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242 Cards in this Set

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Motor Control Systems basic fxn
i. Function is to tell LMN (alpha & gamma MN) what to do.
ii. The end result is to instruct LMN to fire or not to fire.
two major motor control systems
(that cannot really work in isolation, highly integrated)
1. Pyramidal: initiated, voluntary skeletal m activity.
2. Extrapyramidal: involuntary skeletal m activity..
Supplemental motor area location
pyramidal system; located in frontal lobe
1. Anterior to pre-central gyrus (PCG)
2. Superior to the motor cortex
supplemental motor area fxns
3. Functionally, it is an association area for pre central gyrus (finesse)
a. Important for initiation of movement
b. Involved w/ orientation of the eyes & head (i.e., extrinsic eye m coordination)
c. Planning sequential & bi-manual movements.
supplemental motor area sends UMN where?
4. Interacts w/ pre-central gyrus & sends UMN to the
a. cranial N (CN) motor nuclei (via corticobular tract) &
b. ventral horns of SC where UMN synapse w/ LMN. (via cortiospinal tract)
pre motor area location
pyramidal system
1. located in the frontal lobe
2. Anterior to the PCG
Pre-motor area fxns
3. Functionally, it is an association area
a. Controls trunk, pelvic, & pectoral girdle musculature (i.e., changing posture; stabilization)
b. Involved w/ anticipatory postural control & adjustments (stability)
pre-motor area interacts with and sends UMN where?
4. Interacts with pre-central gyrus, as well as sending UMN to the CN nuclei in the brain stem (via cortiobulbar tract) & sends UMN to the ventral horns (via cortiospinal tract)
Broca's area characteristics
pyramidal system; located in the frontal lobe
1. Anterior to PCG
2. Functionally, it is an association area.
a. 1° (primary) function is to instigate speech
Corticospinal tract characteristics
-pyramidal system
-contralateral skeletal m activity from the extremities & trunk (Head and neck NOT included here)
two corticofugal motor tracts
corticospinal tract

corticobulbar tract
corticospinal tract cell bodies location
1. Cell bodies of UMNs are located in the Pre-central gyrus of frontal lobe (Pre motor cortex)
corticospinal tract pathway
2. Descend through white matter -> posterior limb of the internal capsule (PLIC) -> Through the crus cerebri of the cerebral peduncles of the midbrain -> Through the ventral pons and into the ventral medulla
corticospinal pathway decussation
i. 90% decussate in the pyramids of the medulla.
1. Descend the contralateral lateral white column of the SC & are called the lateral corticospinal tract (Still UMNs)
2. Synapse w LMN in ventral horn -> exits to become spinal nerve
corticospinal pathway no decussation
ii. 10% do not decussate in the pyramids
1. Continue ipsilateral descent via the ventral white column of the SC
a. Ventral corticospinal tract (UMN)
2. Decussate via the anterior white commissure (ventral spinal cord) to the contralateral side.
3. Synapse w/ LMN in the ventral horn  peripheral nerve
Result of corticospinal tract's 90/10 decussation pattern
corticospinal tract never experiences a complete lesion. (Complete paralysis)
corticobulbar tract characteristics
pyramidal system

Bilateral except for CN VII and CN XII
corticobulbar tract fxns
voluntary contralateral skeletal mm activity of the:
a. head & neck
b. mm of facial expression
c. extrinsic eye mm
d. tongue, mastication,
e. neck, pharynx, larynx,
f. & scalp.
corticobulbar tract cell bodies location
located in the PCG (precentral gyrus) of the frontal lobe.
corticobulbar tract pathway
a. Descend through the posterior limb of internal capsule (PLIC)
b. They may pass through the crus cerebri of the cerebral peduncles of the midbrain
c. Depending on which part of the brain stem they are going, some go to the midbrain, some continue coursing through the ventral pons and some continue on into the medulla (CN 3-4 midbrain, CN 5-8 pons, CN 9-12 medulla)
d. Decussate in the region of the brain stem to which they are going.
e. Synapse w/ LMN in the CN motor nuclei in the tegmentum of the brain stem
f. LMN then become part of the cranial N
Bilateral projection pattern: (III, IV, V, VI, IX, X, XI) of corticobulbar tract advantage
do not lose function if it becomes damaged b/c there is input from both sides of the brain.
i. EXCEPTION: CN VII (facial) & XII (hypoglossal) have a unilateral decussating pattern
unilateral pattern characteristics
1. In a unilateral pattern, the L side controls the L & the R controls the R.
a. Will see a stroke affect CN VII & XII b/c there is no compensation by a bilateral projection pattern.
only cranial nerves which do not have motor input
CN I (olfactory), II (optic), VIII (vestibulocochlear)
2 cranial nerves which have unilateral projection patterns
They are CN VII (facial) & XII (hypoglossal)
Oculomotor N (CN III) LMN originate where?
LMN originate in oculomotor nucleus
Oculomotor N (CN III) receives bilateral input from where?
1. Bilateral input from UMN in corticobulbar tract
2. Oculomotor nuclear complex contains
contains cell bodies of LMN in tegmentum of the midbrain
Oculomotor N (CN III) motor innervations
Innervates extrinsic eye mm (superior rectus, medial rectus, inferior rectus, & inferior oblique) & the levator palpebrae superioris
occulomotor nerve parasympathetic innervations
4. Innervates iris & ciliary body (parasympathetic - controlled by hypothalamus; not UMN); extrapyramidal system b/c involuntary movement)
occulomotor nerve parasympathetic innervations pathway
a. Preganglionic parasympathetic neurons begin in the Edinger-Westphal nucleus in the tegmentum of the midbrain.
i. Not part of corticobulbar tract bc it is a reflex, not a bilateral innervation pattern
b. Synapse w/ postganglionic parasympathetic neurons in ciliary ganglia.
i. Innervate the iris (miosis – contraction of the pupil) & the ciliary body of the lens (accommodation).
Trochlear nerve (CN IV) characteristics
1. Innervates superior oblique extrinsic eye m
2. Bilateral input from UMN in corticobulbar tract.
3. Trochlear motor nucleus contains cell bodies of LMN in tegmentum of the midbrain.
Trigeminal nerve (CN V) V3 (mandibular; mixed nerve) innervates
1. Innervates the mm of mastication (medial & lateral ptyergoid, masseter, & temporalis mm).
Trigeminal nerve (CN V) V3 (mandibular; mixed nerve) characteristics
2. Bilateral input from UMN in corticobulbar tract.
3. Motor nucleus of V contains cell bodies of LMN in tegmentum of the pons.
4. All LMN are contained in mandibular nerve (V3).
5. Decussates to contralateral side in the pons at the motor nucleus of V.
abducens nerve characteristics
1. Innervates the lateral rectus extrinsic eye m (abduct the eye).
2. Bilateral input from UMN in corticobulbar tract.
3. Abducens motor nucleus contains cell bodies of LMN in tegmentum of the pons.
Facial nerve (CN VII) skeletal muscule innervations
Innervates the mm of facial expression (dilators & constrictors of mouth, orbits, & nasal apertures)
facial motor nucleus cell bodies where?
the pons
Upper ½ of facial nerve corticobulbar tract receives bilateral input from and innervates
bilateral input from R and L UMN of corticobulbar tract.
1. innervates muscles above a horizontal line across the eye orbit
2. Usually still work b/c bilateral input
lower 1/2 of facial nerve corticobulbar tract receives unilateral input from and innervates
ii. Lower ½ receives unilateral input from contralateral corticobulbar tract.
