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47 Cards in this Set

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The spontaneous return of a conditioned response following extinction

Spontaneous recovery

The process of relearning a conditioned response following extinction


The tendency to differentiate among stimuli so that stimuli are related to the original conditioned stimulus, but not identical to it, fail to elicit a conditioned response

Stimulus discrimination

An emotional response to a particular stimulus acquired through classical conditioning

Conditioned emotional reaction

Thorondike's principal that responses that have satisfying effects are more likely to reoccur, whereas those that have unpleasant effects are less likely to reoccur

Law of Effect

In Skinner's view, behavior acquired through coincidental association of a response and reinforcement

Superstitious behavior

Reinforcers that are naturally rewarding because they satisfy basic biological needs or drives

Primary reinforcers

Learned reinforcers that develop their rewarding properties because they are associated with primary reinforcers

Secondary reinforcers

The learning of behaviors that allow an organism to escape from an aversive stimulus

Escape learning

The learning of behaviors that allow an organism to avoid an aversive stimulus

Avoidance learning

A learning method in which a series of complex material is broken down into steps that learners master at their own pace

Programmed instruction

A form of programmed instruction in which a computer is used to guide a learner through a series of increasingly difficult questions

Computer-assisted learning

A mental representation of an area that helps an organism navigate from one point to another

Cognitive map

A relatively permanent change in behavior due to experience


Learning to associate two stimuli with one another

Associative learning

Learning by watching the experiences of others

Observational learning

Learning that occurs when a neutral stimulus is paired with an unconditioned stimulus

Classical conditioning

Any stimulus that will always and naturally elicit a response

Unconditioned stimulus

Any response that will always and naturally occur because of the unconditioned stimulus

Unconditioned response

Any stimulus that does not cause a response (Unconditioned response)

Neutral stimulus

An automatic, unlearned response to a particular stimuli


Any stimulus that will, after association with the unconditioned stimulus, cause a conditioned response

Conditioned stimulus

Any response that occurs on presentation of the conditioned stimulus

Conditioned response

When the neutral stimulus and unconditioned stimulus are put together at the same time and place


When the conditioned response gradually weakens and disappears over time


Tendency for stimuli that are similar to the conditioned stimulus to elicit a conditioned response

Stimulus generalization

The ability to differentiate among related stimuli

Stimulus discrimination

Conditioned taste aversion occurs when a subject associates the taste of a certain food with symptoms caused by a toxic, spoiled, or poisonous substance

Food aversion

The systematic application of principles in order to strengthen adaptive behavior and weaken maladaptive behavior

Behavior modification therapy

Excessive fears of particular objects or situations


A phobia therapy method in which the pairing of exposure in imagination to fear-inducing stimuli and states of deep relaxation

Systematic desensitization

A series of graduated (least to most) anxiety- arousing stimuli or situations

Hierarchy of anxiety

Learning through consequences

Operant conditioning

Strengthens the behavior that came right before it


Reinforcement involving the addition of a desired stimulus

Positive reinforcement

Reinforcement involving the removal of an aversive stimulus

Negative reinforcement

Reinforcement given for rough approximation of correct behavior and eventually gets more specific


Pre-determined plan for the delivery of reinforcement

Schedule of reinforcement

Scalloped response

Fixed interval

Very invariant

Variable interval

Pause and run

Fixed ratio

Very rapid

Variable ratio

Stimulus that weakens the behavior that came before it


Learning that involves mental processes that cannot be directly observed

Cognitive learning

A type of learning or problem solving that happens all-of-a-sudden through understanding the relationships various parts of a problem rather than through trial and error

Insight learning

A form of learning that is not immediately expressed in an overt response; it occurs without any obvious reinforcement of the behavior or associations that are learned

Latent learning

A watch and learn type method of learning

Observational learning