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27 Cards in this Set

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雨女 あめおんな

雨男 あめおとこ

"A rain woman"

"A rain man"

A person whose presence tends to bring rain wherever he/ she goes.

腫れ男 はれ おとこ

晴れ女 はれ おんな

Sun bringer

A person who brings nice weather wherever they go

あり得ない! ありえない

"No way!" "It can't be true" "that will never happen" "not a chance"

You can use this phrase when you complain about some unpleasant situation

ありえない話 ありえない はなし

Unrealistic story

全くありえない まったく ありえない

There is no way!


Slang: anything cool, nice, delicious, funny, attractive.

Negative form: いけてない

Not cool, bad, not funny, dull

一押し/一推し イチオシ

Something or someone that you highly recommend, to push

( it is stronger than おすすめ)

Something or someone that you highly recommend, to push

( it is stronger than おすすめ

一服 いっぷく

1- to have a .... smoke or a cup of tea

2- to relax, to get some rest, to take a break.

3- a dose of medicine

今一 イマイチ いまいち

Not good enough, not quiet, not satisfying, something missing

今一 イマイチ いまいち

Not good enough, not quiet, not satisfying, something missing

癒す いやす

To heal


A type of person or things or group of certain people or things

EX. アキバ系 : Akiba style

癒し系 いやしけい

Someone or something to reduce our stress and make us feel relaxed

上から目線だね うえからめせんだね

You talk to me as if you were superior to me

目線 : point of view

上から目線だね うえからめせんだね

You talk to me as if you were superior to me

目線 : point of view

自惚れる うぬぼれる

To flatter oneself ( negative )

EX. うぬぼれないで= don't flatter(brag)yourself

うぬぼれが強い=to be full of oneself

強い つよい

馬が合う うまがあう

To have good chemistry, to get along with someone well.

EX. 私は彼のお母さんとうまが合わない.= I don't get along with my boyfriend's mother.

羨ましい うらやましい

Envious, be jealous

大げさ おおげさ



No way! You are so exaggerating

お先に おさき

Go ahead / after you / you first

EX. お先にどうぞ. Please go a head

どうぞ. Means "please"

大げさ おおげさ



No way! You are so exaggerating

お先に おさき

Go ahead / after you / you first

EX. お先にどうぞ. Please go a head

どうぞ. Means "please"

お先に失礼します. おさきにしつれいします

Please excuse me for leaving before you.

お疲れ様でした.おつかれさまでした. Thank you for your hard work.

大げさ おおげさ



No way! You are so exaggerating

お先に おさき

Go ahead / after you / you first

EX. お先にどうぞ. Please go a head

どうぞ. Means "please"

お先に失礼します. おさきにしつれいします

Please excuse me for leaving before you.

お疲れ様でした.おつかれさまでした. Thank you for your hard work.

お先に is a formal form of 先に when you refer to your own actions, you just say 先に


I will go ahead and wait for you there