1. innervates muscles below a horizontal line across the eye orbit.
2. Usually show paralysis b/c unilateral input, if injury to the contra lateral side
Parasympathetic function of VII:
Innervation of the submandibular, sublingual, & lacrimal glands.
Parasympathetic VII pathway
a. Preganglionic parasympathetic neurons originate in salivatory nuclei in the tegmentum of the medulla (shared w/ CN IX)
b. Synapse w/ postganglionic parasympathetic neurons in the submandibular & pterygopalatine ganglia.
i. Submandibular gland & sublingal glands – submandibular ganglia
ii. Lacrimal gland – pterygopalatine ganglia
c. Nothing to do with corticobulbar tract
Glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX) skeletal mm innervation
Innervates the stylopharyngeus m of the pharynx.
Glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX) skeletal mm innervation pathway
a. Bilateral input from both corticobulbar tract.
b. Nucleus ambiguus contains cell bodies of LMN in tegmentum of the medulla.
i. Shares nucleus ambiguus w/ CN X (Vagus), XI (Spinal Accessory).
Glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX) parasympathetic innervation
2. Innervation of the parotid gland (parasympathetic).
Glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX) parasympathetic innervation pathway
a. Preganglionic parasympathetic neurons in salivatory nuclei in tegmentum of the medulla. (travels w CN VII)
b. Synapse w/ postganglionic parasympathetic neurons in otic ganglia in the neck.
c. Not part of corticobulbar tract
Vagus nerve skeletal mm innervations
1. Innervation of mm of the larynx, pharynx, & soft palate
Vagus nerve parasympathetic innervation
c. Innervation of viscera of the thorax, abdomen, & pelvis. (PARASYMPATHETIC)
Vagus nerve motor pathway
a. Bilateral input from both corticobulbar tract.
b. Nucleus ambiguus contains cell bodies of LMN in tegmentum of the medulla.
i. Shared w/ CN IX (Glossopharyngeal) & XI (Spinal Accessory).
Vagus nerve parasympathetic pathway
i. Preganglionic parasympathetic neurons originate in the dorsal motor nucleus in tegmentum of medulla.
ii. Synapses w/postganglionic parasympathetic neurons in numerous ganglia located near the organ being innervated (usually behind the organ)
iii. NOT involved w/cortocobulbar tract
Spinal accessory nerve receives input from where?
1. Bilateral input from corticobulbar tract
Spinal accessory nerve cervical portion characteristics
Spinal motor nucleus contains cell bodies of LMN
i. Nuclei are located in the rostral cervical regions of SC.
ii. Innervates the sternocleidomastoid & trapezius.
Spinal accessory nerve cranial portion characteristics
nucleus ambiguus contains cell bodies of LMN
i. Nucleus located in tegmentum of the medulla.
ii. Innervates the intrinsic laryngeal mm
iii. Nucleus ambiguus shared w/ CN IX (Glossopharyngeal) & X (Vagus).
Hypoglossal nerve characteristics
1. Unilateral input from corticobulbar tract. (R receives from L and L receives from R)
2. Hypoglossal motor nucleus contains cell bodies of LMN located in tegmentum of the medulla.
3. Innervates extrinsic (move tongue around) & intrinsic (change tongue shape) mm of tongue via the genioglossus m.
Modulatory descending motor tracts definition
pathways that subserve the corticospinal tract in that they refine & finesse the activity of LMN receiving input from UMN
Rubrospinal tract pathway
1. Cell bodies of UMN are located in the red nucleus of the midbrain.
a. Decussate in the midbrain.
2. Terminate in the ventral horns of the SC.
Rubrospinal tract fxn
3. Excite flexor activity & inhibit extensor activity
Tectospinal tract pathway
1. Cell bodies of UMN are located in the superior colliculus of the midbrain.
a. Decussate in the midbrain.
2. Terminate in the ventral horns of the upper cervical SC.
Tectospinal tract fxn
3. Reflex postural movements of the head, neck, & upper extremities in response to visual stimulus
iii. Vestibulospinal tract pathway
1. Cell bodies of UMN are located in the vestibular nuclei in the tegmentum of the pons.
2. Terminate in the ventral horns of the SC.
Vestibulospinal tract fxn
3. Involved w/ “righting reflexes” in response to vestibular equilibrium stimuli (ie. Postural adjustments due vestibular system activation)
iv. Reticulospinal tract characteristics
1. Cell bodies of UMN are located in multiple reticular nuclei throughout the brainstem.
2. Has primarily ipsilateral function.
3. Excites extensor activity & inhibits flexor activity.
a. Opposite of rubriospinal tract
damage to which tracts is most damanging clinically?
a. Cortical spinal & corticobulbar cause the most damage
b. Classical signs of UMN damage
i. Paresis: weakness b/c skeletal mm are receiving less input.
ii. Paralysis: loss of movement and function
iii. Exaggerated DTR: hyperreflexia.
iv. Clonus
v. Spastic paralysis
vi. Hypertonia
i. Paresis definition
weakness b/c skeletal mm are receiving less input
iv. Clonus definition
spasms w/ alterations of contractions & relaxation in rapid succession of antagonistic & agonistic mm (Classic sign of UMN damage)
1. Due to hyperreflexia of spinal reflexes
spastic paralysis definition
characterized by involuntary contraction of 1 or more mm w/ loss of function.
1. Simultaneous contraction of agonist and antagonist -> Limits function
vii. Contralateral effects vs ipsilateral effects
vii. Contralateral effects prior to decussation & ipsilateral effects after decussation.
c. What accounts for spastic paralysis,hyperreflexia, hypertonia, , & clonus?
i. Due to: Excessive uncontrolled or spontaneous LMN discharge due to loss of supraspinal control
1. Damage to UMN characteristics
LMN is getting no supraspinal instruction (i.e., corticospinal tract is no longer influencing LMN activity).
2. Gamma damage impact is greater than alpha damage impact
3. LMN is still intact w/ reflex arc characteristics
a. Skeletal m is still innervated
b. Reflex arc runs amuck due to lack of superior control.
i. Causing increased DTR & hypertonicity
ii. Babinski test for UMN lesion characteristics
run an object up the lateral side of the foot
1. Normal Babinski: toes will plantarflex
2. Positive Babinksi: toes will dorsiflex & the great toe fans.
CN w/ UMN (corticobulbar tract) which have bilateral input:
1. CN III, IV, V, VI, VII (only top half of the orbits), IX, X, XI (Have motor nuclei w LMN; need UMN to tell them what to do)
2. Parasympathetic LMN characteristics
(Need UMN to tell them what to do)
a. III, VII, IX, X – NOT corticobulbar tract
Compensatory mechanism of CN w/ UMN (corticobulbar tract
damage to one side & still getting information from the other side.
a. Why you don’t see spastic paralysis in these CN if you have a stroke on one side or the other.
2 cranial nerve exceptions to bilateral input
Damage to corticobulbar tract can lead to problems w/ the:
-tongue, CN XII
d. Spastic paralysis b/c UMN event, stroke on R side affects the L side of the tongue. It is not getting any input from the R tract (corticobulbar). Person can stick tongue out but will deviate to the L b/c of spastic paralysis on L. Deviates to paralyzed (contralateral) side b/c healthy side pushes the tongue to paralyzed side b/c there is no resistance on that side
Damage to R corticobulbar effect on facial nerve
i. Superior (bilateral) will not be damaged
ii. Inferior ½ will have facial spastic paralysis
Classical signs of LMN damage
i. Damage to the cell body or the axon
ii. CN involved w/ LMN paralysis( Any CN w/ motor funtion)
iii. LMN can be alpha or gamma motor neurons
vi. Paresis
vii. Flaccid paralysis
viii. Hypotonia
ix. Decreased or absent DTR
x. Atrophy
xi. Fibrillations/fasciculations
LMN found in:
Motor nuclei of CN

Ventral horns of SC
How do LMN get damaged?
