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24 Cards in this Set

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What are the functional modalities coveyed in the PCMLS (posterior column medial lemniscus system)
this conveys:
Fine touch
Proprioception (concious)
Vibratory sense
Where is the 1st neuron in the PCMLS pathway located? Cell body? Processes?
The primary sensory neuron for the PCMLS is located in the PRG (cell body)
It receives info from the body, and synapses in the posterior horn (for reflexs)
Where is the 1st neuron in the PCMLS Process ascending in? in what tract? going to?
the 1st neuron's body is in the PRG, its entry is in the medial division of the posterior root entry zone.

The axon ascends in the posterior columns (gracilis or cuneatus) to the Medulla
Where does the 1st neuron in the PCMLS synapse on the 2nd neuron?
the 2nd neuron cell body is in the gracile or cuneate nuclei in the medulla.
Where does the 2nd neuron in the PCMLS send its axons?
The 2nd order neurons of the PCMLS, located in the cuneate/gracile nucleus (still ipsilateral to side of body of origin), NOW send arcuate fibers across in the medulla, to the contralateral Medial lemniscus
Once the 2nd order neruons of the PCMLS enter the medial lemniscus, where do these axons go?
they travel to the Ventral Posterolateral (VPL) nucleus of the thalamus
From the VLP of the thalamus, where do PCMLS axons travel?
these then follow the posterior limb of the internal capsule and ascend to the cerebral cortex
What artery supplies the posterior limb of the internal capsule?
the lenticulostriate artery
Where do axons from the PCMLS enter the brain?
these enter in layer IV of the primary somatosensory cortex (S1), broadmann areas 3,1,2 (postcentral gyrus)
What is the somatotopic organization of the PCMLS like?
the upper body parts are seen on the lateral surface, while the lower portions are see medially on the surface of the gyrus
What do broadman areas 3a and 2 receive input of?
These get proprioceptive input from the PCMLS
What do broadman areas 3b and 1 receive input from?
these get cutaneous mechanorecptor input from the PCMLS
From the S1, where the does the PCMLS go?
this then sends info to the the parietal lobe, (broadmann 5/7)
and the pariteal operculum (SII, upper bank of lateral fissure)
What is the somatotopic organization of the PCMLS like in the spinal cord?
Here the lower limbs are most posterior medial (gracilis)

and the trunk and upper limbs are added laterally (cuneatus)
What is the somatotopic organization of the PCMLS like in the medulla?
Here it is organized in a posterior-anterior fassion, where the person appears to be standing up. Legs posterior (bottom of screen), and arms superior (anterior/top of screen)
What is the somatotopic organization of the PCMLS like?
the upper body parts are seen on the lateral surface, while the lower portions are see medially on the surface of the gyrus
What do broadman areas 3a and 2 receive input of?
These get proprioceptive input from the PCMLS
What do broadman areas 3b and 1 receive input from?
these get cutaneous mechanorecptor input from the PCMLS
From the S1, where the does the PCMLS go?
this then sends info to the the parietal lobe, (broadmann 5/7)
and the pariteal operculum (SII, upper bank of lateral fissure)
What is the somatotopic organization of the PCMLS like in the spinal cord?
Here the lower limbs are most posterior medial (gracilis)

and the trunk and upper limbs are added laterally (cuneatus)
What is the somatotopic organization of the PCMLS like in the medulla?
Here it is organized in a posterior-anterior fassion, where the person appears to be standing up. Legs posterior (bottom of screen), and arms superior (anterior/top of screen)
what is the somatotopic organization of the PCMLS like in the midbrain (so ML portion)
Here the arms/upper body are most midline, and the lower limbs are lateral and anterior
What pathways carries Visceral pain?
the PCMLS pathway
What causes astereognosis?
this is caused by a lesion to S1 and S2- unable to recognize size and shape of objects by tactile manipulation