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26 Cards in this Set

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Gravitational force

Causes objects to accelerate downwards (towards earth's core)

Normal force

Perpendicular to surface an object rests on


Amount of matter an object is made of

Newton's first law

Objects keep doing what they are doing unless an external force acts upon it

Newton's second law

An external force causes it to accelerate in that direction

- connects acceleration, net force and mass

- more mass less acceleration

- more force more acceleration


Object resistance to change in motion

Applied force

A force that results when one object makes contact with another and pushes or pulls on it

System diagram

Simple sketch of all objects involved in a situation


Simple drawing of an object showing all the forces that are acting on it


Pulling force from a rope or string on an object always points toward the rope or string


Opposes the sliding of two surfaces across one another

Acts opposite to the motion or attempted motion

What are the four fundamental forces

Gravitational, electro magnet, strong nuclear, weak nuclear

Newton's third law

For every action force, there is a reaction force that is equal in magnitude but opposite in direction

Equation for a

A = v2-v1/t

Force of gravity (fundamental force)

- pulls objects down towards the earth's centre

- exists between any two losses in the universe

- keeps the moon in orbit around Earth and earth in orbit around the Sun

- Fg= mg (g= 9.8)

Strong nuclear force

Force of attraction between neutrons and protons keep positively charged protons from repelling each other

Electromagnetic force

Caused by electric charges

- exists between charges, and magnetic forces exist between magnets

- holds atoms in molecules together

Weak nuclear force

Interactions involved during particle transformations


Explains why objects move the way they do

What does the graph of net force vs acceleration represent

If it is linear, the slope represents the mass

What is the difference between mass and weight

Mass of the quantity of matter in an object. To change the mass of an object, you need to add or remove matter. the mass of an object does not change due to location or changes in gravitational field strength.

Weight is a measure of the force of gravity acting on an object. the weight of an object depends on the location and the magnitude of Earth's gravitational field strength at that location.

Static friction

Force exerted on a stationary object by a surface that prevents the object from starting to move

- applied force must be greater then static friction to cause a stationary object to move

Kinetic friction

Force exerted on a moving object by a surface, and acts opposite to the direction of motion of the object.

Coefficient of friction

Ratio of the of the force of friction to the normal force

U= Ff/FN

Coefficient of static friction

Ratio of the maximum force of static friction to the normal force

US= FsMax/ FN

Coefficient of kinetic friction

Ratio of kinetic friction to the normal force