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51 Cards in this Set

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Basic hypothalamic functions
nutrient and water intake, temperature/BP regulation, sleep-wake cycles and reproductive rhythms
Hypothalmic divions
preoptic area, anterior nucleus, suprachiasmatic nucleus, supraoptic nucleus, preoptic area, paraventricular nucleus, dorsomedial nucleus, ventromedial nucleus, posterior nucleus, mammillary nuclei, arcuate nucleus
Preoptic area of hypothalamus
regulates pituiatry gonadotropin secretion, reproductive/feeding/stereotyped locomotive behaviors
Medial pre-optic
Lateral pre-optic
fiber pathways
Lateral zone of hypothalamus
important in feeding behaviors
Medial zone of hypothalamus
supraoptic, suprachiasmatic, tuberal, mammillary
Supraoptic/suprachiasmatic region
water balance, circadian rhythm, body temperature
Supraoptic nucleus
ADH release
Mangocellular Paraventricular Nucleus
Oxytocin and ADH
Parvocellular Paraventricular Nucleus
Suprachiasmtic Nucleus
Circadian Rhythm
Anterior nucleus
sleep and thermoregulation
Role of Tuberal Region of Hypothalamus
hormone secretion, satiety, emotional behaviors
Structures of Hypothalamic Tuberal Region
ventromedial, dorsomedial, arcuate nuclei, median eminence
Ventromedial nucleus of hypothalamus
satiety center
Dorsomedial nucleus
aggressive and emotional behavior
Arcuate Nucleus
endocrine & autonomic control
Median Eminence
endocrine control
Function of Mammillary Region of Hypothalamus
short term memory and blood pressure
Structures of Hypothalamic Mammillary region
medial mammillary nucleus, intermediate mammillary nucleus, lateral mammillary nucleus, posterior mammillary nucleus
Medial Mammillary Nucleus
histamine neruons, arousal
Intermediate mammillary nucleus
short term memory
Korsakoff’s syndrome
thiamine deficiency, issues with intermediate mammillary nucleus
Posterior Mammillary Nucleus
emotion & cardiovascular system
Hypothalamic Blood Supply
branches of circle of willis.
Afferent fibers to Hypothalamus
fornix, amygdala, medial forebrain bundle. Mammillary peduncle, thalamohypothalmotract, cortiohypothalamic tract, retinohypothalamic tract
Fornix/amygdala → Hypothalamus
limbic driven emotions
Ascending medial forebrain bundle
emotional responses
Descending medial forebrain bundle
emotional responses and autonomic functions
Efferent fibers from Hypothalamus
mammilothalamic tract, mammillotegmental tract, ascending/descending medial hypothalamic nuclei, lateral hypothalamic nuclei, intrinsic hypothalamic nuclei.
Mammilolothalamic tract
anterior nucleus. Mediates emotional responses
Mammillotegmental tract
projects to midbrain tegmentum. Mediates visceral autonomic responses
Ascending medial hypothalamic nuclei
emotional responses
Descending medial hypothalamic nuclei
emotional and autonomic responses
Lateral hypothalamic nuclei
synchronization of responeses mediated by projections in medial forebrain bundle
Intrinsic Hypothalamic COnections
tuberoinfundibular tract, supraopticohyopyseal tract
Tuberoinfundibular tract
dopamine neurons from arcuate nucleus that regulate prolactin release
Supraopticohypophyseal tract
projects the posterior pituitary
Sensory Circumventricular Organs
subfornical, organum vasculosum of lamina terminals, subcommissural organ, area posterma
Secretory Circumventricular organs
median eminence, neural lope of posterior pituitary, pineal gland
ADH (Vassopressin) and Oxytocin. To posterior pituitary and release
Hormones released by paraventricular nuclei
Hormones released by arcuate nuclei
Thermo-dissipation center
anterior hypothalamic
Thermo-conservation center
posterior hypothalamus
BP control
solitary nucleus in brainstem but paraventricular hypothalamic nuclei can override signal
Satiety center
ventromedial nuclei
Feeding center
lateral hypothalamus
Low Insuli:leptin
anabolosim → increased food intake and weight gain
High Insulin:Leptin
catabolism → decreased food intake and weight loss