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24 Cards in this Set

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Schenck v U.S.
Schenck passed leaflets against the war. Freedom of speech unless there is a clear and present danger.
Brandenburg v Ohio
He led kkk speech. Cant regulate speech unless it has lawless action.
Tinker v Des Moines
Armbands against war. They are protected, but school officials can regulate.
Texas v Johnson
Flag burning; gov can't prohibit expression of an idea because society is offended
Miller v California
advertised porn; not protected by 1st amendment
New York Times v U.S.
Reaffirms prior restraint, no censorship in press.
Engel v Vitale
Outlaw school prayer
Abington School District v Schempp
Outlaw bible reading
Reynolds v U.S.
Religious practices are not superior to law
Lemon v Kurtzman
3 prong lemon test, rules for religion
Weeks v U.S.
Exclusionary rule- evidence found illegally is excluded from the case
U.S. v Leon
Good faith policy for the police
Miranda v AZ
Must be informed of rights. Freedom from self incrimination
Roper v Simmons
No executing minors
Griswold v Connecticut
Established rights to privacy (use of contraceptives)
Roe v Wade
A woman can have an abortion within the 1st trimester.
Planned Parenthood of SE Penn. v Casey
Can't restrict abortion with an undue burden
Plessy v Ferguson
Separate but equal legal
Brown v Bd. of Ed. of Topeka, KN
Separate but equal unconstitutional
Regents Univ. of California v Bakke
Quotas are unconstitutional, but race can be a factor for admissions process
Adarand v Pena
Strict scrutiny to law, narrowly tailored, serve compelling interest
Gitlow v New York
Federalize Free speech
Near v Minnesota
No prior restraint (censorship)
Gideon v Wainwright
Federalizes right to lawyer