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70 Cards in this Set

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What supplies the first part of the duodenum?
Arteries that arise from branches of the celiac trunk
What is the function of the epiploic foramen of Winslow
-fluid flow between hepatorenal pouch and lesser sac
-lesser sac and peritoneal cavity
What is the lesser bursa (omental sac)?
The lesser bursa/omental sac is behind the lesser omentum and the stomach
What is the greater bursa?
Everything else besides the lesser bursa from beneath the diaphragm to below the pelvic cavity
What are the three large unpaired arteries arising from the abdominal aorta? (look in dissector to see the other ways they grouped the arteries)
The groups are:
large paired
large unpaired
what else
How many neurons are in a circuit of the autonomic ns?
1st neuron - preganglionic begins in CNS
2nd neuron - postganglionic begins in PNS in a ganglion
What is important to know about white rami and grey rami in terms of myelination?
White are more heavily myelinated whereas gray are unmyelinated/lightly myelinated
What is important to know about white/grey rami in terms of position?
White rami are more laterally positioned, grey rami are more medially positioned
What is the path of preganglionic cells (beg to sympathetic chain ganglion)?
1) Start out with their cell bodies in the interomediolateral cell column of T1-L2
2) leave through the ventral root
3) leave the spinal nerve through the white communicating rami
4) from white communicating rami go to sympathetic chain ganglion
What is the role of the white communicating rami?
They get preganglionics from the spinal nerve to the sympathetic ganglion
What is the role of the grey communicating rami?
They get the postganglionics from the sympathetic chain ganglia to the spinal nerve
What is the difference between white and grey communicating rami in terms of position?
White rami are more lateral, gray rami are more medial
Where can you find white rami?
Where can you find grey rami?
at every spinal level
Where are post ganglionic cell bodies located?
Sympathetic chain ganglia
Which spinal nerve levels have gray rami only?
Which system provides splanchnic nerves? What is the exception?
Splanchnic nerves are sympathetic in all cases except for pelvic splanchnic nerves
What is the lymphatic drainage system of the lower limb?
Superficial inguinal-->deep inguinal --> external iliac nodes (deep inguinal drains into external iliac) or (starting from internal iliac nodes)--> common iliac nodes --> lumbar nodes --> Cisterna chyli --> thoracic duct
What are the lymph drainages analogous to? (How can you tell where the lymph will drain?)
It seems like they are named after the arteries that supply them
How would prostate lymph drain?
External/internal iliac --> common iliac --> lumbar --> cisterna chyli --> thoracic duct
Where are the ovaries located in terms of the broad ligament?
In the mesovarium which is a part of the broad ligament. It is located on the posterior-superior surface of the broad ligament
What is the mesosalpinx?
The portion of the broad ligament enveloping the uterine tube
What is derived from the gubernaculumm connecting the ovary to uterus?
Ligament of the ovary
round ligament
What holds vessels going from the uterus to the ovary?
Ligament of the ovary
What is the continuation of the gubernaculum to the labia majora?
round ligament of the uterus
Is the uterine/fallopian tube the same thing?
No. The fallopian tube is different from the ligament of the ovary but the fallopian tube meets up to connect with the ovary
What is more superior the fallopian tube or the ligament of the ovary?
fallopian tube
Is the processus vaginalis resorbed between the superficial and deep inguinal ring and the testes?
The structures of the abdominal wall below relate to what structures in the scrotum and spermatic cord:
skin and subcutaneous connective tissue
Scrotal skin and dartos tunic
The structures of the abdominal wall below relate to what structures in the scrotum and spermatic cord:
External abdominal oblique
External spermatic fascia
The structures of the abdominal wall below relate to what structures in the scrotum and spermatic cord:

Internal abdominal oblique
middle spermatic fascia and cremaster muscle
The structures of the abdominal wall below relate to what structures in the scrotum and spermatic cord:
transversus abdominus muscle
does not contribute a layer in the spermatic cord
The structures of the abdominal wall below relate to what structures in the scrotum and spermatic cord:
Transversalis fascia
internal spermatic fascia
The structures of the abdominal wall below relate to what structures in the scrotum and spermatic cord:
Tunica vaginalis both parietal anv visceral
What two layers of scrotum lie distal to the site of a vasectomy/would not need to be incised?
Tunica vaginalis- parietal and visceral because these are both layers of the testes
The inferior epigastric vessels run in which inguinal ring?
