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83 Cards in this Set

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finom, árnyalatnyi, alig észrevehető

There was a subtle change in his voice.

The play's message is perhaps too subtle to be understood by young children.
finom célzás
subtle hint

Is it some subtle hint to me?
(pl. fű, ing, reggel...)
slightly wet, especially in a way that is not pleasant or comfortable

The grass is still damp.

This shirt still feels a bit damp.

It was a damp, misty morning.
(pl. levegő, időjárás)
(of air and weather conditions)

New York is very hot and humid in the summer.

a hot and humid climate

If the air in a room is too dry, you can put a bowl of water near the radiator to humidify it.
vízpára, vízgőz
water vapor

(UK: vapour)
vapour (UK)
vapor (US)

The hollow glass tank contains hot mercury vapour.

Poisonous vapours burst out of the factory during the accident.

(jégmező, jegesmedve)
the Arctic

the Arctic Circle = Északi-sarkkör
the North Pole = Északi-sark
= Antarktisz

(földrész, pingvin)
the Antarctic

the Antarctic Circle = Déli-sarkkör
the South Pole = Déli-sark
emberi eredetű

Member States shall determine their anthropogenic CO2 emissions.
elpárolog, gőzzé válik

elillan (átv. is!)
to evaporate

Plants keep cool during the summer by evaporating water from their leaves.

Halfway through the film reality evaporates and we enter a world of pure fantasy.
Amikor ...-ról van szó...
When it comes to...

It has been estimated that one in eight couples is infertile.

Poor farmers have little option but to try to grow food on these infertile

male/female infertility

We drove through a barren, rocky

She became very depressed during the barren years when she was unable to paint.

talajt öntözni

to irrigate

irrigated land/fields
(öntözött földterület)
tűnődni, morforfondírozni, mélázni, merengeni vmin
to muse

I began to muse about/on the possibility of starting my own business.

He stood musing by the door. (Tűnődve állt az ajtónál.)
Csak tűnődöm.
I'm just musing.

"I'm not intimating anything. I'm just musing," he replied, to which Lennox said, "That kind of musing can get you into prison for treason."
céloz vmire
(nem mond ki konkrétan, hanem közvetetten fejezi ki)
to hint

Mum's hinted (that) she might pay for my trip to Mexico.

He's hinted at the possibility of moving to America.
célozgat, burkoltan céloz vmire
(hogy vmi negatív dolog igaz)
to insinuate

Are you insinuating (that) I'm losing my nerve?

What are you insinuating, Daniel?
sejtet vmit, célozgat
(vmilyen szándékot)
to intimate

She has intimated that she will resign if she loses the vote.

His suicide attempt was the first intimation that he was seriously depressed.
(ebből lehetett először sejteni, hogy...)
ellát vmivel vkit/vmit
to equip sy/sg with sg

Next year the farm will be equipped with all new machinery.
enyhít (csillapít, könnyít)
to alleviate

The drugs did nothing to alleviate her pain/suffering.

the alleviation of poverty
tömör, tömörített;


compact soil/sand

What a compact office! How did you fit so much into so little space?
jóváhagyólag támogat;

terméket nevével hirdet
to endorse

The National Executive is expected to endorse these recommendations.

They paid $2 million to the world champion to endorse their new aftershave.
masszív, erőteljes

sturdy walking boots
a sturdy table

Not expecting even this simple trick from Sam, Gollum fell over with Sam on top, and he received the weight of the sturdy hobbit in his stomach.
mindig gondosan ügyelni vmire, elvi kérdést csinál vmiből,
súlyt helyez vmire
to make a point of doing sth

She makes a point of keeping all her shopping receipts.
Úgy vélte, hogy...
He was of the opinion that...
A BBC megkeresésére XY elmondta, hogy ...
Speaking to BBC, XY said that...
visszavon, hatályon kívül helyez törvényt
to repeal

We're campaigning for a/the repeal of the abortion laws.
mostantól fogva, innentől kezdve
from here on out /
from here on in

From here on in we do it my way.

But it gets a lot worse from here on out.

From here on in the road was better.

ki lehet cserélni

Goods are exchangeable as long as they are returned in good condition.
felcserélhető(ek), helyettesíthető(ek)
(egyformák valamilyen szempontból)

interchangeable parts

The terms 'drinking problem' and 'alcohol abuse' are often interchangeable.

I would say the phrases are interchangeable.

right angle

at right angles /
forming a right angle

at right angles with/to the wall - a faltól derékszögben
majdnem, szinte

('almost' mellett)
all but

The game was all but over by the time we arrived.

When you see their faces, the hope that was there three years ago was all but gone.
túl van azon a / minden határon
beyond the pale

Her recent conduct is beyond the pale.

