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15 Cards in this Set

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MOA: -block enzyme that stimulates synthesis of new viral genomes. -impaired replication

Indications: treatment of Herpes simplex types 1 and 2, herpes zoster, chickenpox

Contraindications: known drug allergy, lactating women, children< 12 months of age, pregnancy

Adverse effects: Nausea, diarrhea, headache, burning when topically applied

Interactions: interferon=Additive antiviral effects; probenecid= Increased acyclovir levels due to decreasing renal clearance; zidovudine=Increased risk for neurotoxicity

Lab values: CBC, CMP, pregnancy test, renal function, liver function, sputum

Class: Antiherpesvisus

Dosages: IV 5-10mg/kg every 8 hr for 7-10 days. PO: 200-800 mg 5 times daily for 5-10 days



MOA: -block enzyme that stimulates synthesis of new viral genomes. -impaired replication

Indications: treatment of Influenza A

Contraindications:known drug allergy, lactating women, children< 12 months of age, pregnancy

Adverse effects: Insomnia, nervousness, lightheadedness, anorexia, nausea, anticholinergic effects, orthostatic hypotension, blurred vision

Interactions: Anticholinergic drugs= Increased adverse anticholinergic effects; CNS stimulants=Additive CNS stimulant effects

Lab values: CBC, CMP, pregnancy test, renal function, liver function, sputum

Class: Antiinfluenza

Dosages: 100-200 mg/day or divided BID

Misc: can be used to prevent or treat


MOA: -block enzyme that stimulates synthesis of new viral genomes. -impaired replication

Indications: CMV retinitis

Contraindications: known drug allergy, lactating women, children< 12 months of age, pregnancy

Adverse effects: Bone marrow toxicity, nausea, vomiting, headache, seizures


Lab values: CBC, CMP, pregnancy test, renal function, liver function, sputum

Class: Antiviral

Dosages: IV: 5mg/lg/day divided every 12-24 hrs. PO: 1000 mg TID



MOA: -block enzyme that stimulates synthesis of new viral genomes. -impaired replication

Indications: treatment of Respiratory syncytial virus infection

Contraindications: known drug allergy, lactating women, children< 12 months of age, pregnancy

Adverse effects: Rash, conjunctivitis, anemia, mild bronchospasm


Lab values: CBC, CMP, pregnancy test, renal function, liver function, sputum

Class: Anti-RSV

Dosages: Pediatric: Aerosol-6g via continuous aerosol 12-18hr/day for 3-7 days



MOA: -block enzyme that stimulates synthesis of new viral genomes. -impaired replication

Indications: treatment of Hepatitis C

Contraindications: known drug allergy, lactating women, children< 12 months of age, pregnancy

Adverse effects: Photosensitivity, rash, pruritus, nausea, myalgia


Lab values: CBC, CMP, pregnancy test, renal function, liver function, sputum

Class: Protease inhibitor




MOA: -block enzyme that stimulates synthesis of new viral genomes. -impaired replication

Indications: treatment of Hepatitis B (Chronic)

Contraindications: known drug allergy, lactating women, children< 12 months of age, pregnancy

Adverse effects: selective killing is difficult; healthy human cells may die. N/V, pancreatitis, seizures, bone marrow toxicity, fatigue, myopathy, headache.


Lab values: CBC, CMP, pregnancy test, renal function, liver function, sputum

Class: Nuclease Analogue Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitor



Antivirals kill or suppress viruses by:

-destroying virion

-inhibiting replication


drugs that destroy virions

Are viral infections more difficult to eradicate than bacterial infections

Yes. Antivirals must enter cells the disrupt viral replication

who has the best response to antiviral drug therapy

people w/ competent immune systems


MOA: -block enzyme that stimulates synthesis of new viral genomes. -impaired replication

Indications: Influenza A, B (given w/in 2 days of onset of manifestations)

Contraindications: known drug allergy, lactating women, children< 12 months of age, pregnancy

Adverse effects:


Lab values:CBC, CMP, pregnancy test, renal function, liver function, sputum

Class: Anti-influenza

Dosages: 75mg twice daily for 5 days

Misc: begin w/in 2-days or onset of symptoms


-Head to toe assessment

-assess and document allergies (sulfa)

-assess nutritional status

-assess baseline vital signs

-evaluate OTC med use

-assess labs (CBC, CMP, pregnancy test, renal function, liver function, sputum)

-previous medical history

-assess patient knowledge level


-Appropriate Techniques

-Hand washing

-Standard precautions

-Monitor for superinfections

-Take with meals to prevent GI upset

-Do not crush capsules

-Use finger cot or gloves w/ topical preparations

-Parenteral forms must be given slowly over 1 hr or more to prevent renal tubular damage (b/c of toxicity)

-Encourage adequate hydration during infusion and after to prevent crystalluria

-Carefully monitor infusion site

-Common side effects of acyclovir are nausea, diarrhea, and headache

-Suck on sugarless candy for dry mouth

-Monitor for orthostasis

-Educate about photosensitivity


-Monitor for adverse effects

-Monitor for therapeutic effects

-Montior for toxicity

-Reevaluate an modify the plan of care as needed
