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212 Cards in this Set

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somatic and autonomic
these are the two divisions of the peripheral nervous system
the basic functional component of the nervous system
the supporting cells of the nervous system; do not participate in synaptic interactions (have no dendrites or axons)
the electrical signaling cells of the nervous system
interconnection between nerve cells
intricate ensembles/groups of neurons
these types of neurons are toward the CNS and carry sensory information
these types of neurons go away from the CNS toward the periphery and carry motor information
these types of neurons are local circuit neurons
in the CNS, an accumulation of neurons with similar functions and connections; found throughout the brain and spinal cord
sheet-like array of nerve cells in the CNS (in the cerebral hemispheres and cerebellum)
bundles of axons in the CNS that have glial cells that envelope them
gray matter
matter in the CNS that is an accumulation of cell bodies
white matter
matter in the CNS that contains tracts of axons
the sensory information of the body goes in through the __ part of the spinal cord or brainstem
the motor information of the body goes out through the __ part of the spinal cord or brainstem
glial cell in the CNS that have elaborate, star like local processes; they maintain the appropriate chemical environment for electrical signaling
glial cells in the CNS that lay down a laminated, lipid-rich myelin wrapping that covers some axons and affects the speed of conduction of the AP
Schwann cells
cells in the PNS that lay down myelin
glial cell in the CNS that is derived from hematopoetic stem cells; have properties of macrophages, so they scavenge and remove cellular debris; their concentration increases following brain damage
cell body
the part of the neuron that contains all the cell organelles, including the nucleus
the part of the neuron that carries information toward the cell body, and is a major site for synapses
the part of the neuron that conducts signals to the synapse, away from the cell body
in the PNS, local accumulations of nerve cell bodies
in the PNS, these are bundles of axons
plane that divides the right and left sides of the body (hemispheres of the brain)
plane of the body that divides it into front and back
somatic and autonomic
the divisions of the PNS
a neuron that has only one cell process
a neuron that has two extensions, a dendrite and an axon
a type of neuron that has one axon with two processes
a type or neuron that has one axon and many dendrites
a type of neuron that has a triangular cell body, an axon, and many dendritic processes
a voltage (charge difference) across a barrier (i.e. the membrane)
resting potential
voltage across the membrane while the neuron is at rest
action potential
the stereotyped pattern of voltage changes across the membrane while the neuron is sending an electrical signal to its target
electrochemical equilibrium
the point of exact balance between the concentration gradient and the electrical gradient
equation used to give the electrochemical equilibrium for a certain ion
at rest, neurons at permeable primarily to what ion?
neurons that are responsible for motor coordination output from the brain
capacitative current
the spreading of charge change across the membrane
refractory period
time in which a sodium channel is inactivated so the axon can propagate the action potential in just one direction
this material is responsible for insulating the axons to prevent charge loss, for increasing the velocity of conduction of the AP along the axons
a point of contact between a neuron and a target cell that allows for cell to cell communication
neurotransmitter that functions in neuromuscular transmission
neurotransmitter that excites postsynaptic neurons in the human CNS
GABA and glycine
neurotransmitters that inhibit post-synaptic neurons in the human CNS
neurotransmitter that functions in motivation and reward behaviors
neurotransmitter that functions in emotion
critical periods
times of greatest change during development (there is an ideal window of time to acquire a function after which this is no longer possible)
the invagination of the developing embryo; starts as a single sheet of cells and the invagination produces 3 germ layers
the outermost germ layer
the middle germ layer
the innermost germ layer
this layer gives rise to the notochord
this structure develops during gastrulation and extends along the midline of the embryo from anterior to posterior; it specifies the topography of the embryo and determines the position of the nervous system; it sends inductive signals to the overlying ectoderm to begin neurulation
the differentiation of the neuroectoderm into neural precursor cells
neural plate
formed from the midline ectoderm that thickens into a distinct columnar epithelium upon signaling from the notochord
neural tube
formed from the infolding of the lateral margins of the neural plate
neural tube
this embryonic structure gives rise to the brian and spinal cord
neural groove
the precursor of the neural tube that is formed by folding of the neural plate
masses of mesoderm distributed along the sides of the neural tube that eventually become skin, skeletal muscle, and vertebrae
