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161 Cards in this Set

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-what term refers to the official list of books considered authoritative by a community
-what term refers to the study of God's nature, will, and activity among humans
-what language was the new testament originally written in
-koine greek
-where were the letters of paul first collected
-asia minor
-what theological problem bothered marcion
-the theological problem of evil
-what books did marcion include in his canon
-luke and the ten letters of paul
-which one of the following is not a distinctive of the gospel of mark: sense of immediacy and urgency, growing acceptance of and belief in jesus by religious authorities, attention to small details, misunderstanding of the disciples
-growing acceptance of and belief in jesus by the religious authorities
-what is the meaning of the hebrew term mashiach
-anointed one
-what does the jewish festival of hanukkah celebrate
-recapture, cleansing, and rededication of the jerusalem temple
-who was the first jew to lead a revolt against rome
-judas the galilean
-mark stated that john the baptist was a prophet like
-how did a rabbi typically get disciples
-disciples typically chose a rabbi
-what term refers to the casting out of a demon
-according to jewish theology in the time of jesus, what did disease indicate about the sick person
-he/she was a sinner
-how did jesus fortify himself
-with solitude and prayer
-from the jewish perspective which was more difficult to do-heal the paralytic or forgive the paralytic's sins
-forgive the paralytic's sins
-who primarily used the phrase son of man to refer to jesus
-jesus himself
-what was the meaning of the term pharisees
-separate ones
-what term refers to going without food for a specific reason
-how many disciples did jesus call
-according to mark, what is the unforgiveable sin
-crediting to the devil what has been done by God
-what term refers to a brief story or comparison designed to reveal truth in a new or surprising way
-according to mark, why did jesus use parables
-to hide his message
-how did jesus calm the wind and sea
-he spoke
-when jesus cast the demons out of the gerasene demoniac where did jesus allow the demons to go
-into a herd of pigs
-after jesus cast the demons out of the gerasene demoniac, what did the village people want jesus to do
-go away
-when the woman with constant bleeding touched jesus' robe, she was healed. what did jesus say had healed her
-her faith
-mark joined three narratives together with a common number. what number joins these narratives together
-who arrested john the baptizer
-herod antipas
-outside israel jesus met a woman with a posessed daughter. to what did he compare the woman
-a dog
-when jesus asked his disciples who people thought he was, they gave him several responses. which one of the following was not one of the responses: elisha, john the baptizer, jeremiah, another prophet
-which one of the following was not one of the three disciples who accompanied jesus and saw jesus transfigured: peter, james, todd, john
-what illustration did jesus use to show the difficulty of a rich person being saved
-easier to get a camel through the eye of a needle
-whose prophecy did jesus riding into jerusalem on a donkey fulfill
-what term refers to the account of jesus' arrest, trial, and crucifixion
-from which jewish group did the high priest always come
-what sign did jesus tell his disciples to look for when finding a place to celebrate the passover
-man carrying a jar of water
-jesus told peter he would deny jesus how many times
-what did jesus' disciples do while he prayed in the garden of gethsemane
-they slept
-how did judas indicated which one jesus was
-he kissed jesus
-when the jews took jesus to pilate, what charge did they make against jesus
-what is the meaning of golgotha
-mark recorded only one statement jesus made from the cross. what was it
-my God, my God, why have you forsaken me
-all the gospels agree on two items concerning the resurrection. which one of the following is not one of those items: women were first to find empty tomb and see resurrected jesus, two angels removed the stone so jesus could leave the tomb, jesus resurrected after the sabbath was over
-two angels removed the stone so jesus could leave the tomb
-who is the main human character in matthew's narrative of jesus' birth
-according to eastern tradition, how many wise men came to visit jesus after his birth
-after returning from egypt, where did joseph, mary, and jesus settle
-from what old testament book did jesus quote when he rejected the devil's temptations
-according to matthew, how did judas die
-he hung himself
-what is the main verb in the great commission
-make disciples
-the gospel of luke is part of a two-volume work. what is the other book
-who came to worship jesus after he was born according to the gospel of luke
-the gospel of luke recorded the fulfillment of what jewish custom on the eighth day after jesus' birth
-what was the problem with samaritans
-they were half-breed jews
-when jesus and his disciples came to visit mary and martha, what did martha do
-busily prepared for jesus and his disciples
-what is the meaning of the word prodigal
-recklessly extravagant, lavish
-who does the father in the parable of the prodigal son/loving father represent
-after lazarus in the parable of the rich man and lazarus did, what happened to him
-he was cared for in heaven
-whom did the rich man want to warn back on earth
-his five brothers
-luke added an additional trial scene with jesus being tried before
-herod antipas
-how did jesus care for peter as jesus faced his coming death
-he looked at peter with compassion after peter denied him
-when did the two men jesus met walking along the road to emmaus recognize jesus
-when he took bread, blessed it, and distributed it
-what term refers to the work of God through christ's death to achieve our salvation
-what was jesus' initial response when his mother asked him to help at the wedding at cana
-it is not my concern
-how long had the man beside the pool of bethzatha been sick
-38 years
-the narrative of the woman caught in adultery is not in the oldest manuscripts of the gospel of john. with what other gospel is the narrative associated
-what did jesus say to the crowd in the narrative of the woman caught in adultery
-if you have never sinned, you can throw a stone at her
-what sign by jesus was the last straw for his enemies
-raising lazarus
-what ironic comment did caiaphas make
-it is better to have one person die than the whole nation be destroyed
