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69 Cards in this Set

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What is derived from the original prosencephalon / forebrain?
The telencephalon & diencephalon.
What does the telencephalon give rise to?
Paired cerebral hemispheres
What do the cerebral hemispheres consist of?
Cerebral cortex, corpus striatum & medullary center.
What is the cerebral cortex?
Outer layer of gray matter. Sulci & gyri are here. Some deep sulci = fissures.
What is the corpus striatum?
series of nuclei w/in telencephalon.
What are the nuclei within the corpus striatum? Together they are called? What are they good for?
Caudate, putamen & globus pallidus. Together they are called the basal ganglia. MOTOR CONTROL.
What is the medullary center?
Large mass of white matter w/in cerebral hemispheres that carries information to/from cerebral cortex, corpus striatum, thalamus etc. Info from one side to the other via corpus callosum.
How do the lateral ventricles communicate with each other?
Via the interventricular foramina (of Monro)
What are the 4 parts the diencephalon develops into?
Thalamus. Hypothalamus. Epithalamus. Subthalamus.
What are clues to seeing the hypothalamus?
mammillary bodies
What makes up the brain stem? Where is it?
It is in the posterior fossa below the tentorium. Midbrain, pons, medulla.
What is the only derivative of the mesencephalon?
What is part of the midbrain?
Cerebral aquaduct (of Sylvius)
What does the cerebral aquaduct do?
connects the 3rd and 4th ventricles
What are other characteristic features of the midbrain?
Tectum has colliculi.
Cerebral crura - 2 large fiber bundles --carry info from cerebral cortex to the brain stem and spinal cord
What does the rhombencephalon / hindbrain develop into?
Metencephalon & Myenchephalon...both surround the 4th ventricle.
What comes from the metencephalon?
Pons & Cerebellum
What does the cerebellum do?
Coordinates complex motor function. Works subconsciously
What is derived from the myelencephalon?
What structures are supratentorial?
Telencephalon & Diencephalon
What delimits the rostral boundary between the diencephalon & the telencephalon?
Draw a line from interventricular foramen (of Monro) and the optic chiasm.
Boundary between the mesencephalon & diencephalon?
Draw a line between posterior commissure and the mamillary bodies
What / where is 3rd ventricle?
Narrow slit in midline bxt 2 halves of diencephalon.
How does the 3rd ventricle communicate?
By the interventricular foramina (of Monro)
What forms the rostral wall of the 3rd ventricle?
the Lamina terminalis
What lies w/in the transverse cerebral fissure?
The tentorium.
• Longitudinal cerebral fissure
• Central cerebral fissure (of Rolando)
• Lateral cerebral sulcus (of Sylvius)
long - separates 2 hemispheres
central - in bxt frontal & parietal
lateral - bxt temporal & frontal and parietal
• Lateral cerebral sulcus (of Sylvius)
o Anterior ramus
o Ascending ramus
o Posterior ramus
ant - rostrally & horizontally
asc - dorsally into inferior frontal ramus
pos - remaining...separates the parietal and temporal lobes
how can you id the precentral gyrus?
the first gyrus from the frontal pole backward that is oriented in a dorsal to ventral direction rather than a/p
How is the boundary of the occipital lobe defined?
draw a line from preoccipital notch to the parieto-occipital sulcus
what part of the frontal lobe helps with motor mechanisms of speech? and what else is this area called?
The triangular and opercular portions of the inferior frontal gyrus. Broca's area.
what part of the frontal lobe is imp for primary motor cortex...mvmts of contralateral body parts?
the precentral gyrus
What part of the Parietal lobe is involved in the primary sensory cortex where info from contralateral body parts mingles?
Post central gyrus
What is the inferior parietal lobule important for?
Interpretation and understanding sensory information - like language.
Why can't we see the transverse temporal gyri? what else are they called? what do they do?
hidden in lateral sulcus/fissure. aka Heschl's convolusions. Is the primary auditory cortex.
where is the insula? what else is it called?
cortex that is buried underneath the frontal, parietal and temporal lobes. aka Island of Reil
How can you locate the primary visual cortex?
'on the banks' of the calcarine fissure (which is inbetween the cuneus & lingual gyri). Mostly on medial surface of occipital lobe.
Where is the lamina terminalis? What does it represent?
Between the anterior commissure and the anterior border of the optic chiasm.