a special strip of epithelial-like cells in proximity to the notochord at the ventral midline of the neural tube; it elaborates signaling molecules to tell adjacent cells what they;re going to do; it determines the dorso-ventral polarity of the neural tube and differentiation of the neural precursor cells that lead to spinal and brainstem motor neurons
neural crest cells
transient, multipotent, migratory cell population during neurulation that migrate away from the neural tube through mesenchymal cells and form a variety of different things, including: the PNS, adrenal gland, enteric NS, and pigment cells, cartilage, and bone
inducing signals
molecules that modulate gene expression (derived from the notochord and the roof and floor plates); cause changes in shape, motility, and gene expression in target cells
retinoic acid
molecule that is a derivative of vitamin A; it is a member of the steroid/thyroid family of hormones and it activates transcription factors through retinoid receptors
peptide hormones
signaling molecules transcribed from the genome, including fibroblast growth factor, transforming growth factor, and sonic hedgehog
sonic hedgehog (Shh)
this inductive signal is essential for differentiation of motor neurons in the ventral spinal cord (comes from the floorplate)
Transforming growth factor (TGF)
this inductive signal is important for the specification of the neural plate with subsequent differentiation of the dorsal part of the spinal cord and the hindbrain (comes from the roofplate)
spina bifida
failure of the posterior neural tube to close completely
failure of the anterior neural tube to close completely
the formation of major brain subdivisions during embryonic development
gives rise to the forebrain during partitioning
gives rise to the midbrain during partitioning
gives rise to the hindbrain during partitioning
this structure forms from the lateral aspects of the rostral prosencephalon; eventually forms the cerebral cortex, hippocampus, ganglia, and olfactory bulb
this structure forms from the caudal portion of the prosencephalon, and eventually becomes the thalamus, hypothalamus, and the retina
dorsal mesencephalon
this portion of the brain gives rise to the tectum
ventral mesencephalon
this portion of the brain gives rise to the tegmentum, a collection of nuclei
this structure forms from the rostral rhombencephalon, and eventually becomes the cerebellum and the pons
structure that comes from the caudal part of the rhombencephalon, that eventually forms the medulla
genetic abnormality that is caused from enlarged ventricles; mutations of genes on X chromosomes, deficits in cell adhesion, or blockage of CSF circulation
Fragile X syndrome
disease with triplet repeats in a subset of genes on the X chromosome, deficit in dendritic process and synapse stabilization; can cause mental retardation
trisomy 21
abnormality with triplet 21st chromosomes, so an abundance of genes; there are increased levels of signaling molecules, meaning altered neural development
growth cone
a dynamic, actin supported extension of a developing axon seeking its target; situated on the very tips of axons and dendrites,
a cytoskeletal actin motor which pulls the cell forward during the process of cell migration
projections of the cell that form local adhesions with substratum, linking it to the cell surface; rich in receptors and cell adhesion molecules
chemotrophic factors
factors that are essential for cell survival; nourish cells to they can perform growth that is guided by neurotropic factors
chemotropic factors
factors that cause movement by chemical stimulus in organisms; they guide the cell to where they need to go
cell adhesion molecules (CAMs)
these tropic factors bind the cells to substrates in the ECM
a substance present in the floor plate that encourages commissural axon outgrowth; therefore, without netrin, there would be no cell processes
protein that acts as an axonal growth cone guidance molecules; primarily act to steer axons away from inappropriate areas
the three protective tissue layers around the brain and spinal cord
dura mater
the outermost, thick and touch meninges
arachnoid mater
the middle meninges; there are cisterns where there are larger spaces, and major vessels run through this space
subarachnoid space
the space under the arachnoid mater that houses the CSF
pia mater
the innermost, thin and delicate meninges
cerebrospinal fluid
a fluid that bathes the brain and spinal cord; it is found in the subarachnoid space and contains very little protein and ion concentrations that are different from plasma
choroid plexus
forms the cerebrospinal fluid
series of interconnected, fluid-filled spaces in the forebrain and the brainstem
lateral ventricles
these ventricles are the largest in each of the cerebral hemispheres
this ventricle is a narrow midline space between the right and left thalamus
cerebral aqueduct
this ventricle goes through the midbrain
this ventricle is a larger space in the dorsal pons and the medulla (located in the mesencephalon)
arachnoid villi
these projections into the subarachnoid space resorb CSF back into the bloodstream
a disease that occurs when there is a physical blockage of the circulation of CSF; causes a huge increase in intercranial pressure
blood brain barrier
this is the barrier formed by specialized endothelial cells that overlap and form tight junctions; it functions to maintain a constant intercerebral environment, and protects the brain from rapid changes in ion concentrations
perivascular edema
this is an accumulation of fluids from the blood vessels of the brain when there is disruption of the blood brain barrier
