center in the medulla, resulting in hyperventilation and respiratory alkalosis (but is compensated via kidneys)

Toxic Levels: centeral respiratory paralysis occurs and respiratory acidosis ensues
GI Effects
PGI2 inhibits gastric acid secretion

PGE2 and PGF2alpha stimulate synthesis of protective mucus in stomach and small intestine

Presence of aspirin, prostanoids are not formed resulting in increase in gastric secretion and decrease in protective mucus
how much blood loss may occur through GI at normal doses of aspirin?
3-8ml lost in feces per day due to ulcerations and hemorrhage
What can be used in response to damage by NSAIDs?

Proton pump inhibitors

H2 blockers
PGE1 derivative
Effect on Platelets
TXA2 is generated by platelets: vasoconstrictor and inducer of platelet aggregation

PGI2 is generated by endothelium: vasodilator and inhibitor of platelet aggregation

Aspirin irreversibly inhibits TXA2 production in platelets

Aspirin does not affect the production of PGI2 at pharmacological low doses because endothelial cells are able to synthesize more PGI2
What does the decrease in TXA2 levels accomplish?
inhibition of platelet aggregation and prolonged bleeding time
Actions on the Kidney
Decrease in Renal Blood Flow with persons with compromised renal hemodynamics.

Kidney's normally synthesize vasodilating prostaglandins PGE2 and PGI2 to offset the effects of vasoconstricting mediators and maintain renal perfusion----maintain GFR

NSAID-induced decreases in PGE2 can increase sodium and water retention and can produce peripheral edema, weight gain, inc. blood pressure, etc.

NSAID induced decrease in PGI2 may lead to Hyperkalemia and acute renal failure
Actions of the Kidney (II)
type I hypersensitivity can cause ACUTE Interstitial Nephritis
Actions of Kidney (III)
Chronic interstitial nephritis is caused by prolonged and excessive consumption of analgesics

renal papillary necrosis results and a response to the necrosis, a chronic interstitial nephritis develops leading to progressive chronic renal failure
Other Effects
long term use of aspirin at low dosage is associated with a lower incidence of colon cancer
antipyretics and analgesics:headache, arthralgia, myalgia, gout, rheumatic fever, rheumatoid arthritis

Cardiovascular applications: inhibit platelet aggregation
low doses used prophylactically to decrease incidence of transient ischemic attack and unstable angina in men as well as that of coronary artery thrombosis
facilitates closure of patent ductus arteriousus

PGE2 keeps it open

Colon Cancer prevention

External Applications: topically for corns, calluses and epidermophytosis
Low Dosage

325-mg aspirin tablets taken 4 times a day

prophylactic for 1st MI

reduce incidence of recurrent MI and reduce mortality in post MI patients
Higher Dosage

45mg/kg/d in divided doses
Aspirin Fate
hydrolyzed to salicylate and acetic acid by esterase in tissues and blood

low doses--->salicylate is mainly converted by liver to hydrosoluble conjugates (glycine and glucuronate)----->excreted by kidney

low dose---> first order kinetics and half life of 3.5
Aspirin PK with dose 1g or greater
conjugation of enzymes become saturated and zero-order kinetics is observed

first order is observed afters salicylate drops to 300mg of aspirin in the body
Aspirin and Uric Acid secretion
secreted into urine and can affect excretion of uric acid

salicylate uses the same transport system as uric acid

low concentrations compete with uric acid for secretion into tubular fluid and reduce uric acid secretion

high concentrations compete with uric acid for reabsorption and thus increase uric acid secretion in the urine
mild intoxication= salicylism

severe intoxication=restlessness, delirium, hallucinations, convulsions, coma, respiratory and metabolic acidosis, and death from respiratory failure
epigastric distress
Blood AE
prolonged bleeding time
Hypersensitivity AE
15% of patients experience hypersensitivity reactions
Reye's Syndrome
hepatic encephalopathy and liver steatosis in young children

aspirin therapy during the course of febrile viral infection has been implicated as a potential etiology of liver damage

use acetaminophen instead in children
Repiratory and Metabolism AE
hyperventilation and respiratory alkalosis. This causes renal excretion of bicarbonate, as a compensatory response, resulting in a mild decrease in buffering capacity

