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12 Cards in this Set

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What is attachment

A strong, emotional, enduring bond formed by one person and someone else and is a reciprocated relationship. It is reciprocated and usually between a caregiver and an infant.

Name the characteristics of a secure attachment

High willingness to explore, high anxiety to strangers, anxious when separated, enthusiastic when reunited.

Name the characteristics of a insecure avoidant attachment

High willingness to explore, low stranger anxiety, indifferent when separated, avoids social interactions.

Name the characteristics of a insecure resistant attachment

Low willingness to explore, high stranger anxiety, distressed when separated, seeks and rejects reunion.

What is culture

Rules, morals or customs and ways of interacting that bind a group together

What is classical conditioning

Unconditioned stimuli that is often innate and natural to people produces unconditioned responses such as happiness and after associating the unconditional response with a neutral stimuli such as the mother, there will be a conditioned stimuli which is recognised and therefore the conditioned response is associated with the neutral stimuli

What is operant conditioning

Suggests that if you are hungry and you want food, if you are fed then you are happy and increasing the likelihood of the given behaviour and creates an attachment, so primary reinforcement is food and the likelihood of being around the mum is increased

What is deprivation

You form an attachment and then lose the attachment, often referred to disruption of attachment

Name the characteristics of deprivation on children

Psychopathy, depression, poor intellectual development, impacted society and reduced social interactions

How can you overcome depreviation

By providing a substitute care emotionally and physically.

What is privation

When no attachments have been formed

What is social development

The development of social skills and associating with peers.