represents the original most rostral aspect of the prosencephalon -- before the telencephalon proliferated and grew over and around the diencephalon, etc.
What is a commisure?
a structure that links opposite sides of the brain.
What is the function of the corpus callosum?
has myelinated nerve fibers that interconnects the two hemispheres - allows information transfer between the 2 sides of the brain.
Where is the cingulate gyrus found?
above the corpus callosum
Where is the callosal sulcus?
Between the corpus callosum and the cingulate gyrus
How is the cingulate sulcus defined?
It separates the cingulate gyrus from the superior frontal gyrus. Also makes the posterior boundary of the paracentral lobule.
What forms the paracentral lobule? What is its function?
Is formed from the precentral and postcentral gyri ans they extend onto the medial surface.

includes the somatosensory (motor and sensory) representation for the lower extremities
What does the parieto-occipital sulcus delineate?
Separates the occipital and parietal lobes.
Where is the precuneus?
between the paracentral lobule and the parieto-occipital sulcus
What does the calcarine sulcus divide?
Divides the occipital lobe into the cuneus & lingual gyrus.
In the occipital lobe...what types of visual cortexes are found where?
Upper visual field on lingual gyrus
Lower visual field on cuneus.
Where is the gyrus rectus?
Inferior surface - medial to olfactory sulcus
What does the olfactory sulcus demarcate?
marks the position of the olfactory bulb and tract on the orbital surface of the frontal lobe
Where is the primary olfactory cortex? What is in it?
Is in the anterior portion of the parahippocampal gyrus & uncus. Temporal lobe.
Where is the anterior perforated substance? How does it get its name?
Caudal to the olfactory stria. 'perforated' by blood vessels entering the brain
What is the Limbic System important for?
Emotional and behavioral responses to stimuli.
What connects the cingulate gyrus to the parahippocampal gyrus?
Isthmus of the cingulate gyrus which is posterior to the splenium of the corpus callosum.
What is the uncus?
Most anterior aspect of the parahippocampal gyrus
What is the largest mass of white matter inside the cerebral hemisphere?
Medullary Center
What are commissural fibers? BIg example?
Connect comparable areas of the cortex on the 2 sides of the brain. corpus callosum is ex.
What are projection fibers? Ex?
Connect the cerebral cortex and subcortical areas. Internal Capsule
Where can you find the fornix?
Origin in the hippocampus and terminates in a number of structures including the mammillary bodies.
What are 3 important functional areas of the cerebral cortex?
---Post central gyrus: Primary somatic sensory cortex: brings to consciousness the senses of touch, pressure, position sense, pain and temperature.
---Pre-central gyrus: Primary motor cortex: controls fine, highly skilled “voluntary” movements
---Broca’s area (part of the left inferior frontal gyrus) is important to the formulation of speech
What is the parahippocampal gyrus responsible for?
Olfactory function (rostral aspect)
What is the hippocampus for? Where is it?
Learning & Memory. Rolled up inside the parahippocampal gyrus.
What is the ventricular system?
CSF filled spaces inside the brain.
What are the anatomical boundaries of the thalamus?
Stria medullaris thalami (dorsally) & hypothalamic sulcus (ventrally)
What does the interthalamic adhesion do?
Connects the 2 halves of the thalamus across the space of the 3rd ventricle in about 80% of specimens.
What is the function of the thalamus?
Relays sensory info from peripheral sensory receptors to the cerebral cortex.

Controls electrocortical activity of the cerebral cortex

Integrates motor function thru connections w/ cerebellum, basal ganglia and motor cerebral cortex.
What is the main job of the hypothalamus?
Controls visceral functions through the endocrine system and the ANS.
What is the function of the posterior commissure?
Route for nerve fibers to cross the midline.
Where is subthalamus? What does it do?
Ventral to the (dorsal) thalamus and lateral to the hypothalamus. For motor function.