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21 Cards in this Set

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All sensory information arrived in the spinal cord from neurones in...?
dorsal root ganglia.
Sensor stimuli produce what type of receptor potential?
Graded potential
Magnitude of s stimuli is encoded for how?
the frequency of impulses
Quality of a stimuli is denoted how?
By which receptor is activated.
Slowly adapting cutaneous mechanoreceptors signal what type of skin contact?
Prolonged skin contact
Rapidly adapting cutaneous mechanoreceptors signal what type of skin contact?
swift changes - vibration
Give two examples of Rapidly adapting cutaneous mechanoreceptor?
Meissner's and Pacinian corpuscles
Give two examples of slowly adapting cutaneous mechanoreceptor?
Merkle's disk and Ruffini endings
What type of receptor would measure stretch in joints?
Ruffini endings
What type of receptor would be used to read brail (fine touch)?
Merkel's disk?
What is the axon reflex?
Vasodilation and inflammatory peptides are liberated around the site of a harmful stimuli - mediated by silent nociceptors
What are the two types of nociceptors?
some respond to extreme mechanical stimuli while others (silent nociceptors) respond to inflammatory molecules from damaged cells or Mast cells
What are the two types of Thermoreceptors?
Warm unity >37 degrees. Cold units <37 degrees
What are the main two types of proprioceptors?
M. spindles and Golgi tendon organs.
What do M. spindles sense?
M. stretch
What do Golgi tendon organs sense?
loading or tention
Give an example of a reflex mediated by a Proprioceptor
The anti-gravity reflex.
What class of afferent fibres run from proprioceptors?
A-alpha (myelinated)
What class of afferent fibres run from cutaneous receptors?
A-beta (myelinated)
What class of afferent fibres run from thermoreceptors?
A-delta (myelinated)
What class of afferent fibres run from nociecptors?
A-delta (myelinated) and C (unmyelinated)