The superficial inguinal ring
What forms the superficial inguinal ring?
External abdominal oblique aponeurosis
What are the upper, lower lateral, upper medial borders of the superficial inguinal ring?
upper - external abdominal oblique
lower lateral - lateral crus of the superficial inguinal ring
upper medial - medial crus of the superficial inguinal ring
What is the relationship of the deep inguinal ring to the inferior epigastric?
Deep inguinal ring is lateral to inferior epigastric
What passes through the deep inguinal ring?
The spermatic cord
Inferior epigastric is a branch of what artery?
Exterior iliac
What are the borders of the inguinal triangle (Hasselbach's triangle)? Medial
Lateral border of rectus abdominus
What are the borders of the inguinal triangle (Hasselbach's triangle)? Lateral
The inferior epigastric vessels/lateral umbilical fold
What is in the lateral umbilical fold
Inferior epigastric vessels
What is another name for the Inguinal Triangle/Hasselbach's triangle
Medial umbical fossa (between median umbilical fold and lateral umbilical fold
What is the relationship between the epigastric vessels/lateral umbilical fold and direct versus indirect hernias
The direct inguinal hernia passes medial to the lateral umbilical fold/inferior epigastric vessels and in the inguinal triangle whereas the indirect hernias pass lateral to the lateral umbilical fold/epigastrics
Where do indirect inguinal hernias pass?
In the lateral umbilical fossa and then through the deep inguinal ring
Where do direct inguinal hernias pass?
In the medial umbilical fossa and then through the superficial inguinal ring
What is the order of the posterior abdominal wall folds and fossa starting at the middle and going lateral
Median umbilical fold
Supravesiclular fossa
Medial umbilical fold
Medial umbilical fossa
Lateral umbilical fold/inferior epigastrics
Lateral umbilical fossa
What used to be in the median umbilical fold?
Urachus/allantonic duct
What used to be in the medial umbilical folds
Obliterated umbilical arteries
What is a criteria for the path of an indirect inguinal hernia?
1)It has to pass through the inguinal canal
2) it has to pass through the lateral umbilical fossa/lateral to the inferior epigastric vessels
Which structures pass through the superficial inguinal ring?
Genital branch of genitofemoral
Round ligament of the uterus
Cremaster muscle in males
Which structures in the region DO NOT pass through the superficial inguinal ring
Femoral branch of genitofermoral nerve
Spermatic cord
Please match the nerve from its root in the lumbar plexus? Subcostal
Please match the nerve from its root in the lumbar plexus? Iliohypogastric
T12+ L1
Please match the nerve from its root in the lumbar plexus? Ilioinguinal
Please match the nerve from its root in the lumbar plexus? Lateral femoral cutaneous
L2+ L3
Please match the nerve from its root in the lumbar plexus? Genitofemoral
L1 + L2
Please match the nerve from its root in the lumbar plexus? Femoral
L2, L3, L4
Please match the nerve from its root in the lumbar plexus? Obturator
L2, L3, L4
What makes up the broad ligament?
Perineum that covers the posterior and some of the anterior uterus, fallopian tubes to the lateral abdomen wall
Where would we find the cardinal ligament?
at the base of the broad ligament, connecting the lateral pelvic wall to the cervical area of the uterus
What passes through the cardinal ligament
The ureter
Where is the arcuate line?
Halfway between the umbilicus and pubic symphisis
What are the layers above and below the rectus abdominus above the arcuate line?
External abdominal oblique fasica
1/2 of internal abdominal oblique fasica (anterior layer)
Rectus abdominis
1/2 of internal oblique fascia (posterior)
transversus abdominis fascia
trasversalis fascia
Extraperitoneal fat
Pareital peritoneum
What are the layers above and below the rectus abdominus below the arcuate line?
External abdominal oblique fascia
anterior and posterior layers of internal abdominal oblique fascia
transversus abdominus fascia
rectus abdominis
transversalis fascia
Extraperitoneal fat
Perital peritoneum
What is the anterior, posterior,superior and inferior borders of the epiplic formen?
Anterior - portal vein in free edge of lesser omentum
Posteriorly - Inferior vena cava
Inferiorly - 1st part of duodenum
superiorly - caudate lobe of the liver
When you stick your hand through the epiploic foramen/foramen of winslow what can you palpate?
The posterior surface of the stomach ie on the side of the lesser curvature where the lesser omentum attaches
Where does the small intestine become intraperitoneal?
Dudeonojejunal junction