1. Can damage the ventral horn itself
2. Ventral roots
3. Spinal nerve
4. peripheral N (will probably also damage sensory N)
LMN paresis characteristics
weakness; not innervating skeletal muscle resulting in a dramatic weakness; also occurs with UMN damage.
1. When peripheral nerve is cut – NMJ is no longer functioning, so skeletal muscle function is lost.
flaccid paralysis characteristics
total loss of muscle tone w/resultant loss of function.
1. Lost the instructions from LMN
2. Different from UMN damage b/c you still have innervation from LMN but you have lost the control.
hypotonia characteristics
-decreased muscle tone.

-No reason for the muscle to contract b/c it lost the source that makes the muscle contract.
Decreased or absent DTRj due to
wiped out LMN part of reflex arc
atrophy characteristics
reduction in size of skeletal muscle as a result of decreased tone (decreased actin & myosin fibers).
1. Cut a peripheral nerve you no longer contract the muscle (not in use) therefore the actin & myosin starts to deteriorate b/c you don’t need it anymore.
2. Don’t get this w/UMN b/c the muscle cells are still contracting but it is spastic
Fibrillations/fasciculations characteristics
spontaneous activity of skeletal muscle.

Physiological (chemical) response, not neurological
xii. Symptoms will always be ______ with LMN damage
symptoms will always be ipsilateral w/ LMN damage, why?
1. Ipsilateral and contralateral is ALWAYS in reference to the lesion
2. b/c the cell body of LMN is in the ventral horn of the SC or the motor nucleus of a CN w/motor function.
3. There is no decussating of LMN - therefore it will always be ipsilateral
Cranial nerves involved with LMN damage
III, IV, V, VI, VII, IX, X, XI, XII (innervate skeletal muscle)
Spinal reflex responses characteristics
1. Segmental in nature
2. May be involved w propriospinal loops (circuits)
3. Can be modulated by supraspinal influences
Brainstem reflexes characteristics
1. Counterpart of SC reflexes
2. Noxious reflexes
3. DTR
posture and muscle tone fxn
1. Stabilization & setting a foundation for other movements.
2. Results from constant adjustments by your mm to the shifts in gravity; proprioception.
central pattern generators characteristics
-used to delineate rhythmic patterns
-neural networks that produce rhythmic patterned outputs w/out sensory feedback. Involuntary and maintained in CNS
-Hardwired systems set up the above structures
-Make a new central pattern generator each time you learn a new motor task.
central pattern generators associated with/maintained in
i. Basal ganglia
ii. SC
iii. Brainstem
iv. Cerebellum
4 fundamental anatomical parts to a SC reflex
i. Receptor organ on distal end of a sensory organ.
ii. Afferent sensory neuron w/ receptor at distal end.
iii. An efferent motor neuron w/ an effector organ at its distal end.
iv. An effector organ
Spinal cord reflexes characteristics
a. Segmental in nature: May involve 1 segment or several adjacent segments.
b. May involve propriospinal loops or circuits.
i. Located close to midline of SC, Communicate b/w different levels, Located in gray matter.
c. Can be modulated by supraspinal influences:
i. Rubrospinal tract, Reticulospinal tract
Flexor reflexes characteristics
activated by Type III & IV fibers (A delta and C fibers, see pain notes from section III)(acute & chronic fibers), protective withdrawal, always involves flexor mms
DTR/myotactic/stretch reflex definition
contraction of agonistic & synergistic mm following the stretching of agonistic mm
DTR/myotactic/stretch reflex characteristics
i. MM stretch caused by hitting quadriceps tendon.
ii. Activates type Ia fibers
iii. Travel to dorsal root to then synapse w/ LMN that returns to same mm that was stretched.
iv. Important for mm tone (posture)
v. 2 neuron pathway
Sensory receptor organ of DTR/myotactic/stretch reflex?
muscle spindle (neuromuscular bundle)

Measures length & rate of change of length in extrafusal fibers
b. The modified cells inside the muscle spindle are called
intrafusal fibers
intrafusal fibers of muscle spindle
i. Dynamic nuclear bag: Ia
ii. Static nuclear bag: II
iii. Nuclear chain fiber: II
intrafusal fibers of muscle spindle fxn
1. All of the above function to differentiate b/w static & dynamic change in length & rate of change in length of skeletal mm.
non-contractile portion of DTR/myotactic/stretch reflex?
middle of intrafusal fiber that does not contract.
annulospiral ending of non-contractile portion characteristics
wrapped around the noncontractile portion

The receptor organ of the Ia fiber
Flower spray ending of non-contractile portion characteristics
located laterally on either side of the annulospiral ending. They are the endings of the secondary fibers (type II – nuclear chain fibers), of intrafusal fibers
Type Ia fibers (dynamic nuclear bag w/ annulospiral ending) synapse characteristics
become the primary fiber and monosynaptically synapse in SC w/ alpha motor neuron(LMN) which innervate the same (homonymous) (extrafusal fibers) of the mm or synergistic (heteronymous) mm.
Type II fibers (static nuclear bag or nuclear chain fiber w/ flower spray endings) characteristics
become the secondary fiber and only synapse w/ alpha motor neurons that attach to the extrafusal fibers of the same (homonymous) mm
efferent component of a DTR?
3. Alpha motor neurons
alpha motor neurons of DTR characteristics
a. Cell bodies in ventral horns.
b. Innervate extrafusal fibers.
c. Can get inhibition of antagonistic mm activity using Renshaw cells (reciprocal inhibition).
renshaw cells definition
inhibitory neurons in the gray matter of the SC & are associated w/ alpha motor neuron; they choose to inhibit 1 mm & excite 1
GTO reflex characteristics
autogenic inhibition
i. Encapsulated receptor at the junction b/w the m & tendon.
ii. Separately arranged in a series, however muscle spindles are parallel
iii. Proprioceptive reflex
iv. Type Ib fibers (afferent)
v. Measure tension & rate of change of tension in tendon.
GTO fxns
1. Adjust m activity in concert w/ information from muscle spindle & descending controls.
2. Prevents the tearing of mm by keeping the antagonistic m from being excessively stretched or contracted.
3. Causes a loss of MM tone and sometimes functionally gives way
4. sometimes doesn't work ie. tear Achilles tendon
Muscle tone definition
partial state of contraction of extrafusal fibers
Muscle tone characteristics
a. Everyone needs some m tone.
b. Much more efficient to contract a m that is already partially contracted
c. Posture is a consequence of m tone
i. It’s also a result of constant responses to proprioception input from adjustment of mm to shifts in gravity.
ii. Adjust to have a steady platform on which to function
3 primary factors which influence muscle tone
ii. Intrinsic characteristics of extrafusal fibers
iii. Gravity pulling on skeletal mm & activating stretch reflexes (Ia & Alpha Motor Neurons)
iv. Gamma bias-finessing system of m tone.