venous sinuses
these structures drain blood from the brain into the internal jugular vein; are located between the two layers of dura
endosteal and meningeal
the two layers of the dura
superior sagittal
this sinus runs in the interhemispheric fissue formed at the upper margin of the falx cerebri
falx cerebri
an arched fold of dura mater that extends vertically between the cerebral hemispheres in the longitudinal fissues
inferior sagittal
this sinus is formed by the lower free edge of the falx cerebri and arches over the corpus callosum; it ends in the great cerebral vein of Galen, then forms the straight sinus
straight sinus
this sinus is formed by the union of the inferior sagittal sinus with the great vein; it becomes continuous with the transverse sinuses
this sinus passes laterally from the confluence of the sinuses into the attached border of the tentorium cerebelli
tentorium cerebelli
an extension of the dura mater that separates the cerebellum from the inferior portion of the occipital lobes
sigmoid sinus
these bilateral sinuses follow an s-shaped course in the posterior cranial fossa, then turn to enter the jugular veins; they drain the blood out of the cranium
this area is where five different sinuses come together at the end of the superior sagittal sinus; the sinuses that communicate here are the superior sagittal, transverse (2) and the occipital
vertebral and internal carotid
the two main branches of the dorsal aorta
vertebral artery
this artery arises from the subclavian arteries and supplies the entire posterior fossa, occipital lobes, portions of the temporal lobes, brainstem, and cerebellum
foramen magnum
this is where the vertebral artery enters the cranium
internal carotid
this artery comes from the common carotid artery, and supplies the cerebral hemispheres
carotid canal
this is where the internal carotid artery enters the cranium
anterior spinal artery
a branch of the vertebral arteries that supplies the medulla and the anterior spinal cord
posterior spinal arteries
there are two of these arteries that branch from the bilateral vertebral arteries; they run along the posterior spinal cord and supply the dorsal columns and dorsal horns (Sensory regions)
posterior inferior cerebellar artery
this is a branch of the vertebral artery that supplies the medulla and the cerebellum
this artery is formed by the coming together of the anterior spinal, posterior spinal, and PICA arteries
anterior inferior cerebellar artery
this bilateral artery branches off the basilar artery and supplies the lateral pons and the anterior-inferior cerebellum
superior cerebellar artery
this bilateral artery branches off the basilar artery and supplies the lateral midbrain and the superior/lateral cerebellum
posterior cerebral artery
this bilateral artery branches from the basilar artery and supplies the occipital lobe, inferior and medial temporal lobe (hippocampus), and the posterior corpus callosum
thalamoperforant and thalamogenulate
branches of the posterior cerebral artery that branch off and supply the thalamus, subthalamus, oculomotor nuclei, cerebral peduncle, and other midbrain structures
anterior cerebral artery
bilateral artery that branches from the internal carotid artery that supplies the inferior frontal lobe, the medial surface of the frontal and parietal lobes, the anterior corpus callosum, the deeper cerebrum, limbic structures, the head of the caudate (basal ganglia) and the anterior limb of the internal capsule); located in the innermost border between the cerebral hemispheres
middle cerebral artery
this bilateral artery is a branch from the internal carotid; it has large branches that supply most of the lateral cortex and white matter of the hemisphere's convexity; it supplies that lateral inferior frontal lobe including Broca's area, parietal lobe with the sensory cortex, superior temporal lobe (Wenicke's area), some of the occipital lobe and insula, and the deeper cerebrum (putamen, body of caudate)
posterior communicating
these bilateral arteries connect the posterior cerebral arteries to the internal carotid artery
anterior communicating artery
this artery connects the two anterior cerebral arteries
circle of willis
this structure is a composition of the posterior cerebral arteries, the posterior communicating arteries, the internal carotids, the anterior cerebral arteries, and the anterior communicating artery; it provides an overlapping blood supply and creates redundancies so that if one part were blocked, blood from other parts of the structure could preserve the brain well enough to avoid ischemia
this type of stroke is due to an insufficiency of blood supply from an occlusive block or closure; it also results in a reduction of glucose and oxygen and is reversible, depending on the severity and duration
reduced oxygen
this type of stroke is due to bleeding from a vessel, and can occur at the surface or deep
anterior cerebral
a more distal occlusion of this artery causes sensory and motor deficits on the opposite foot and leg and mild sensory loss; paresis of the contralateral arm, personality changes, akinetic mutism, gait apraxia, and ataxia
middle cerebral
total occlusion of this artery causes contralateral hemiplegia, hemianesthesia, head and eyes deviating, global aphasia, and neglect of the contralateral side of the body
posterior cerebral
occlusion of this artery causes head and eyes to deviate away from lesion, visual hallucinations, and memory loss; pain and sensory loss (thalamus), the subthalamus