Metabolic acidosis caused by accumulation of acids as a result of:
1. salicylates are weak acids
2. salicylates impair renal function leading to accumulation of sulfuric and phosphoric acid
3. increased synthesis of ketone bodies
4. salicylates also inhibit key dehydrogenases in kreb cycle resulting in increased pyruvate and lactate
Acute Salicylate Overdose
patients present with mixed respiratory alkalosis and metabolic acidosis
High Dose or Prolonged Exposure Respiratory and Metabolism
depressant effect of salicylates on the medulla appears

toxic doses cause central respiratory paralysis as well as circulatory collapse secondary to vasmotor depression

death usually occurs from respiratory failure after a period of unconsciousness
Other AE
elevation of liver enzymes
decreased renal function

daily dose of 2g or less---> increases serum uric acid levels

daily dose exceding 4g decrease urate levels below 2.5mg/kL
COX-2 Selective Inhibitors


COX-2 Selective Inhibitors General
block active site of COX-2 isoenzyme

have analgesic, antipyretic and antiinflammatory effects with fewer GI side effects

have NO impact on platelet aggregation---> don't offer cardioprotective actions of non-selective NSAIDs
COX-2 Renal
constitutively active in kidney so same AE as nonselective
COX-2 Inhibitor
associated with cardiovascular thrombotic events due to balance of COX-1 to COX-2

there is more COX-1 than COX-2

COX-1 promotes platelet aggregation
only selective COX-2 inhibitor available in the US
second generation COX-2 inhibitor with the highest selectivity ratio

not approved in US
inhibits COX-2 but not as selective as coxibs
1. treatment of mild to moderate pain due to inflammation: arthritis and gout

2. COX-2 inhibitors are primarily used in inflammatory disorders

3. Selected NSAIDS are used for conditions including dysmenorrhea, headache, patent ductus arteriousus
4. Long term- reduces risk of colon cancer
Other AE
Renal Damage

hematologic reactions: indomethacin and ibuprofen

Celecoxib is a sulfanomide and can cause hypersensitivity reaction (rashes)

Phenylbutazone can cause hematologic AE (aplastic anemia)
mild to moderate pain when anti-inflammatory effect is NOT necessary
toxic prodrug that is metabolized to acetaminophen
Acetaminophen is not an NSAID but is sometimes grouped with them
1. weak COX-1 and COX-2 inhibitor
2. No significant anti-inflammatory effect
3. MOA is unclear
4. COX-3 inhibitor (key in CNS)
5. No antiplatelet effects
6. Does not affect uric acid levels
Acetaminiphen AE
overdose or renal impairment: is a dangerous hepatotoxin

prompt acetylcysteine maybe lifesaving after an overdose
Go over relative risk of GI adverse effects pg. 8 in notes
Other AE
Renal Damage

hematologic reactions: indomethacin and ibuprofen

Celecoxib is a sulfanomide and can cause hypersensitivity reaction (rashes)

Phenylbutazone can cause hematologic AE (aplastic anemia)
mild to moderate pain when anti-inflammatory effect is NOT necessary
toxic prodrug that is metabolized to acetaminophen
Acetaminophen is not an NSAID but is sometimes grouped with them
1. weak COX-1 and COX-2 inhibitor
2. No significant anti-inflammatory effect
3. MOA is unclear
4. COX-3 inhibitor (key in CNS)
5. No antiplatelet effects
6. Does not affect uric acid levels
Acetaminiphen AE
overdose or renal impairment: is a dangerous hepatotoxin

prompt acetylcysteine maybe lifesaving after an overdose