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4 Cards in this Set

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Actor/actress — actor/actriz
Accountant — contador, contable
Administrator — administrador
Ambassador — embajador, embajadora
Architect — arquitecto
Archaeologist — arqueólogo
Artist — artista
Athlete — atleta
Attorney — abogado
Baker — panadero
Barber — barbero
Bartender— mesero
Beautician — esteticista
Biologist — biólogo
Businessman/businesswoman — hombre/mujer de negocios, empresario
Butcher — carnicero
Captain — capitán
Carpenter — carpintero
Chief executive officer — director general
Chemist (pharmacist) — farmacéutico
Chemist (scientist) — químico
Clerk (office worker) — oficinista
Clerk (retail worker) — dependiente
Coach — entrenador
Computer programmer — programador
Cook — cocinero
Dancer — bailarín/bailarina
Dentist — dentista
Doctor, physician — médico
Driver — conductor
Editor — redactor
Electrician — electricista
Engineer — ingeniero
Farmer — agricultor, granjero
Firefighter — bombero
Florist — florista
Geologist — geólogo
Guard — guardia
Hotelier, innkeeper— hotelero
Jeweler — joyero
Journalist — cronista
King/queen — rey/reina
Landlord — dueño
Lawyer — abogado
Librarian — bibliotecario
Mail carrier — cartero
Mechanic — mecánico
Midwife — comadrona
Minister (politics) — ministro
Minister (church) — pastor
Model — modelo (no separate feminine form)
Musician — músico
Nurse — enfermero
Optometrist — optómetra
Painter — pintor
Pharmacist — farmacéutico
Pilot — piloto (separate feminine form rarely used)
Poet — poeta
President — presidente/presidenta
Professor — profesor, catedrático
Psychologist — sicológico
Rabbi — rabino
Sailor — marinero
Salesman/saleswoman— dependiente, vendedor
Scientist — científico
Secretary — secretario
Servant — criado
Social worker — asistente social
Soldier — soldado
Student — estudiante
Surgeon — cirujano
Teacher — maestro, profesor
Therapist — terapeuta
Veterinarian — veterinario
Waiter — camarero, mesero
Welder — soldador
Writer — escritor
to stop
Tipos de Transporte
Types of Transportation

Airplane: el avión. (An airport is un aeropuerto.) Los bebés pueden viajar en avión desde los primeros días de vida. Babies can travel by plane from the first days of life.

Bicycle: la bicicleta, la bici. Cuando la gasolina subió a cuatro dólares, compré mi bicicleta para ir al trabajo. When gasoline rose to four dollars, I bought my bicycle for going to work.

Boat: el barco, la bota, la barca, el ferry, la lancha, la chalupa, la canoa, la piragua, el kayak. (Names vary with type of boat and sometimes region.) Usted puede viajar en barco de una isla a otra sin problemas. You can travel by boat from one island to the other without problems.

Bus: el bus, el autobús, el ómnibus, el camión, la camioneta, la chiva, el pullman. (Names vary with region and type of bus, and there are also other names not listed here.) El bus de Barcelona es probablemente el más conveniente. The Barcelona bus is probably the most convenient.

Car: el coche, el carro, el automóvil, el auto. Los niños viajarán con más seguridad en el coche si usan las sillas homologadas. Children will travel more safely in the car if they use approved car seats.

Foot: el pie. El hotel se encuentra a 7 minutos a pie de la estación de ferrocarril. The hotel is located seven minutes by foot from the train station.

Helicopter: el helicóptero. El helicóptero es una aeronave propulsada por uno o más rotores horizontales. The helicopter is an aircraft propelled by one or more horizontal rotors.

Horse: el caballo. Hay dos paseos a caballo al día, uno en la mañana y uno en la tarde. There are two horseback rides a day, one in the morning and one in the afternoon.

Motorcycle: la motocicleta, la moto. "Diarios de motocicleta" es una película biográfica basada en los diarios de viaje de Che Guevara y Alberto Granado. "The Motorcycle Diaries" is a biographical movie based on the trip diaries of Che Guevara and Alberto Granado.

