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25 Cards in this Set

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At birth infant is dried, suctioned and positioned. infant didn't cry or breath. what do you do?
do resuscitation, intubate the infant to aid in breathing
an infant is born to a mother who is gonococcal positive. what will you do to prevent transmission of gonococcal infection.
Give ceftriaxone to the baby, even though it can cause unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia!
Two weeks after birth a premature infant develops chlamydial conjunctivitis. What do you do first?
Confirm the diagnosis first and then start erythromycin.
Two weeks after birth a premature infant develops chlamydial conjunctivitis. a few weeks later patient comes in w/ PNA. what do you do?
Start treatment first in case of chlamydial pneumonia.
A 34 y.o. lady delivers a baby and she is on phenytoin for seizure disorder. What extra precaution would you take to prevent hemorrhagic disease of the newborn?
Give higher dose of vitamin K to newborn ie higher than the normal 1 mg of vitamin K.
an infant develops hemorrhagic disease of newborn (has blood coming out of anal orifice, nose, or is pale and weak). What do you do first??
Start treatment w/ fresh frozen plasma. no need to confirm if you suspect hemorrhagic disease of newborn.
A mother is Hep B positive, what will you do to prevent transmission of hepatitis B to the infant?
give immunoglobulin w/in 12 hours of birth and then give the vaccine, and then check the antibody.
A pregnant lady got exposed to rubella. what do you do?
first determine what trimester the woman is in because 1st trimester rubella exposure increases risk for congenital rubella syndrome. check the antibodies for IgG antibodies against Rubella. since most American women have received the vaccine. after four weeks repeat the antibody. if the IgG shoots up or if IgM appears the woman is infected. then perform amniocentesis to detect rubella virus in the amniotic fluid. if it's there suggest abortion.
a pt develops high fever after DTP, do you give next dose of DTP?
Yes, you would
pt develops seizure after DTP, do you give the next dose?
yes, you can give since most of the seizures are febrile seizures. you need to bring down the fever.
an adolescent has developed myopia, when will you prescribe corrective glasses?
When this myopia starts to affect school work, then corrective glasses are indicated
identify this abnormality
identify this abnormality
Identify this abnormality
a patient w/ anorexia nervosa, intense fear of gaining weight, BMI <17) her body weight is less 60% of expected weight. what do you do next?
most hospitalize the patient, and force feed the patient with a nasogastric tube.
a patient w/ anorexia nervosa, intense fear of gaining weight, BMI <17) her body weight is less than 86% of expected weight. what do you do next?
manage as an outpatient by having the patient keep a food diary
which is the commonest sexually transmitted disease in the U.S.
Human Papilloma Virus
what is the commonest bacterial STD?
an immigrant student comes to the clinic, she wants to get pregnant but she's not vaccinated against rubella. what do you do?
check pregnancy test and then give vaccine. women should not get pregnant for 4 weeks after vaccination, so use contraception during that time.
a pt has been immunized with HPV vaccine. does she still need to get a pap smear?
Yes, b/c there are hundreds of starins for HPV.
a 22 y.o. woman has CIN infectious or atypical squamous cell of unknown significance. do you give a vaccine?
Yes, because it will immunize against four strains of HPV.
a child is bitten by domestic dog in head and neck area, what do you do?
start giving rabies Ig and vaccine immediately because the bite's proximity to the head. if dog doesn't have rabies then stop treatment after 10 days.
You are bitten by a dog getting treated for rabies, who do you report it to?
report to local health public health department, the town or the city.
a child was playing w/ the dog and dog bit his hand. what do you do?
give prophylactic treatment w/ amoxicillin-clavulanate or Bactrim-clindamycin
15 month old girl has episodes of unconsciousness that are precipated by crying or angry spells. There is no associated incontinence or cyanosis. pt is unconscious for abou 45 seconds and then fully recovers with no confusion or further symptoms. what's the diagnosis? how do you investigate? and how do you treat?
patient is having breath holding spells. no treatment needed. reassure the parents. may check if there's anemia. if so give iron.