-according to john what new commandment did jesus give his disciples at their last meal together
-love one another as i have loved you
-the sign placed above jesus on the cross has the same phrase written in three languages. which one of the following was not one of those three languages: greek, latin, hebrew, spanish
-why did thomas at first not believe jesus had risen from the dead
-he had not seen jesus
-what term refers to speaking in unknown tongues or languages
-who were the husband and wife who lied to the holy spirit and died
-ananias and sapphira
-although the seven were chosen to supervise the distribution of food, what did they really do
-they preached
-what did the prophet agabus prophesy was soon coming
-a worldwide famine
-how did gamaliel feel regarding the church
-leave it alone
-when paul went on his missionary journeys, on what areas did he focus
-urban areas
-when paul was arrested in jerusalem, what charge was brought against him
-according to tradition, how did paul die
-he was beheaded
-what term refers to a formal publication intended to be read publicly
-what were churches encouraged to do with paul's letters
-exchange paul's letters with one another
-what is the oldest surviving christian document in the new testament
-1 thessalonians
-what did the term satan often mean in new testament times
-what did the christians in thessalonica believe about the parousia
-it was coming very soon
-where did the church in corinth meet
-in a private home
-why did some of the people in the church in corinth like apollos the best
-he was an outstanding preacher
-regarding marital status, what life did paul prefer
-what did paul believe unites the various spiritual gifts
-paul noted that the three things that abide are faith, hope, and love with love being the greatest. why is love the greatest
-love is always needed
-who began the church in rome
-no one knows
-what phrase refers to the idea that humans are born with a burden of sin that is great enough to condemn them to hell
-original sin
-when paul wrote that all things work together for good, what was the good
-that all will be like jesus
-what term refers to the discipline dealing with applying moral or faith principles to the issues of life
-according to romans, where did paul hope to go to spread the gospel
-what term refers to the literary practice of publishing a book in the name of a famous religious figure of the past
-what is the main theme of the book of ephesians
-unity in christ
-which one of the following has not been suggested as an explanation of christ's descent in ephesians: to earth after the ascension in the holy spirit, to the underworld to preach, to sin in the wilderness, to the earth in the incarnation
-to sin in the wilderness
-according to paul in ephesians, what principle governs relationships
-mutual submission
-according to paul in ephesians, what offensive weapons do christians possess
-gospel and prayer
-what does the hymn in philippians 2: 6-11 emphasize
-jesus' humility
-in the book of philippians, paul wrote he was from what jewish tribe
-what phrase refers to the books of 1 and 2 timothy and titus written to fellow pastor of paul
-pastoral epistles
-which one of the following was not a church office mentioned in 1 timothy: sunday school superintendent, bishop, deacon, elder
-sunday school superintendent
-what did paul think about asceticism
-it was unnecessary
-according to 1 timothy, how old does a widow have to be to begin receiving help from the church
-60 years old
-what advice did paul give timothy for his health
-drink a little wine for the stomach's sake
-traditional author of 1 peter
-peter, the disciple
-1 peter often described as
-baptismal sermon
-the new "chosen race"
-christians, including gentile christians
-who first suffered according to peter
-what christ did after his death according to peter
-preached to those in the underworld
-what flood prefigured according to peter
-what covers a multitude of sins according to peter
-traditional author of jude
-jude, the brother of jesus
-kind of rhetoric jude used
-definition of invective rhetoric
-argument characterized by verbal abuse and insult
-section of works jude quoted
-two specific books jude quoted
-1 enoch
-assumption of moses
-definition of heresy according to john
-false beliefs
-two elements of docetism
-jesus was not human at all but only seemed to be
-jesus was completely divine
-traditional author of james
-james, the brother of jesus
-what the name of james really is
-old testament literature james resembles
-how james defines religion
-the active practice of good works
-who many people think james contradicts
-the reformer who did not like james
-martin luther
-God and temptation
-God cannot be tempted
-God does not tempt
-source of our temptation according to james
-our own desires
-what faith should result in according to james
-the most deadly weapon we possess according to james
-our voice
-james' example of patience
-the book james probably draws from
-the testament of job
-meaning of apokalypsis
-uncovering, unveiling
-meaning of apocalypse
-disclosure of what had been hidden, especially about the spiritual world and the future
-some basic characteristics of apocalyptic literature
-use of symbols and code words
-when apocalyptic literature is typically popular
-times of oppression and persecution
-preterist method of interpretation
-only for john's generation
-continuous historical method of interpretation
-detailed forecast of history
-futurist method of interpretation
-only meaningful for the last generation of history
-where the seven churches were located
-asia minor
-who was worthy to open the seven seals
-how jesus was portrayed
-a lamb
-perfect number
-why 7 is the perfect number
-represented completion since God made the universe in 6 days followed by a day of rest
-imperfect number
why 6 is an imperfect number
-represented imperfection because it's 1 less than the perfect number
-how numbers were represented
-letters of alphabet
-what number of the beast is
-what some texts say number of the beast is
-why 666 is imperfect
-unholy trinity of imperfect number
-who john might have had in mind as the beast
-other speculations as to the beast
-martin luther
-pope in luther's time
-who binds satan
-an angel
-christ comes back before the 1,000 years of peace
-christ comes back after the 1,000 years of peace
-christ's 1,000 year reign of peace occurs in the hearts of those who follow him
-why there is no sea in the new world
-sea separates john from his church
-why there is no temple in the new world
-christ himself is the temple
-why gates never close in the new world
-no enemies to fear
-what tree returns in the new world
-tree of life