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27 Cards in this Set

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Contralateral hemiparesis
Contralateral loss of pain and vibratory sense
medial leminiscus
Ipsilateral paralysis of tongue
hypoglossal nerve rootlets
Dysphagia & dysphonia, ipsilateral loss of gag reflex, tachycardia
nucleus ambiguous
Horners syndrome
descending central sympathetics
Ipsilateral ataxia of limbs
inferior cerebellar peduncle
Ipsilateral deafness and tinnitus
cochlear nuclei
Nustagmus, nausea, vomiting, vertigo
inferior and medial vestibular nuceli
Ipsilateral loss of taste
solitary nucleus
Ipsilateral deafness, tinnitus, nystagmus, vertigo
vestibulocochlear nerve
Ipsilateral facial paralysis, dry eyes, dry mouth, reduced taste, hyperacusis
facial nerve
Ipsilateral loss of somesthetic sensation of face and mouth, paralysis of muscles of mastication and jaw jerk reflexes, loss of corneal blink reflex
trigeminal nerve
Paralysis of soft palate, pharynx, larynx, anesthesia of pharynx, dyspnea, dysphagia, hoarsness, tachycardia
glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves
Ipsilateral facial paralysis
internal genu of facial nerve
Ipsilateral internal strabismus and paralysis of lateral gaze
abducens nucleus
Nystagmus, vertigo
vestibular nuclei
Paralysis of adduction of eyes, but intact on convergence
ascending medial longitudinal fasciculus
corticospinal tracts
Bilateral facial laryngeal and lingual paralysis
corticobulbar tracts
Paralysis of upward gaze
rostra/corticotectal fibers
Loss of papillary light reflex
pretectal area
Paralysis of downward tracking movements of eyes
caudo-lateral corticotectal fiberes
Contralateral hemihypalgesia and intense pain
ventral posterolateral thalamic nucleus
Contralateral hemiparesis, babinksi, hyper-reflexia
corticospinal fibers in posterior internal capsule
Homonymous hemianopsia
lateral geniculate nucleus
Contralateral paralysis of lower facial muscles
corticobulbar fibers in internal capsule
Contralateral diminution or loss of pain and temperature sensation (body and face), position and vibratory sense and discriminative touch
interruption of thalamocortical fibers from VPM and VPL to somatosensory cortex