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35 Cards in this Set

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Convert stimulus energy into an electrochemical energy
Stimulus produces a local change in membrane potential, does not propogate
Receptor potential
Receptor types are specific for different systems
Primary receptor endings
Stimulus to which each type of receptor is most responsive
Adequate stimulus
-always open in absence of light
-light--->hydrolyze cGMP-->channels close-->membrane potential becomes less positive by stopping influx of Na causing hyperpolarization
How is information sensed?
1. Detection of stimulus

2. transduction

3. Receptor potential converted to AP via voltage gated ion channels
Modality is represented by activity of specific receptors and by the CNS neurons to which they are connected

(if rewire, vision related to color)
Labeled line code
How is intensity encoded?
1. Rate
2. # of activated receptors
Frequency is propotional to stimulus intensity (increase stim intensity, then increase in rate of discharge)
Frequency code
Stimulation proportional to # activated receptors (more activated receptors means increased rate of discharge)
Population code
The size and location of the receptive field is determined by the location and distribution of the receptor endings
Place code
Region of the sensory neuron that when stimulated causes the cell to fire AP
Receptive field
When receptors decrease firing during constant stimulation.

They zone out
Signal stimulus duration by persistent depolarization and generation of AP throughout the period of stimulation
Slowly adapting receptors
Only respond at the beginning and end of a stimulus

Gives rate at which stimulus is applied or removed
Rapidly adapting receptors
Small receptive field
Rapid adaption
Encodes rate
Meissner's corpuscle
Small receptive field
Light touch/pressure
Slow adaption
Encodes duration/magnitude
Merkel cells
Large receptive field
Rapid adaption
Encodes rate
Pacinian corpuscle
Large receptive field
slow adaption
encodes magnitude/duration
Ruffini endings
Small receptive field
Meissner's corpuscle
Merkel cells
Rapid adaption
Meissner's corpuscle
Pacinian corpuscle
What classes of sensory nerve endings feed into dorsal columns?
1. Exteroceptors (skin): temp, touch, pressure, pain

2. Proprioceptors (muscles/tendons/joints): posn awareness, tension

3. Visceroceptors (internal organs/tissues)
What are the proprioceptor sense organs?
(Muscle, tendon, joint) send signal of limb movement, position in space, and conscious sensation

Muscle spindles, Golgi Tendon Organs, Ruffini Endings
Every muscle
Signal change in length, rate/velocity
Activated by stretch
Parallel to muscle fibers
Muscle spindles
Tendon origins & insertions
Signal amt of force in muscle/tnesion
Activated by muscle contraction
In series w/ muslce fibers
Golgi Tendon Organs
In joint capsules
Signal limb/joint position and movement
Ruffini Endings
4 functions of DC-ML
1. Kinesthesis
2. Vibration Sensation
3. Discriminative/fine tactile sense
4. proprioception/position
Pathway of DC-ML
1st order: enter DRG and synapse in nucleus gracile/cuneate

2nd order decussate at medulla via internal arcuate fibers and becomes ML. Synapse at ventral posterolateral nucleus

3rd order goes through internal capsul and synapses at primary somatosensory cortex

4th order relay info to cells in somatosensory cortex
The effect of Brown Sequard Syndrome on dorsal column
1. produce loss of MVP on SAME side (has not crossed)
The effect of Brown Sequard Syndrome on Spinothalamic/anterolateral system?
Lose pain/temp on OPPOSITE side of body
From untreated syphilis
Bilateral degeneration of dorsal root fiber
Degeneration of myelin in dorsal columns
Tabes Dorsalis
Theree spinocerebellar pathways
1. Dorsospinocerebellar tract

2. Cuneocerebellar tract

3. Ventral spinocerebellar tract
Dorsospinocerebellar tract
Originate: nucleus dorsalis of clarke

Controls lower limb movt and posture
Cuneocerebellar tract
Originates in accessory cuneat nucleus

Controls upper limbs
Ventral spinocerebllar tract
Originates in the base of the dorsal horn

Controls lower limb muscles