Weber's syndrome
a syndrome associated with blockage of the posterior cerebral artery that causes oculomotor palsy with contralateral hemiplegia that results from damage to the oculomotor nucleus and cerebral peduncle
basilar artery
a complete blockage of this artery is REALLY bad; will cause bilateral sensory and motor deficits due to interruption of the sensory and motor pathways with variable cerebellar and cranial nerve findings; the person often becomes comatose due to ischemia of the midbrain reticular activating system
locked in syndrome
syndrome that results from a blockage of the basilar artery when there is interruption of the motor pathways but a sparing of the reticular activating system; person presents with quadriplegia and mute but consciousness
reticular activating system
a system in the body that is responsible for regulating the sleep-wake cycle and for moderating alertness; it is composed of several neuronal pathways connecting the brainstem to the cortex
occlusion of these arteries typically causes nausea and vomiting, dizziness, gait ataxia, and sometimes limb ataxia
a syndrome that occurs with blockage of the cerebellar arteries that can be due to infarct in the PICA distribution, causing ipsilateral ataxia, nausea and vomiting, slurred speech, loss of pain and temperature feeling on contralateral side of the body
neuromuscular junction
this is a chemical synapse between a motor neuron and a skeletal muscle fiber; it includes the motor neuron, the muscle fiber, and the Schwann cell processes
alpha motor neuron
this is the neuron that exits the ventral root of the spinal cord and travels via the peripheral nerve to the muscle; it branches to terminate on multiple muscle fibers; at the muscle fiber, it splits into several unmyelinated branches
presynaptic terminals at the end of axon branches; they contain synaptic vesicles that contain ACh and mitochondria for energy for vesicle recycling
active zones
these areas of the membrane are specialized for vesicular release of ACh; it contains voltage gated calcium channels that permit calcium to enter the terminal in response to a presynaptic action potential
these cells cap the nerve boutons and insulate them from the environment; provide protection; they contact preterminal portion of the neuron and form a myelin sheath and increase the impulse spread of the neuron
motor unit
an alpha motor neuron plus all the muscle fibers it innervates
motor pool
this is a set of all the alpha motor neurons contributing to the innervation of an entire muscle
motor end plate
this is the specific area where the alpha motor neuron innervates the muscle fiber , which is the flattened end of a motor neuron that transmits impulses to the muscle
junctional folds
folds in the postsynaptic membrane (muscle) that align with active zones on the presynaptic terminal (boutons); they are the site of post-synaptic ACh receptors and voltage gates sodium channels
synaptic cleft
the space between the boutons and the muscle membrane; about 100 mm thick
basement membrane/basal lamina
this membrane aligns the junctional folds with the active zones; it contains collagen and glycoproteins and releases AChE
these proteins prime the vesicles filled with ACh for fusion with the presynaptic membrane by regulating the assembly of SNARE proteins
SNARE proteins
proteins that attach the vesicle to the presynaptic membrane; they are contained both on the vesicle and the presynaptic plasma membrane
found in the vesicle membrane; it binds calcium that signals a conformational change and makes it more receptive to the SNARE protein syntaxin that is located on the presynaptic plasma membrane
acetylcholinesterase (AChE)
this enzyme hydrolyzes ACh intro acetic acid and choline; it is concentrated in the synaptic cleft after being made by the basal lamina
safety factor
this factor acts as a buffer that produces an end plate potential that is well above the needed threshold for an action potential to occur; therefore, the presynaptic action potential GUARANTEES that there will be a postsynaptic action potential in the muscle, due to the large number of vesicles being released with each action potential
this protein regulates the amount of synaptic vesicles that are available for release via exocytosis; during the action potential, they are phosphorylated and allow the vesicles to migrate to the presynaptic membrane and release the neurotransmitter
the potentials in the NMJ are only __ in nature
myasthenia gravis
this is an autoimmune disorder that reduces the number of functional ACh receptors and can eventually destroy them, diminishing the efficacy of synaptic transmission; the symptoms include weak eye muscles, dropping of eyelids, blurred vision, difficulty swallowing and slurred speech, and weakness in distal muscles
this neurotoxin prevents presynaptic ACh release by cleaving the SNARE proteins; it manifests as symmetric, progressive, descending flaccid paralysis in the arms, leg, trunk, and respiratory musculature; death occurs due to respiratory failure in 3-5% of cases; symptoms include blurred vision, drooping eyelids, slurred speech, difficulty swallowing, dry mouth, and muscle weakness
Lambert Eaton
this syndrome targets calcium channels at the presynaptic terminal and reduces the release of ACh; it is usually associated with certain cancers; blood usually has a high concentration of antibodies for calcium channel proteins and symptoms include progressive muscle weakness