Subway: el metro, el subterráneo. El subterráneo de la Ciudad de México es uno de los más modernos del mundo. The Mexico City subway is one of the most modern in the world.

Taxi: taxi. Ofrecemos servicio de taxi seguro, rápido y confiable. We offer safe, fast and reliable taxi service.

Train: el tren. (A high-speed train is often a tren de alta velocidad. An express train is known as a tren expreso, tren express or tren rápido. A sleeping car is usually known as a dormitorio. A railway is un ferrocarril.) Suiza es el país de los trenes de montaña. Switzerland is the country of mountain trains.

Truck: el camión. (Other names are also used; a pickup truck is often known as una camioneta, un pickup or una pickup.) Busco trabajo de chofer de larga distancia en camiones. I'm looking for work as a long-distance truck driver.

Van: la furgoneta, la camioneta, la vagoneta, la buseta, el furgón, el van. (Names vary with region and type of van.) La furgoneta Volkswagen fue popularizada por los "hippies" en Norteamérica. The Volkswagen van was popularized by American hippies.
to take

To say that the Spanish verb tomar means "to take" isn't doing the word justice. Although it can usually be translated that way, it actually has a wide variety of meanings and is used in all sorts of expressions.
Thus, like with some other common verbs, you need to pay attention to context when translating tomar. It generally isn't all that difficult figuring out what the verb means, as long as you realize that it usually conveys the idea of taking something or taking something in. What is a bit more difficult is knowing when to use it when speaking Spanish; it isn't always appropriate to use tomar when you mean "to take." One quality of tomar, however, is helpful: It is one of the most common verbs that isn't conjugated irregularly.

Here are some of common meanings of tomar:

To take physical possession of: Tomó el libro y volvió a su habitación. He took the book and returned home. Toma mi mano y camina conmigo. Take my hand and walk with me. Los campesinos tomaron como rehén al gerente. The farmworkers took the manager as hostage.

To choose: Había muchas. Tomé el azul. There were many of them. I took the blue one.

To eat or drink: Tomo café como parte del desayuno en mi programa de dieta. I drink coffee as part of breakfast for my diet. El segundo día tomaron una sopa de pollo. The second day they had chicken soup.

To use a form of transportation: Tomemos un taxi. Let's take a taxi. Cuando tomo el metro tardo hasta 45 minutos. When I use the subway I'm as much as 45 minutes late. No quiero tomar el autopista. I don't want to go on the freeway.

To take medicine: Recomendamos que tome ambas píldoras a la vez. We recommend that you take both pills at the same time.

To understand something a certain way: Me tomaron por loco. They thought I was crazy. La mayoría de críticos se lo tomaron a broma. Most of the critics took it as a joke. Le tomaron por espía. They thought he was a spy.

To adopt a course of action: Para demostrar que el cambio era efectivo, se tomaron medidas muy drásticas. In order to demonstrate that the change was effective, very drastic measures were taken. Tomemos un enfoque diferente. Let's take a different approach. Viajar no perjudica la salud, si se toman precauciones. Traveling isn't dangerous to your health, if precautions are taken. Tomé la derecha. I turned to the right.

Additionally, tomar is used in idiomatic phrases. Many of them are equivalent to English phrases using the word "take." Here are some of the more common:

•Tomar apuntes — to take notes (an anglicism, tomar notas, is heard in some areas).
•Tomar el control — to take control.
•Tomar (un) examen — to take a test.
•Tomar fotos — to take photos (sacar fotos is preferred in some areas).
•Tomar responsabilidad — to take responsibility.
•Tomar nota — to take note.
•Tomar parte — to take part.
•Tomar la pluma — to begin writing.
•Tomar el sol — to sunbathe.
•Tomar tierra — to land (said of aircraft).
•¡Tómate esa! — Take that! (said, for example, when hitting someone).