Gamma bias-finessing system of m tone due to
1. Due to supraspinal descending pathways influencing gamma motor neurons(a LMN)
2. These influences originate from:
a. Cerebellum
b. Reticular formation of brainstem
Gamma motor neurons location
cell bodies located in ventral horn of SC
Gamma motor neurons characteristics
a. They innervate contractile portion of intrafusal fibers
b. They are smaller than alpha motor neurons
c. Tend to discharge spontaneously
Things gamma motor neurons don't do
i. Not excited monosynaptically by Ia fibers
ii. Do not respond to Type II
iii. GTOs (Ib) do not influence gamma motor neuron activity
iv. Don't respond to peripheral input
v. Not involved w/ Renshaw cell activity
vi. Large number of things they don't do really
effect of gamma motor neurons
-their job is to alter the sensitivity of the muscle spindle by altering the length of the intrafusal fiber and the tension they exert
-When they do fire, they cause skeletal mms aspect of intrafusal fiber to contract. Makes it easier for Ia fibers to fire, b/c it is more sensitive to fire.
i. This can also work in opposite manner, making it harder to fire Ia fibers. Intrafusal fiber becomes slacked
-Gamma Bias primes skeletal m tone when you anticipate something
i. Ex: waiting in the blocks as a sprinter
How do you get hypotonia?
i. By eliminating LMN (i.e. transected N); no reflex arc
ii. Eliminate afferent sensory input, alpha motor neurons don't know what to do/when to contract
iii. Lesions of the cerebellum
Spasticity characteristics
i. Characterized by hyper-reflexia of DTR due to UMN damage
ii. Increased resistance to passive movement
iii. "Clasp Knife Phenomenon": an initial increase in resistance followed by a sudden disappearance of resistance (or all of a sudden relaxation).
Rigidity characteristics
Characterized by increase in m tone in all mm, although the strength & reflexes are not affected (Systemic effect)
"lead pipe rigidity" (plastic) definition
rigidity is uniform throughout the ROM. (Usually associated w basal ganglia dysfunction)
"cog-wheel" rigidity definition
which rigidity is a series of jerks during the ROM. (Seen in Parkinson’s disease, due to basal ganglia dysfunction)
1° Functions of the cerebellum
i. Coordinates Voluntary mm activity (pyramidal system)
ii. Coordinates equilibrium activity
iii. Influence mm tone
iv. Cerebellum does not project directly to the SC and initiate voluntary skeletal muscle activity. If you damage the cerebellum, you can still have movement b/c it indirectly projects to SC
b. Information the cerebellum needs
-unconscious proprioception information
-The equilibrium state of the body
-Information being sent via the corticobulbar & corticospinal tracts to skeletal mm of the body
unconscious proprioceptive info definition
-position, state of contraction, and activity of mm and joints
-Occurs via the anterior (enters cerebellum through the superior peduncle) & posterior (inferior peduncle) spinocerebellar tracts
equilibrium state of the body occurs how?
1. Occurs via the vestibulocerebellar tract (vestibular nuclei [90% are in pons, 10% are in medulla]enters the cerebellum through the inferior peduncle  pons)
2. Transmits unconscious proprioception
Information being sent via the corticobulbar & corticospinal tracts to skeletal mm of the body transmitted via
Transmitted to cerebellum via the inferior & middle cerebellar peduncles
Characteristics of cerebellar control of the body:
i. Each hemisphere controls information on the ipsilateral side i.e., R hemisphere controls R body
ii. Clinically, cerebellar symptoms will be ipsilateral (b/c cerebellum has several double decussation patterns)
iii. The cerebellum does not initiate voluntary movement.
1. Initiation comes from corticospinal/corticobulbar tracts.
2. Thus, there is no paralysis in a cerebellar injury.
Cerebellum damage is always effects which side?
If you have damage to the lobes the damage will always be on the same side. Ipsilateral ataxia on the R side of your body due to R sided posterior lobe damage:
i. Anterior (spinocerebellum paleocerebellum fxn
maintains m tone, posture, gross voluntary movement, & gait. This is a bilateral structure.
posterior cerebellar lobe fxn
coordination of fine, voluntary movement.
iii. Flocculonodular cerebellar lobe fxn
maintenance of equilibrium
general ataxia definition
abnormality in muscular coordination leading to abnormality of voluntary movement.
Anterior Lobe of cerebellum damage characteristics
i. MM contract weakly & irregularly
ii. Unsteady or drunken gait
iii. broader BOS
iv. Lean or lurch to affected side
v. Hypotonia: loss of m tone
1. DTR: pendular swinging after DTR is diagnostic for cerebellar dysfunction
2. Diminished resistance to passive movement b/c mm tone has been reset at a lower level
Posterior Lobe of cerebellum damage characteristics
i. Intentional tremor/terminal tremor– may occur when approaching a target. Closer you get to the target the more you shake.
ii. Dysmetria: inability to stop a m movement at a desired point
iii. Dyssynergia: voluntary movements are jerky & tremor like
iv. Dysdiadokinesia: inability to perform rapid, alternating movements
1. I.e., rapid pronation/supination of forearm quickly
v. Dysarthria: slurred or hesitant type of speech. “scanning speech”
Flocculonodular lobe of cerebellum damage characteristics
i. Nystagmus: ataxia of the eyes due to influence of the cerebellum on the extrinsic eye mm; rapid & slow tracking phase
1. Rapid = saccades
2. Slow = slow tracking
basal ganglia characteristics
a. Extrapyramidal system
b. Involuntary, instinctive skeletal m activity (don’t have to think about).
c. Deep seated nuclei w/in white matter of cerebral hemispheres
d. Combines w/ red nucleus (midbrain), substantia nigra (midbrain), & subthalamic nucleus (diencephalon) to form the extrapyramidal system.
e. Has no direct connection w/ the SC, meaning it has an indirect relationship to LMN.
3 primary players of basal ganglia
Caudate nucleus, lenticular nucleus, which is made up of the putamen & globus pallidus
basal ganglia reticulospinal tract characteristics
BG send info to reticular formation  ventral horns of SC
1. Biased toward extensor activity
basal ganglia corticospinal tract characteristics
BG send info to pre-central gyrus
1. Influcenes UMN in precentral gyrus
basal ganglia nigroreticular tract characteristics
BG send info to substantia nigra in midbrain to reticular formation to reticulospinal tract
basal ganglia thalamocortical tract characteristics
BG send info to thalamus which then sends info to cortex
Fxns of basal ganglia
i. Intimately integrated w/ pyramidal system. The 2 cannot work in isolation of one another.
ii. Assists in inhibiting co-contraction in antagonistic mm of the limbs.
1. Ex: thalamocortical influence (info is from thalamus to caudate nucleus to precentral gyrus).
iii. Assists in adjusting the body position during movement for a specific task.
iv. Works at a subconscious or reflexive level
basal ganglia inhibitory mechanisms
i. Determines direction, speed, force of movement.
1. Ex: If you want to hit someone with a pillow, you would use your BG so it can recruit the UMN to tell LMN to work.
ii. Involved w/ CPG (central pattern generators)
1. Where they are remembered. Start as voluntary & w/ repetition they become remembered.
Hypokinesia (akinesia) definition
-reduction in the initiation, implementation, & facilitation of execution of movement (slow movement)

-Movements initiated slowly & stop w/ difficulty
h. Clinical Synopsis of Basal Ganglia: Characteristics of Basal Ganglia damage:
Hypokinesia (akinesia)
1. Hypertonia – reason they’re moving slower. Increase in m tone w/ resistance to PROM.
2. Rigidity: associated w/ hypokinesia & hypertonia, implying that the entire body presents w/ it.
3. Common w Parkinson’s:
a. Conscious movements may be suppressed w/ hypokinesia.
b. Abnormal postures may be assumed (stooped, lean to one side)
c. Reciprocal arm swing during gait is absent.
d. DTR are usually normal.
e. Facial expression may be masked. Hard to laugh or smile, etc. b/c it requires motor function.
