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13 Cards in this Set

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How does the basilar membrane vibrate with respect to frequency?
High frequency, base vibrates more, dissipates energy, distance traveled from base to apex is small.
Stiffness of membrane decreases from base on apex.
Central auditory pathway
Hair cells, auditory nerve, ventral cochlear nuclei, superior olive, (projects to one side of brain), inferior colliculus, MGN (thalamus), cortex
Posterior Parietal Cortex
sensory map, orienting to a stimulus that may be important
Cingulate Cortex
Limbic area, motivational value, is the cue important?
Frontal cortex
Attention for Action
Reticular nucleus
Thalamus, arousal and vigilance
Pulvinar nucleus
Thalamus, connected to many lobes, modulate widespread cortical activity
Frontal Eye Field
Activity feeds back to cortical areas, enhances activity there
Lateral Pathways
voluntary movement, direct cortical control, dorsal areas, corticospinal tract crosses over at medulla (contralateral control), rubrospinal tract, lesions yield fractional movement of arms/hands on contralateral side
Ventromedial Pathways
posture, locomotion, brain stem control, low towards midlne
Vestibulospinal tract
vestibular nucleus, balance
Tectospinal tract
superior colliculus, involved in gaze
Pontine tract and medullary reticulospinal tract
enhances/liberates antigravity reflexes, together yield balance