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71 Cards in this Set

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What is the DSM definition of normality/mental health?

There is none

How does the DSM define a mental disorder?

- Behavioral, emotional, or cognitive syndrome-> reflects dysfunction in psychological, biological or developmental processes

- Associated with distress or disability

- Not an expected and culturally approved response

- Not simply socially deviant behavior/conflicts

Define the ages for the different stages of development.

Prenatal- before birth

Infancy- birth to 1 year

Toddler- 1 year to 3 years

Preschool- 3 to 5 years

Latency - 6 to 11 years

Adolescence- 12 to 18 years

What is attachment? What study looked at how attachment forms? When phase does it occur in?

Emotional connection between infant and primary caregiver.

Harry harlow study on monkeys with terry-cloth


What are the long term effects of deprivation of affection in infants?

Anaclitic depression (child becomes depressed and susceptible to physical illness)

Social/Emotional Effects- poor language skills, lack of trust

Physical Effects- failure to thrive/death

What are the major Infant reflexes and when do they disappear?

Babinksi- big toe drosiflex with plantar stimulation-- 12 months

Moro- limbs extend when startled -- 3 months

Rooting- lip puckering in response to perioral stimulation -- 4 months

Palmar - grasp object in palm -- 6 months

What is a transitional object? What stage is it present in?


Object to which young child becomes attached and uses for comfort

What is stranger anxiety? What stage is it experienced in?

Infancy- occurs by 6 months

Normal fear of strangers-- able to distinguish caregivers from everyone else

What is separation anxiety? What stage is it experienced in?

Infancy- occurs by 9 months

Separation from person to whom infant is attached (normal)

What are the three main things that happen at 6 months?

sits alone, babbles, laughs

What is the Piaget stage during infancy?

Sensorimotor (birth-24 months)

- interacts with world through sensory observation

- control over motor fxn

What is the Freud stage during infancy?

Feeding source of all satisfaction and frustration

What is the Erikson stage during infancy?

Basic Trust vs. Mistrust

(ability to rely on parent)

What are some major things that happen during the toddler period?

- More motor/intellectual development

- Pleasure in discovery

- Look for emotional cues in parents

- Toilet training

What is gender identity? When does it start? When is it fixed?

Conviction of being male or female

Starts at 18 months

Fixed by 24-30 months

What is the Piaget stage during the toddler phase?

Sensorimotor stage (until 24 months)

- Object permanence (Peek-a-boo)

Preoperational Stage (2-7 years)

- Child uses symbols/language

- Intuitive thinking not logical/deductive

What is the Freud stage during the toddler phase?

Age- 1 to 3

Centered on bowel functioning (ability to control)

What is the Erikson stage during the toddler phase?

Autonomy vs. Shame/Doubt

Age- 1 to 3

- Child sense of self based on ability to control bodily functions

- Autonomy (child able to explore without parent)

- Shame/Doubt (required to perform but cannot)

What are the general advances that occur during the preschool phase? (3-5 years)

- Mastered socialization tasks (bowel control, dress/feed self, control temper tantrums)

- Express complex emotions

- Fear of loss of approval/acceptance

- Aware of bodies & differences between sexes

What are the distinct gross and fine motor skills during the preschool years?

3- copies a "O"

4- copies a "+"

5- copies a square

6- copies a triangle

What is the Piaget stage during the preschool phase?

Continuation of preoperational stage

- Immanent justice (punishment for bad deeds)

- Egocentrism (center of universe/only own perspective)

- Animistic thinking (physical events & objects have feelings)

What is the Freud stage during the preschool phase?

Phallic phase (3-5 years)

- Genitals is focus

- Oedipal complex: focus on parent of opposite sex

What is the Erikson stage during the preschool phase?

Initiative vs. Guilt (3-5 years)

Initiative- increased skill, takes step to make relationship with parent of same sex

Guilt- anxiety of over anticipated punishment

What are the major advances that occur in the latency- middle/school years (6 to 11 years) phase?

- Mastery of skills

- Interpersonal relationships-- adults other than parents, best friends

- Cognitive development- after 8 years death is understood as final

What is the Piaget stage during the latency phase?

Concrete Operations (7 to 11)

- Understand other's viewpoint

- Conservation

- Reversibility

What is the Freud's stage during the latency phase?

6-11 years

- Libido repressed to develop same-sex friendships

What is the Erikson's stage during the latency phase?

Industry vs. inferiority (5 to 13 years)

- Industry-- strive for sense of accomplishment

- Inferiority-- When child unable to master tasks

What is the main clinical application of the preschool phase?

Helps gauge how much a child understands about illness

What are the three stages of adolescence (12-18 years)?

Early- 11 to 14

Middle - 14 to 17

Late - 18 to 20

T/F: The adolescent stage ages and durations are not very variable

False: they are very variable

What are the different aspects of development associated with adolescence?

Biological- skeletal, physical sexual, brain dendritic connections

Psychological- cognitive, personality consolidation

Social- Preparation for role of young adulthood

What are the ages of onset of pubery in males and females?

Males- 13

Females- 11

Trigger-- Hypothalamic pituitary adrenal gonadal axes

What are the specific psychological developments that occur in adolescence?