Pathology of Parkinson’s Disease characteristics
1. Degeneration of substantia nigra of midbrain.
a. Normally there are neurons in the substantia nigra that release dopamine (an inhibitory NTM) to the basal ganglia.
2. Decreased amounts of neurons leads to a dopamine-depleted basal ganglia.
a. Decreased levels of dopamine = decreased inhibition.
3. Disinhibition: basal ganglia cannot be inhibited & will do things in an uncontrolled manner.
a. Thus, causing activity that you do not want (i.e., hypotonia), involuntary movements.
b. Disinibition Phenomenon = involuntary movement b/c BG is no longer inhibiting the movement.
Static tremor characteristics
hallmark of basal ganglia dysfunction; rhythmic, fine, involuntary tremor when the extremity is in a fixed position. Associated w/ Parkinson’s.
i. Differentiate b/w cerebellar dysfunction (intentional tremor – tremor starts as you approach a target) & basal ganglia dysfunction (static tremor).
ii. Due to substantia nigra dysfunction.
b. Alternating tremor characteristics
-due to alternating contraction of opposing mm groups; “pill rolling”. Hyperkinesia characterized by regular, symmetrical, to & fro movements produced by patterned, alternating contraction of mm & their antagonists. When pt’s are doing a voluntary skeletal mm activity, then the tremor will stop. It also usually stops during sleep.
i. Due to caudate nucleus dysfunction.
c. Athetosis characteristics
involuntary movement characterized by slow, writhing (squirmy), worm-like movements of the fingers. (not associated w/ Parkinson’s)
i. May occur at rest or during involuntary or voluntary movement.
ii. Indicates putamen dysfunction
d. Chorea characteristics
sudden, involuntary, jerky movements w/ grimacing or twitching of facial mm & faulty vocalization.
i. Huntington’s chorea: autosomal dominant disorder. Indicative of damage to caudate nucleus.
1. Caudate nucleus atrophies or breaks down.
2. Becomes disinhibited
3. Doesn’t usually manifest until the fourth decade of life.
ii. May occur at rest or voluntary movement.
iii. Indicates caudate nucleus dysfunction
ballism characteristics
involuntary movements of an entire limb; begins proximally & proceeds distally. . Movements are quite dramatic.
i. May involve 1 limb or more than 1 extremity on the same side (monoballism-1 limb, hemiballism- both limbs on one side)
ii. Indicative of subthalamic stroke (dysfunction of subthalmic nucleus)
1. Not part of BG, but still part of the extrapyramidal system which helps w/ voluntary movements
excitatory basal ganglia NT/NM
a. ACh – acetylcholine
b. Glutamate
c. Aspartate
inhibitory basal ganglia NT/NM
b. Dopamine
c. Glycine
i. If you damage a cranial N (LMN ) then all effects are which side?
ii. Olfactory (CN I) damage characteristics
each tract decussates via the anterior commissure.
1. Anosomia: loss of smell out of the particular nostril
a. This does not occur w/ a unilateral lesion.
i. Damage to 1 side causes a loss in 1 nostril.
ii. There is a bilateral projection pattern so you can still smell.
b. Not as devastating if you damage 1 of the NN.
iii. Optic (CN II) damage characteristics
1. Blindness: a loss of R & L visual fields.
2. Occurs w/ damage to ipsilateral optic N.
3. L visual field will be perceived in my R occipital lobe & vice versa.
a. If you cut L optic tract then you will no longer be able to see the R visual field.
i. Often w/ stoke victims (Tract cut  Lose all of that visual field, half from each eye)
b. If you cut R optic nerve, then you will be blind in the R eye. (Nerve cut Lose both visual fields in that eye)
iv. Oculomotor (CN III) damage characteristics
1. LMN paralysis: flaccidity of the ipsilateral extrinsic eye mm & levator palpebrae superioris.
2. Physical signs (Next slide)
Physical signs of Oculomotor (CN III) damage
abduction of the eye
Unresponsiveness of the pupillary light reflexes
a. Ptosis definition
drooping of upper eye lid due to dysfunction of the levator palpebrae superioris
diploplia definition
double vision; occurs when the extrinsic eye mm are paralyzed.
i. Eyes are no longer coordinated in vertical & horizontal axes.
ii. Generally happens w/ damage to midbrain. (CN III, IV, VI)
abduction of the eye from CN III damage characteristics
due to inability of the eye to move medially, upward, & downward (i.e., lateral rectus [ CN VI] & superior oblique are unopposed by the medial rectus). CN III isn’t innervating well, but CN VI is working.
strabismus definition
eyes are crossed and not synchronized during movement.
i. Extrinsic eye mm are not properly innervated.
ii. Eye mm themselves are damaged.
iii. Damage to CN III, IV, VI
Mydriasis characteristics
dilated pupil; loss of preganglionic parasympathetic fibers in the N.
i. Lack of parasympathetic input to the iris (Edinger-Westphal nucleus).
ii. Anisocoria: pupils of unequal size; due to 1 iris being innervated & 1 not due to loss of preganglionic parasympathetic fibers of the affected N. (Mydriasis on one eye but not the other)
f. Unresponsiveness of the pupillary light reflexes characteristics
loss of preganglionic parasympathetic fibers in the N w/ the resultant loss of innervation of the iris which controls pupil size.
i. Usually if something is going on… it’s a problem w/ the midbrain
1. Direct reflex – one eye reflexes w/light shined into it
3. Ex: shine light in R eye & do not get a direct reflex in R eye but getting consensus reflex in L eye
a. CN II of R eye is intact & sending sensory information.
b. Assume R CN III (occulomotor) is not working b/c that one causes the R pupil to constrict.
4. Ex: Shine a light in R eye & do not get direct or consensus reflex
a. R CN II (optic) is not working – no afferent sensory information.
direct pupillary reflex definition
one eye reflexes w/light shined into it
a. No reflex then problems w/CN II (sensory) or III (Motor)
indirect pupillary reflex definition
– both eyes reflex w/light in one of the eyes.
a. Collateral of CN II goes to edinger westphal nuclei of opposite eye then goes to CN III of that eye & causes it to reflex – CN II talks to both eyes
trochlear cranial nerve damage characteristics
1. LMN paralysis: superior oblique extrinsic eye m
2. Diplopia: pt may tilt head toward the shoulder of the side opposite the paralyzed m in order to compensate for the double vision. This is characteristic to damage of CN IV.
