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63 Cards in this Set

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What are the function of Epithelial tissue?
Protection, Secretion Absorption excretion. Sensory reception
Where is Epithelial located?
Covers the body surfaces lines internal organs copose glands
what are the Characteristics of Epithelial tissue?
Lacks blood vessles redily divides tightly packed cells
What are the functions of Connective tissue?
Binds, supports potects fills spaces stores fat produces blood cells
Where is connective tissue located?
Throughout the body
What are connective tissues Charateristics?
has good blood supply, farther apart, Extracellular matrix in between cells
What is the function of muscle tissue?
Where are muscle tissues located?
Attached to bones in the walls of hollow internal organs, heart
What are the characteristics of The muscle tissues?
Able to contract in response to specific stimuli
What are the functions of Nervous tissue?
Transmit impulses for cordination regulation intergration and sensory reception
Where are nervous tissues found?
Brain spinal cord and nerves
What are the characteristics of nervous tissue?
Cells connect to each other and to other body parts
What is the function of Simple Squamous?
Filtration, dissfusion, osmosis, cover surface
Where as simple squamous found?
lungs, walls of capilaries, lining of blood and lymph vessels
What is the function of Simple cuboidal epithelium?
Secretion and absorption
Where are the simple cuboidal epithelium found?
Surface of ovaries, lining of kidneys tubes, lining of ducts and glands
What is the function of simple columnar ephithelium?
Absorption, secretion, protection
Where are simple columnar ephithelium found?
Lining of uterus stomach and intestines
What is the function of Pseudostratified columnar epithelium?
Protection secretion and movement of mucus
Where are the Pseudostratified columnar epithelium found?
Lining of the respiratory passages
What is the function of stratified squamous epithelium?
Where are the straified squamous found?
outer layer of the skin, liningof oral cavity throat, vagina, anal canal
What is the function of the straified cuboidal epithelium?
Where are the straified cuboidal epithelium found?
linings of larger ducts of mamary glands, sweat glands, salivary glands and pancreas
What is the function of the straified columnar epithelium?
Protection and secretion
Where are the straified columnar epithelium found?
Vas deferens, parts of the male urethra, parts of the pharynx
What is the function of the Transitional epithelium?
expansion and protection
Where is the transitional epithelium found?
inner lining of the urinar bladder and lining of the ureters and part of the urethra
What is the function of the Glandular epitheleium?
Where is the Glandular epitheleium found?
Salivary glands sweat glands and endocrine glands
What is the function of a fibroblast?
Produces fibers
What is the function of a Macrophages?
Carry on phagocytosis
What is the funcion of Mast cells?
Secrete Heparin and histamine
What is the function of Collagenous fibers?
Provide great tensile strength
What is the function of Elastic fibers?
stretch easily
What are the function of REticular fibers?
Lend delicate support
What is the function of Loose connective tissue?
Finds organs toghether holds tissue fluids
Where is loose connective tissue located
Beneath skin, between muscles under epithelial tissue
What is the function of Adipose tissue?
Protects insulates and stores fat
Where is Adipose tissue located?
Beneath skin, areound kidneys, behind eyeballs, on suface of heart
What is the function of Dense connective tissue?
Binds organs together
Where is Dense connective tissue located?
Tendons ligaments, deeper layers of the skin
What is the function of Hyaline cartilage
Supports protects and provides framwork
Where is hyaline cartilage located?
Nose, ends of bones rings in the walls of the respiratory passages
What is the function of Elastic Cartilage?
Supports, protects provides flexible framwork
Where is elastic cartilage located?
Framework of external ear and parts of larynx
What is the function of Fibrocartilage?
Supports protects and absorbs shock
Where is the fibrocartilage located?
Between bony parts of spinal column, parts of the pelvic girdle and knee
What is the function of Bone tissue?
Supports protects and provides framework
Where is the Bone tissue located?
Bones of Skeleton
Whast is the function of the Blood tissue
Transports substances, helps maintain stable internal enviornment
What is the function of the skeletal muscle tissue?
Voluntary movements of skeletal parts
What is the function of the smooth muscle tissue?
Lacks striations involuntary movement of the internal organs
Where are the smooth muscle tissues usually found?
Walls of hollow internal organs
What is the function of the Cardiac muscle tissue?
Heart movement
What is the function of the nervous tissue?
Sensory reception and conduction of nerve impulses
Where is nervous tissue found?
Brain spinal cord and peripheral nerves.
What does a simple squamous epithelium look like?
Single layer tightly packed flattedn cells
What does a simple cubodial look like?
one layer tightly packed cubed shaped cells
What does a simple columnar look like?
Single layer of elongated cells
What does a Pseudostratified look like?
appears stratified nuclei located at different levels
What do stratified cuboidal surround?
they surround a lumen ( a lumen is a open hole
What do stratified columnar cells look like?
top layer is columnar cells underlying layers are cuboidal