this disease is caused by a bacteria that infects wounds, and it works by cleaving synaptobrevin, a SNARE protein
black widow venom
this toxin causes a mass exodus of ACh, exhausts the supply, and does not allow for recycling; manifests through paralysis
this toxin competes for ACh receptors by binding to them so ACh can't
motor unit
this is the functional unit of movement; it is composed of the alpha motor neuron and the fibers it innervates
innervation ratio
this is the ratio of the alpha motor neuron to the number of fibers it innervates
motor pool
this is all of the motor neurons innervating a particular muscle; a muscle is innervated by many motor axons from different neurons
these size motor units have small, red, slow fatiguing fibers and have low force, sustained contraction, and low fatigue
these size motor units have large, white, fast fatiguing fibers with high force and brief exertions, and also moderate force and resistant to fatigue fibers
the decline in force after the initial increase in tension during unfused tetanus; exhibited in fast but not slow fibers, showing that slow fibers can sustain their force over a longer period of time
rate coding
this occurs when force output is modulated by a firing rate
making the membrane potential more negative
making the membrane potential more positive
passive current flow
current conduction b neurons in the absence of action potentials
conduction velocity
the action potential's measurable rate of transmission
nodes of Ranvier
the places along an axon where the actual action potential is generated and where the voltage gated Na channels are located
the currents that are flowing through single ion channels
the currents that are flowing through a large number of channels that are distributed over an extensive region of surface membrane
active transporters
transmembrane proteins that store up energy in the form of ion concentration gradients that translocate ions against their electrochemical gradients through the consumption of energy
an active transporter that acquires energy directly from the hydrolysis of ATP
ion exchangers
active transporters that generate their energy from the electrochemical gradients of other ions
pumps that can generate an electrical current that hyperpolarize the membrane potential
these types of synapses allow ionic current to flow passively through the gap junction pores from one neuron to another; usual source of this current is the potential difference by the action potential
when more than one transmitter is present within a nerve terminal, they are called __
end plate potential
the change in membrane potential of the postsynaptic muscle fiber following an action potential in the presynaptic motor neuron
mini EPPs
spontaneous changes in muscle cell membrane potential that occur even the absence of stimulation of the presynaptic motor neuron
this protein links vesicles to actin filaments in the cytoskeleton to keep them tethered in the reserve pool of the presynaptic terminal
postsynaptic potential
the postsynaptic membrane potential change that occurs when the neurotransmitter binds to the postsynaptic cell
this postsynaptic potential will increase the likelihood of a postsynaptic action potential occurring; will depolarize the membrane
this postsynaptic potential will decrease the likelihood of a postsynaptic action potential occurring; will hyperpolarize the membrane
whether the different inputs results in the production of an action potential or not depends on the balance between excitation and inhibition
receptors that are linked directly to ion channels; aka ligand gated because they combine neurotransmitter binding and channel functions into a single molecular entity
a type of receptors that are called this because the eventual movement of ions through a channel depends on one or more metabolic steps; aka G protein receptors; the NT binds to the receptor which then activates G proteins, which dissociates and then binds to other proteins to make messengers that open or close ion channels
these types of neurotransmitters are relatively large composed of 3 to 36 amino acids
the type of receptor that accepts ACh at the postsynaptic terminal
biogenic amine
these transmitters regulate many brain functions; made up of the three catecholamines (dopamine, norepinephrine, and epinephrine) and histamine and serotonin
the local invagination of the subset of cells in the developing embryo; forms the three primitive cell layers; defines the midline,anterior-posterior, and dorsal-ventral axes
formation of this structure during gastrulation is essential for the subsequent development of the nervous system; comes to define the embryonic midline and thus the axis of symmetry of the entire body
primitive streak
the surface indentation that eventually forms the notochord
the ectoderm that lies immediately above the notochord that eventually becomes the entire nervous system
the process of causing neuroectodermal cells to differentiate into neural precursor cells
neural plate
the layer of the midline ectoderm that forms into a distinct columnar epithelium
neural tube
a folding of the neural plate causes the formation of this stricture, which goes on to form the brain and spinal cord
neural crest
these cells follow specific pathways where they are exposed to specific inductive signals that influence their differentiation; give rise to glia of autonomic ganglia, adrenal gland, and enteric nervous system