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38 Cards in this Set

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Blocked vertebra
Butterfly Vertebra
Cervical Rib
Knife Clasp
Limbus Bone
Posterior Ponticus
Schmorl's Node
Spina Bifida Occulta
Spina Bifida Vera
Transitional Vertebra
Atlanto Dental Interspace
Children: 1-5 mm; chronic bacterial infection

Adults: 1-3; rheumatoid arthritis
1. Basilar Angle
2. McGregor's Line
1. 123-152; greater than 152 = platybasia
2. Amount of dens above line; Males not greater than 8, Females not greater than 10. Greater than normal = platybasia
Cervical Lordosis
35-45 avg 40
1. McRae's Line
2. Chamberlain's Line
1. occipital bone should be below; if not = platybasia. apex of dens in anterior 1/4 of FM; if not = fracture/dislocation of dens
2. not greater than 3; if greater = platybasia
0-20 observe for progression (5 over 3)
20-40 bracing 24/7
greater than 40: surgery, Herrington Rods
Femoral angle
Less = Coxa vara
More than 120 = coxa valga
Ferguson's Weight
Should be anterior 1/3 of sacral base
1. George's Line
2. Posterior Cervical Line
3. Sagittal Dimension of the Spinal Canal
4. Prevertebral soft tissue
1 and 2 - should be smooth
3. space occupying lesion
4. 1-3 P
5. 4-5 L
6. 6-7 T
(C2:7, C6: 22)
Hip Joint Width
superior, axial need to be equal (about 4), half that of teardrop distance
Iliofemoral line
Klein's Line
bilarteral symmetry of head above line
Lumbar Lordosis
50-60 avg 55
Lumbosacral Angle
26-57 avg 41
Lumbosacral Disc Angle
10-15; less = disc herniation, more = facet impaction
Meyerding's Grading
1-4 = spondylolisthesis grade
Less = retrolisthesis
More = spondyloptosis
Sacral Inclination
30-72 avg 46
Sella Turcica
A-P 5-16 avg 11
S-I 4-12 avg 8
space occupying lesion or tumor
Shenton's Line
Smooth Arc
Teardrop Distance
6-11 avg 9
Thoracic Kyphosis
varies by age group, increases with age and being female
Ulmann's Line
Has last lumbar crossed perp. line? If so, POSSIBLE spondyl, check oblique lumbar for Scotty Dog; if none, then extended TP
Skinner's Line
Fovea capitis should be above or level to the line across the greater trochanter