- thinking more abstract

- development of morality

- creativity increases

- identity formation

What are the two aspects of identity formation?

Identity- Secure sense of self away fromparents

Negativism- Attempt to tell the world that the person has a mind of his/her own (testing authorities)

What is risky behaviour? What stage is it most common in? What are the reasons behind it?

- Accident prone, risky sexual behaviour and sexual abuse

- Adolescence

- Omnipotent fantasies, fear of inadequecy, group dynamics

What is the Piaget stage during the adolescent phase?

Formal operations (11 through adolescence)

- Think abstractly, reason deductively, define abstract concepts

What is the Freud stage during the adolescent phase?

Genital phase (12-18 years)

- Genital sexuality develops and proceeds to adulthood

What is the Erikson stage during the adolescent phase?

Identity vs. Role Confusion (13 to 21)

- Identity: forms separate/cohesive self

- Role Confusion: inability to form identity (confused about place in world)

What defines the end of adolescence?

Assumption of new social roles

Socialization into roles

Assumption of adult self and life structure

What are the different phases of adulthood?

Early- 20 to 40

Middle- 40 to 65

What is the Erikson phase of early adulthood?

Intimacy vs. Isolation (21-40y)

- Intimacy: make/honor commitments, sacrifice and compromise

- Lacking intimacy leads to isolation: unable to tolerate fear of abandonment (withdrawal/depression)

What is the Occupational development during early adulthood?

Choice- choice of career is complex and changes from diffuse/unrealistic to realistic, results from personality development, may change more often

Motives- Individual/private, difficult to explain, influenced by atmosphere while growing up

Relationships/Marriage during early adulthood.

Commitment to intimate interdependence

New source of support/strength

Parenthood in adulthood

By 30 most people have families

Changes person's position in society

Demands responsibility

Children reawaken conflicts parents had when they were children

Overall what are the three major tasks of early development that must be completed before moving to the next stage?




Which phase was defined as the "noon of life"?

Middle adulthood (40)

What defines the transition into middle adulthood?

Reviewing the past

Considering how life has gone

Deciding what future will be

People change roles in lives

What is the Erikson stage during the middle adulthood phase?

Generativity vs. Stagnation (40 to 60y)

- Generativity: persons guide oncoming generation/improve society

- Stagnation: person stops developing without impulse to guide (don't care for children)

What physical changes occur during middle adulthood?

Decreased biological/physiological functioning

- Medical illnesses: hypertension/diabetes, myocardial infection, cancer

- Menopause

- Physical appearance: wrinkles, obesity, balding/grey hair, bifocals

What is the midlife transition?

Transition: greater insight on how life will turn out (re-write ending)-- productive change

Crisis: emotional struggles at middle adulthood leading to serious maladaptive beahviour

What is the mental state defined as when adult maturity is reached?

- Sophisticated self-awareness based on own experience

- Use intellect in relations to self and others

- Allows people to move forward and bring completion to lives ahead

What is late adulthood defined as?

Adults 65+

Yound-old: 65 to 74

Old-old: 75+

What are factors that no longer predict wellness once we are in our 70s?

Ancestral longevity

Parential social class

Stability of parental marriage

Parental death in childhood


What are factors that do predict wellness in 70s?

Not smoking (or quitting by 50)

Adaptive coping style

no alcohol abuse

Healthy weight

Regular exercise

Stable marriage/good relationships

High education

What was the best predictor of high income between inner city and Harvard men?

Whether their mother made them feel loved

T/F: There is a severe decrease in sexual interest and intelligence during late adulthood

there is NO decrease in these

What is presbycusis?

Occurs in late adulthood

high frequency hearing loss

Caused by destruction of hair cells at cochlear base

What happens to sleep as we age?

Decrease REM percentages and stages 3/4 sleep

Increase in sleep latency, awakening during the night

What are the changes in sexuality that occur when we age?

Men- slower erection/ejaculation, longer refractory period

Women- vaginal shortening and dryness

What are the possible negative consequences of polypharmacy?

Drug interactions, economic cost, inaccurate use, discontinuation

T/F: Aging has no major effect on absorption


What are age related changes that can affect medication efficacies?

Volume of distribution

Elimination half-life

Older adult may be more sensitive to side effects

What is the rule of thumb when administering medications to those in late adulthood?

Start low and go slow

What are the cognitive changes that occur in late adulthood?

Decrease in speed to process info

Sensory impairment

Most day-to-day tasks are not impaired

T/F: # years retired is almost = to # of years working


What is the incorrect stereotype of old age?

Loneliness, poor health, dementia and weakness

What is the Erikson stage for adults 60+?

Integrity vs. Despair

Successful resolution: Sense of peace and wisdom through coming to terms with how one's life was lived

T/F: Psychiatric disorders are the most prevalent in the healthy elderly

False. More common at other life stages.

What is the impact of mental illness in the aging population comparable to?

Chronic physical illness (Ex. decreased quality of life, ability to function independently, hospitalizations, etc. )

T/F: Depression/anxiety should be viewed as normal in older persons with physical illness


Generally what are the tasks of young/middle adulthood compared to late adulthood?

Young/middle- interpersonal relationships

Late adulthood- accepting one's life and adapting to late life changes