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23 Cards in this Set

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What are the short muscles associated with Pronation Distortion Syndrome?
1. Gastrocnemius
2. Soleus
3. Peroneals
4. Adductors
5. Iliotibial head
6. Hip flexor complex
7. Bicep Femoris (short head)
What are the lengthened muscles associated with Pronation Distortion Syndrome?
1. Anterior Tibialis
2. Posterior Tibialis
3. Vastus Medialis (VMO)
4. Gluteus Medius/Maximus
5. External hip rotators
Increased knee adduction is a likely symptom of what syndrome?
Pronation Distortion Syndrome
Increased knee internal rotation is a likely symptom of what syndrome?
Pronation Distortion Syndrome
Increased foot pronation is a likely symptom of what syndrome?
Pronation Distortion Syndrome
Increased foot external rotation is a likely symptom of what syndrome?
Pronation Distortion Syndrome
People with this syndrome are likely to have decreased ankle dorsiflexion and inversion.
Pronation Distortion Syndrome
What are the short muscles associated with Lower Crossed Syndrome?
1. Gastrocnemius
2. Soleus
3. Hip flexor complex
4. Adductors
5. Latissimus dorsi
6. Erector spinae
What are the lengthened muscles associated with Lower Crossed Syndrome?
1. Anterior tibialis
2. Posterior tibialis
3. Gluteus maximus
4. Gluteus medius
5. Transverse abdominis
6. Internal oblique
Lumbar extension is a likely symptom of which syndrome?
Lower Crossed Syndrome
People with this syndrome are likely to have decreased hip extension.
Lower Crossed Syndrome
What are the short muscles associated with Upper Crossed Syndrome?
1. Upper trapezius
2. Levator sacpulae
3. Sternocleidomastoid
4. Scalenes
5. Latissimus dorsi
6. Teres major
7. Subscapularis
8. Pectoralis major/minor
What are the lengthened muscles associated with Upper Crossed Syndrome?
1. Deep cervical flexors
2. Serratus anterior
3. Rhomboids
4. Mid- trapezius
5. Lower trapezius
6. Teres minor
7. Infraspinatus
Increased cervical extension is a likely symptom of which syndrome?
Upper Crossed Syndrome
Increased scapular protraction/elevation are likely symptoms of which syndrome?
Upper Crossed Syndrome
Decreased shoulder extension is a likely symptom of which syndrome?
Upper Crossed Syndrome
Decreased external rotation of the shoulders in a likely symptom of which syndrome?
Upper Crossed Syndrome
What are the kinetic chain checkpoints on the Overhead Squat Assessment?
1. Foot and Ankle
2. Knee
3. Lumbo-pelvic-hip complex (LPHC)
4. Shoulders
5. Head and cervical spine
An excessive forward lean on an OSA is probably due to what overactive muscles?
1. Soleus
2. Gastrocnemius
3. Hip Flexor Complex
4. Abdominal complex
An excessive forward lean on an OSA is probably due to what underactive muscles?
1. Anterior tibialis
2. Gluteus maximus
3. Erector Spinae
A low back arch on an OSA is probably due to what overactive muscles?
1. Hip Flexor complex
2. Erector Spinae
3. Latissimus dorsi
Arms falling forward on an OSA is probably due to what overactive muscles?
1. Latissimus Dorsi
2. Teres major
3. Pectoralis major/minor
Arms falling forward on an OSA is probably due to what underactive muscles?
1. Mid/lower trapezius
2. Rhomboids
3. Rotator cuff