The situation is beyond the pale of what is acceptable.
(hivatalosan) vádolnak vkit vmivel
to be indicted for sg

The president of Sudan is indicted for crimes against humanity.
lakóhelyükről elűzött személyek,
displaced persons

The recent famine in these parts has caused the displacement of tens of thousands of people.

There were reports of refugees dying of famine.

Many children have been maimed for life by these bombs.

impeccable taste / manners/credentials

His English is impeccable.
kiváló referenciái vannak
to have (excellent) credentials

All the candidates had excellent academic credentials.
koholt vádak
trumped-up charges

She was imprisoned on trumped-up corruption charges.
hogy nehogy azt mondja...
in case she/he said...

"I couldn't say hello. Why? In case she said, 'Get out of my face!' I've heard she's a bit of a madam."
a Szajna bal / jobb partján lévő párizsi lakás
a Left Bank Paris apartment (the Southern, bohemian part of Paris)

a Right Bank Paris apartment (the Northern, more elegant and sophisticated part of Paris)
csak, csupán

She's but a young girl!
fennmaradt (irodalom, írásmű, stb.)

the earliest document extant

in extant Greek literature
az ókorban
in antiquity

Cannabis has been used for medicinal purposes since antiquity.
a (szín)darab kerete
the setting of the play

The play has its setting in a wartime prison camp.
prison camp

He was captured by enemy forces and sent to a prison camp for the rest of the war.
ellát vkit vmit
juttat vkinek vmit
to furnish sy with sg

He has been formally charged with conspiring to furnish drugs to her prior to her death.
Eddig terjed/megy el a dolog.
That's the extent of it.
(teljes) keresztmetszet
(átv. is)
(complete) cross-section

The demonstrators seemed to be from a complete cross-section of society - male and female, old and young, rich and poor.

a cross-section of the human heart

to keep vigil - virrasztani (betegnél/imádkozni)

His parents kept vigil beside his bed for weeks before he died.

Friends and family members gathered for a vigil in NY to be with her.

lesből lecsap
ambush / to ambush

Several passers-by were killed in the ambush.

He was ambushed by gunmen on his way to work.
eltáv, kimenő, rövid szabadság
furlough / to ~

The soldiers had their furloughs in their breast pockets.

After safety concerns, the company furloughed all 4000 of it's employees.
breast pocket
UK: power cut
US: power outage

The radio news reported power outages affecting 50 homes.

Storms caused power cuts in hundreds of homes last night.
kezére játszik vkinek/vminek
to play into (the hands of)

He accused him of playing right into their conspiracy in order to reverse the president's agenda.

a war correspondent

the education correspondent for the Guardian
rovatvezető, állandó cikkíró

hírmagyarázó (rádióban)

a gossip/sports columnist

She's a columnist for USA Today.
szeme fénye
apple of sy's eye

His youngest daughter was the apple of his eye.
más néven

also known as
tonsils (usually plural)

I had my tonsils taken out at age 13.
(ski) run

She tumbled down a hill during a private ski lesson at the bottom of a beginners' run.
Bob előre és hátra ugyanaz.
Bob is the same frontward and backward. I'm a fan of a short and simple name.

a sombre atmosphere/voice/face

The funeral was a sombre occasion.

I left them in a sombre mood.

He walked to the hearse, where he was the first to put his hand on the mahogany casket.
( /məˈhɑː.gən.i/
Az ég kezdett beborulni.
The sky began to turn overcast.

a depressing, overcast winter morning

The sky/weather was overcast.
parcella, földdarab

She was laid to rest in the same cemetery where her grandmother is buried. The two plots face each other.

There are several plots of land for sale.
templomi (halott)búcsúztató

származik vhonnan
to hail from

Joe originally hails from Toronto.

haditengerészetnél: ezredes

(kat: üzenet kódolt nyugtázása)
ten-four (10-4)

said to mean that a message has been received
együttes erővel emeljenek szót vmi érdekében
to advocate sg with a stronger voice
pléhpofával/rezzenéstelen arccal mond vmit (pl. viccet)
to deadpan

a deadpan expression/voice
Becs' szóra!
Cross my heart (and hope to die)
csatlós (állam)
A nation dominated politically and economically by another nation.

Russia will not represent a threat to its former satellites.
visszatér a régi kerékvágásba
to revert to type

After several weeks without saying a rude word to anyone, he seems to have reverted to type.
igencsak sikeres megoldásnak bizonyult vmire
it proved to be a very successful arrangement for sg

átv: enyhít, tompít
to dilute

Dilute the juice (with water) before you drink it.

These measures are designed to dilute public fears about the product's safety.