3. Strabismus not included bc other occulant nerves compensate
trigeminal cranial nerve damage characteristics
1. Loss of general sensation
2. LMN paralysis
3. Loss of direct & consensual corneal reflexes
LMN paralysis of trigeminal nerve characteristics
mm of mastication on ipsilateral side (masseter, temporalis, medial & lateral pterygoids)
a. Jaw deviates & points to the paralyzed side
b. Loss of ipsilateral jaw jerk reflex
c. Fibrillation, weakness, & atrophy of mm of mastication
trigeminal nerve damage- Loss of direct & consensual corneal reflexes
-Loss of input from the cornea from V1
-Corneal reflex causes your eye to shut if you touch the cornea with a cotton swab
-Touch cornea w/ cotton swab -> Sensory input through V1 (ophthalmic N) of trigeminal -> main sensory nucleus of trigeminal where it synapses w/ motor nucleus of facial N CN VII -> tells orbicularis oculi to contract. If you damage V1, then you won’t get a reflex b/c you won’t get sensory info in (touch cornea, & eye doesn’t close, then you injured V1).
trigeminal nerve direct reflex pathway
Sensory info from V1 -> main sensory nucleus of V in pons -> medial longitudinal fasiculus in pons -> motor nucleus of facial nerve (VII) -> synapses w/LMN (alpha motor neurons) -> CN VII goes to orbicularis oculi muscle & causes it to close.
trigeminal nerve consensus reflex pathway
Sensory info from V1 -> sends of collateral to main sensory nucleus of V in pons of L eye -> MLF in pons of L eye -> motor nucleus of facial nerve VII -> synapses with LMN -> CN VII goes to orbicularis oculi muscle & closes L eye.
c. Touch R cornea & R doesn’t close but L does means that
i. Sensory information is getting into the brain stem so nothing wrong with V1
ii. Nothing wrong with CN VII on L side since closing.
iii. R CN VII is not working since R eye is not closing
d. Touch R cornea & no direct or consensus means that
i. V1 is not sending sensory information to brain stem so not getting any response in either eye.
vii. Abducens (CN VI) damage characteristics
innervates lateral extrinsic rectus m.
1. Diplopia: double vision due to loss of innervation of lateral rectus.
2. Adducted eye: ipsilateral (affected) eye will be adducted toward the nose due to unopposed action of the medial rectus. Therefore, CN III will override CN VI (which controls the lateral rectus), so the eye will be adducted since CN VI is damaged.
viii. Facial (CN VII) damage characteristics
1. LMN paralysis: Bell’s palsy
2. Loss of tearing
3. Loss of Salvation
4. Loss of taste perception on the anterior 2/3 of tongue: ipsilaterally
Bell's palsy characteristics
a. Forehead may be immobile.
b. Corner of mouth sags
c. Facial lines are lost
d. Nasolabial folds of the face are flat
e. Saliva may drip from the affected corner of the mouth
f. Cannot whistle or puff due to the affected buccinator m
g. Smiling: normal mm draw up appropriately, but the corner of the mouth continues to sag
h. Corneal sensitivity remains, but the pt is unable to close or blink the involved eyelid (direct corneal reflex is not possible, but consensual is)
i. Sensory portion is ok but the efferent limb on the paralyzed side is not working
CN VII damage loss of tearing characteristics
ipsilateral side due to loss of preganglionic parasympathetic neurons w/ subsequent loss of innervation of the lacrimal glands.
a. Cornea is dry & painful
b. Opthalmologic problems
CN VII damage loss of salivation characteristics
on ipsilateral side due to loss of preganglionic parasympathetic neurons w/subsequent los of innervation of sublingual & submandibular glands.
a. Dryness of mouth
b. Difficulty in swallowing
ix. Vestibulocochlear (CN VIII) damage characteristics
1. Loss of hearing (cochlear): ipsilateral ear
2. Loss of equilibrium input (semicircular canals): ipsilateral ear (vestibular)
x. Glossopharyngeal (CN IX) damage characteristics
1. Loss of general sensation: ipsilateral posterior 1/3 of tongue & adjacent areas
2. Loss of taste perception: ipsilateral posterior 1/3 of tongue
3. Ipsilateral loss of gag reflex: (pharyngeal reflex) due to loss of general sensation input from post 1/3 of tongue, tonsilar region, & soft palate.
4. Ipsilateral loss of palatal & uvular reflexes: see #3
a. If you lose the afferent aspect then you lose the ability to constrict
5. Dysphagia: difficulty in swallowing due to loss of ipsilateral innervation of the soft palate & stylopharyngenus mm
6. The affected uvula & soft palate will deviate to the unaffected side b/c they are unopposed.
7. Ipsilateral loss of salivation: parotid gland; loss of preganglionic parasympathetic neurons
xi. Vagus (CN X) damage characteristics
1. LMN paralysis: ipsilateral soft palate
a. Twang when speaking
2. Dysphagia: flaccid paralysis of pharyngeal mm
3. LMN paralysis of laryngeal mm
a. Vocal cord becomes fixed & partially adducted
b. Voice is hoarse (dysphonia) & reduced to a whisper
4. Loss of gag reflex: ipsilateral due to loss of LMN innervation to soft palate & pharyngeal mm.
5. Loss of palatal and uvular reflexes: see #4
6. Transient tachycardia: (increased HR) reduced parasympathetic input to the heart.
a. Lose the ability to slow down the heart (parasympathetic); instead the sympathetic system can speed it up all it wants
7. GAG REFLEX – CN IX is responsible for sensory, CN X responsible for motor response
xii. Spinal accessory (CN IX) damage characteristics
1. LMN paralysis: flaccidity of the ipsilateral SCM
a. Inability to rotate the head, so that the chin points to the opposite side of the lesion. (Can’t turn towards the lesion)
2. LMN paralysis: flaccidity of the trapezius m
a. Downward & outward rotation of the scapula
xiii. Hypoglossal (CN XII) damage characteristics
1. LMN paralysis: flaccidity of the ipsilateral intrinsic & extrinsic tongue mm
a. Tongue will point to the paralyzed side due to the normal side being unopposed
2. Paralyzed side will atrophy & become wrinkled
3. Dysphagia
Broca’s area characteristics
: located around the inferior frontal gyrus in the frontal lobe
1. Primary cortex for motor speech
2. Association area of frontal lobe that finesses the precentral gyrus
3. Damage causes Broca’s aphasia (often done in a stroke)
a. Aphasia definition
language disorders (reading, writing, speaking, or comprehension of written and spoken words)
broca's aphasia definition
(Motor aphasia, non-fluent aphasia), generally in stroke of middle cerebral A; pt has difficulty forming words even though vocal cords & innervations are normal *cerebral cortex dysfunction*
i. Speech/Writing is slow & deliberate; must concentrate.
iii. 90% of humans are L hemisphere dominant, w/ Broca’s area strongest on the L hemisphere. Therefore, a pt presenting w/ stroke & affected R-side will have severe damage to Broca’s area.
iv. Non-fluent: words do not flow, despite the ability to perceive language & organize thought processes.
v. Pts are usually aware & they get very frustrated.
vi. 3 symptoms usually appear together – Broca’s aphasia, hemianopsia, paralysis of facial mm on R
1. B/c the optic pathway & internal capsule are close to Broca’s area
b. Language cortex: Wernicke’s area characteristics
i. 90% Located in the posterior part of the superior temporal gyrus
ii. Controls comprehension of spoken words & written & auditory language.
1. 10% extends into parietal lobe
a. Though still considered a function of the temporal lobe
iii. L hemisphere is more dominant over the R
iv. Wernicke’s aphasia characteristics
(fluent aphasia, receptive aphasia); involved w/ comprehension of spoken & written language. Able to speak & write words but the sequence is not normal, so they don’t make sense. A pt will be aware that they do not make sense & will be frustrated
2. If large lesion, then visual & linguistic ability is compromised.
3. Empty speech: speaking but it does not make sense
a. Paraphasia: substitute one word for another.
b. Neologisms: create new & meaningless words & put them into sentences.
c. Jargon aphasia: words & phrases are strung together with no meaning. Speech is incomprehensible but seems logical to the pt.
4. Same A feeds Broca’s and Wernicke’s areas – middle cerebral A
v. Conduction aphasia: occurs when something impairs the conduction from
v. Conduction aphasia characteristics
occurs when something impairs the conduction from Wernicke’s (language comprehension) to Broca’s (speech formation).
1. The 2 areas are not specifically damaged, but the lesion destroys the arcuate fasciculus
2. Characteristics:
a. Less fluent in language than pts w/ Wernicke’s aphasia.
b. May make paraphasic errors (substitution of 1 word for another)
c. Comprehension is good, ability to repeat is limited/poor.
d. Naming is impaired
e. Reading aloud is impaired, but pt can read silently w/ good comprehension.
f. Writing (function of Broca’s) is abnormal w/ misspelled & omitted words.
global aphasia characteristics
Most severe form of aphasia: inability to use language in any form due to extensive damage to Broca’s, Wernicke’s, & arcuate fasciculus; LINGUISTICALLY & VERBALLY compromised – unable to read/write well, unable to comprehend speech, unable to produce intelligible speech.
1. Generally occurs in the L hemisphere
apraxia definition
impairment of voluntary skeletal m activity which is not due to lack of comprehension, innervation or mm physiology. (something wrong w/ specific part of cortex… that means it’s horizontal issues)
agnosia definition
impairment of ability to comprehend a sensory stimuli due to lesions of the cerebrum.
Homonymous Hemianaopia (hemianopsia) definition
loss of visual fields in each eye is ½. Due to strokes that damage the optic tract.
R and L sided neglect due to
(L side neglect -> R parietal lobe)
X. Regeneration of the NS characteristics
i. PNS: Very successful
1. Surrounding the peripheral nerve is the epineurium, surrounding the vesicles is the perieurium, surround each axon is the endoneurium (endoneurium tube), which is connective tissue **
ii. CNS: Not very successful
regeneration definition
-replacement of cells or tissue w/ identical cells or tissue

-want regeneration, not repair
Repair definition
-replacement of living cells or tissue w/ cells or tissue of a more primitive nature

-We want regeneration, not repair
d. PNS regeneration- motor or sensory neurons characteristics
ii. A transected peripheral N will cut motor & sensory properties.
1. If the cell body is not permanently damaged, then regeneration can occur.
2. No regeneration will occur in the CNS or PNS if the cell body is damaged.
wallerian degeneration happens when
occurs after a lesion in a peripheral N
wallerian degeneration characteristics
1. Everything distal to the cut degenerates in a predictable manner
a. Axons
b. Schwann cells (take longer)
2. There is also an inflammatory process
a. Autolysis
b. Phagocytosis
3. Endoneurial tube stays in place (up to 30 days after the initial injury) despite degeneration of axons & Schwann cells
4. Axon starts to form a filopoda (distal end of the proximal segment) at the area of the lesion
wallerian degeneration- Axon starts to form a filopoda (distal end of the proximal segment) at the area of the lesion
a. 1 filopoda becomes a dominant extension & the others disappear
b. Extension enters & grows down the endoneurial tube
i. Growth is facilitated by NGF produced by target structures & Schwann cells
ii. Schwann cells remyelinate down the endoneurial tube
iii. CNS Oligodendrocytes -> 1st order sensory neuron -> Schwann Cells (NGF, BDNF, Neurotrophins) -> Target Recognition Signals from Target Cells (NG, BDNF, Neurotrophins)
iv. Rate of regeneration is variable based on the area of the body characteristics
1. upper forearm: 2.5 mm/day; distal forearm: 2 mm/day; distal wrist/ hand: 1 mm/day
What determines the success of neural regeneration?
1. Crush: endoneurial tubes are better preserved, they are only squished & the tube integrity is maintained.
2. Transect: interrupts the integrity of the NN; there is an immediate inflammatory process w/ scar tissue; Resultant environment is difficult for regenerating axons
3. Length of time b/w injury & repair work by surgeon
4. General nutritional status & health of the individual affected.
e. CNS regeneration characteristics
regeneration is not as successful. Occurs in brain & SC
i. No mitosis occurs in the CNS
ii. Damage neurons = damage axons
1. This interferes with the development of synapses b/w axons & dendrites
iii. Inability to regenerate is thought to be an intrinsic characteristic
iv. There is evidence to support that this is not true
evidence on CNS regeneration implies that
1. There are no characteristics about the CNS environment that prevent significant regeneration as compared to regeneration in the PNS.
2. The failure to regenerate is not due to intrinsic characteristics of the neurons as previously thought.
evidence of CNS regeneration characteristics
1. Ramon y Cajal (1928) & Tello (1911) showed that CNS neurons could regenerate in vitro if the environment was conditioned.
2. Aguayo (1980) repeated the same experiment w/ new techniques & definitely showed that CNS neurons can regenerate.
So why don't nerves regenerate in the CNS?
a. There are CNS environmental characteristics which prevents significant regeneration as compared to regeneration in the PNS.
b. Recent research has shown that the oligodendrocytes produce inhibitory chemicals (NOGO factors), which prevent regeneration. Thus the problem is environmental, not genetic
vi. So, what constitutes successful regeneration in the CNS?
1. It is a multi-step process including the following:
a. The injured neuron must survive (cell body intact)
i. Cells in the cortex die, the cell bodies die
ii. Cell in white matter, will be ok b/c cell bodies are still intact
b. The damaged axon must extend across the cut or damaged process to original neuronal target.
c. Once contact is made w/ target structures, the axon needs to be remyelinated & functional synapses need to form on the surface of target neurons.
Learning can be done through
1. Conditioned responses (unpleasant odors associated w/ something)
2. Repetitive learning: going over & over the information again & again
3. Aversion learning: use w/ smoking or dieting. Avoid an activity. Rubber band snaps if you cuss.
4. Conceptual learning: the big picture
5. Integration learning: association
How is memory stored in the CNS?
i. Only a very small portion of information is stored & retained. Only if important to us
ii. We constantly process our environment, but we don’t usually remember all of it.
iii. There are many parts of the brain that process info, but 2 most important are:
1. Amygdaloid nuclear process & Hippocampus
a. Both bilateral structures
b. All experiences go through here & are processed for retention
c. Form neural circuits to other parts of the brain (to & from)
d. Both are located deep in the temporal brain
i. Memory trace definition
the neural circuit, that connects a sensory event w/ a learned behavioral response, is altered in some way to support the learning. (Ex: Dr. Garrison getting pulled over by a cop; he may not remember what other cars are around him, but he remembers the cop. )
ii. Memory consolidation definition
occurs if the experience is somewhat permanently retained. (Ex: Dr. Garrison retelling his story numerous times to faculty & students. )
1. Can occur quickly or take long periods of time
variables that influence memory consolidation?
a. Catecholamine (adrenaline) levels in the body
i. Important events that you’re very excited about (or dangerous events – car accident), you have high adrenaline levels so you’re more likely to remember.
b. Motivation (context learning) – learn better if you’re interested in what you’re learning.
i. This is our main way of learning.
c. Physiological states may influence learning. poor memory consolidation.
i. Shock (decreased BP), trauma, emotional trauma
ii. Sleep deprivation – adversely affects learning b/c you don’t go through the consolidation process.
iii. All physiological states preclude long-term potentiation.
iii. Long-term potentiation (LTP) characteristics
[molecular basis of memory due to synapses]
1. Occurs at the cellular level involving cell membrane. Physiological/biological process.
2. Original studies & most current studies use neurons (synapses) in the hippocampus
a. Dissect neurons of hippocampus & put them in petri dishes or do fMRI.
hebbian processing
Extensive research in animals shows that following a heavy train of stimulation (real fast stimulation), the postsynaptic excitatory potentials have an increase in amplitude which can last for varying periods of time (days or weeks).
Hebbian Processing- how it works
b. If the postsynaptic amplitude is increased for weeks, then the neuron is different.
i. There is an increase firing of postsynaptic neuron (glutamate is the NTM) due to a variety of stimuli.
ii. Increased firing rate is associated w/ increased activation of glutamate receptors.
iii. These ligand gated channels open  influx of Ca.
iv. The increased Ca enhances enzymatic cascades in the postsynaptic cell. This activity modulates the nature of the postsynaptic membrane receptors & makes them more sensitive (a change in the cell membrane has occurred).
v. In addition nitric oxide is formed & diffuses back across the synapse to increase the effectiveness of the presynaptic membrane. (making the glutamate release easier)
iv. Long-term depression (LTD) definition
similar to LTP, but w/a reverse effect (you lose memory)
Long-term depression (LTD) characteristics
1. Biochemical changes - decreases the effectiveness of synapses
2. Anatomical changes – increase in # and types of synapses & increase in function; associated with an increase in activity
a. Use it or lose it principle
b. Membranes lose sensitivity & proper synapses are not in place
c. Dendritic spines wither away when not used reducing the number of synapses
i. Declarative memory characteristics
(conscious, explicit, cognitive)
1. Remembering facts, events, concepts, & locations
a. Can be easily verbalized
b. Requires attention during recall
a. First stage of declarative memory characteristics
Immediate memory (1-2 sec) similar to trace memory
i. Used to plan a response to some stimulus
2nd stage of declarative memory characteristics
Short-term memory/working memory/primary memory
i. Memory may last only minutes or days unless reinforced. Doesn’t last forever.
ii. Usually involves prefrontal cortex – primary intellectual area.
iii. Involves associated areas of primary functional cortical area. (association areas of all cortices)
1. Ex: Visual association area = visual memory
3rd stage of declarative memory characteristics
Long-term memory/ remote memory
i. Involves short term memory which has been permanently consolidated & stored in the area which 1st processed it
1. Stored in hippocampus or amygdala
2. Visual or auditory stimulus – ultimately processed through hippocampus & association area. Then if consolidated & stored permanently, then it is stored in the primary cortical area.
a. Superior temporal gyrus – if you heard a great song
episodic memory characteristics
people remember their own experiences as they happened in a specific place & time in their own history (ex: can’t tell the story unless they go through the whole process)
i. Also a type of long term memory
semantic memory characteristics
Form which deals w/ general knowledge
i. Learning in school (ex: neuroscience information)
ii. Provides the database required for thinking/ knowledge base allows you to think & make decisions
iii. Also a type of long term memory
iv. Very explicit information: if it’s super specific then it’s semantic memory
semantic memory pathway
v. First processing something  it will go to hippocampus or amygdala  then stored in the prefrontal cortex  then through the consolidation process (study over and over again)  this puts it into long term memory in either 1. Back to hippocampus OR 2. The area of the brain that first processed it (so if it was sight, then it would go back to occipital lobe).
ii. Non-declarative Memory characteristics
(implicit memory/ procedural memory/ unconscious memory/ skill & habit memory):
1. The person has no previous awareness of memory; cannot describe the learned information except through behavior & cannot necessarily remember how, when, or where the learning occurred.
2. These will be stored in things like cerebellum, basal ganglia, & amygdala. Stored in central pattern generators. B/c these are learned motor activities. Ventral horns of gray matter.
amnesia characteristics
loss of long term memory
1. Retrograde: loss of memory prior to trauma or disease
2. Anterograde: loss of memory of events which follow trauma or disease
a. Amygdala & hippocampus are damaged and are not processing information
3. Both involve declarative & nondeclarative memory.
neuroplasticity definition
i. Refers to the brain’s ability to change structure & function.
1. Structure: reestablish synapses.
ii. The pattern of functional & structural changes in responses to environmental, physiological, or pathological events
iii. Refers to changes that occur in the organization of the brain, & in particular changes that occur to the location of a specific information processing functions, as a result of the effect of learning & experience
d. What stimulates neuroplasticity in CNS?
i. Loss or modified afferent input to CNS
1. If you lose afferent/peripheral input then the CNS can’t be stimulated.
ii. Damage to CNS (stroke or cancer)
1. Neuroplasticity takes palce
iii. Chemical stimulation (drugs, meds)
1. Some drugs can enhance neuroplasticity
iv. Environmental or training stimulation
1. This isn't a pathological thing. Ex: learning to play banjo; motor skill training. Increasing sensory input ex: teaching someone how to smell wines.
theories for neural plasticity
i. Stem cell activation – produces new neurons.
ii. Sparing: remaining cells (the ones that are spared) become more active.
iii. Redundancy of systems
1. Many parallel systems in CNS. If one portion is damaged, the other portion can take over.
2. Damage to the spinothalamic tract  pt is told they only live for a certain time frame. Then the dorsal column tract takes over
iv. Unmasking secondary areas – association areas become more important & compensate
-Structural morphological changes- main reason for neural plasticity
Structural (morphological) changes for neural plasticity characteristics
1. Increase in synapses (connectivity) – important if you want any permanent memory or rehab
2. Modification of synapses – need chemical changes to change synapses sensitivity.
3. Increase in dendrites (dendritic sprouting & spines) – since the neuron isn’t getting input from a certain area anymore, it needs to become more receptive, so it increases the dendrites & spines, which increases surface area, which increases synapses.
4. Dendritic & axonal remodeling – the way the dendrites & axons reconnect to form synapses
Research on neural plasticity characteristics
i. Cellular conditioning studies examine the direct induction of plastic changes at an intermediate level by documenting changes in selective responses of single neurons as a result of short-term conditioning protocols, memory, & learning.
ii. A decade & a half of research has shown that cortical maps are not static in adults, but in fact undergo plastic changes in response to both peripheral manipulations & behaviorally important experience throughout life. Within certain limits, the cortex can allocate cortical area in a use-dependent manner.
1. Ex: Blind individuals -> Primary visual cortex becomes dedicated to perception of general sensation due to reading of brail
Evaluation of neuroplasticity characteristics
i. Need to be able to differentiate b/w neuroplasticity mechanisms at work & the ability of the organism to compensate:
ii. Motor ex: picking up a pen. Pt’s will compensate by using other muscle groups, twisting differently, etc. Cognitively figuring out how to do it in another way (Not neuroplasticity!)
iii. W/ neural plasticity, new synapses have been formed (Not as much cognitive requirements to figure out how to do the task)
h. What influences neuroplasticity?
i. Environmental stimuli (constraining the good limb forces use of the affected limb)
ii. Complex is more effective than simple (functional & something they will be using, no pegs in holes!) Applies to motor, cognitive, and sensory rehab.
iii. Less effective as age increases (Plasticity is age dependent)
iv. Most effective immediately following CNS insult (the longer you wait for intervention, the harder it will be to regain functionality)
v. Neurotrophins
Environmental stimuli effect on neural plasticity characteristics
(constraining the good limb forces use of the affected limb)
1. Environmental stimuli results in contralateral affects as confirmed w/ PET & fMRI studies as well as neurochemical tracer studies
a. Morphological changes, Neurochemical tracer studies
neural plasticity- Neurotrophins characteristics
1. Can help increase neuroplasticity
2. Products of glial cells & neurons
3. Some are activity dependent
neurosplasticity park example
kids in the park. 15 kids playing on the square. 4 kids playing on the rectangle. 5 kids playing on the triangle. 10 kids playing on the star. Park manager takes away the star, so those 10 kids now have to go play on the other shapes. Now you have more kids on each shape, they’re adapting. In neuroplasticity, when the nearby cells die, the one’s around it adapt.