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43 Cards in this Set

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Where Auditory & Vestibular Receptors are located?

What is the Bony Labyrinth?
-inner ear & deep inside temporal lobe
-bony labyrinth (cavities in temporal bone) houses auditory & vestibular sense organs
membranous labyrinth
-lies w/ in bony labyrinth cavities
-consists of fine membrane (epithelia)
-membranes create series of interconnected sacs & ducts
-follows form of bony labyrinth but smaller
-filled w/ endolymph
Where is perilymph found?
-outside membranous labyrinth in space bw bony & membranous labyrinths
What is found in each Labyrinth?
(left & right)
-auditory apparatus (cochlea)
-vestibular apparatus: 3 semicircular canals/ducts & pair of otolith organs (utricle & saccule)
Auditory System
-complex sounds broken down into simple discrete vibrations
-translated into neural signals processed by brain
Transmission of Sound Vibrations
outer ear/external aud. meatus--> tympanic membrane (ear drum)--> ossicles (malleus, incus, stapes)-->oval window-->cochlea: contains organ of corti *hairs CN VIII
eustachian tube:
-air pressure in middle ear cavity equal to atmospheric pressure (connect middle ear to nasal cavity)
-spirals 2 1/2 turns in the inner ear in temporal bone
-3 fluid filled compartments (scalae):
1) scala vestibuli (perilymph): located on oval window side of cochlear duct
2) scala tympani (perilymph): continous w/ scala vestibuli @ helicotrema & located on round window side of cochlear duct
3)scala media: (cochlear duct) (endolymph) lies bw 2 other scala & extend into cochlea, houses organ of corti
How does Cochlea work?
-vibration of stapes & oval window puts pressure on fluid in scala vestibuli
-inward & outwards mvmt of round window of scala tympani
-pressure of scala vestibuli & tympani set up mvmt of scala media (cochlear duct)
-hair cells of organ of corti (sits on basilar membrane) stimulated by sound-wave vibration
-hair cell innervated by afferent/efferent axons of CN VIII
Sensory Transduction
Mxl vibration to neural impulses
1. sound transduced into mxl vibrations
2. sound enter inner ear canal (tympanic mem transmit thru middle ear cavity inner ear, cochlea)
3. pressure amplified by ossicles - act as piston (tympanic mem & oval window)
4. Additional amp in pressure gained bc area of tymp mem is greater than oval window, mxl vibration transduced into neural cavity in cochlea
-hair cells responsible for transduction process
How hair cells are responsible for sensory transduction?
-basilar mem move-->mvmt cause stereocilia to bend & angular displacement
-mxl deformation opens ion channels in hair cells
-flow inward current carried by cations generates receptor potential-->release NT-->depolarize peripheral CN VIII-->AP initiate bipolar neuron-->cell bodies (spiral ganglion) of CN VIII processes terminate in cochlear nuclei (medulla of brainstem)
Response to Different Frequencies
diff freq. of sound have peak amp @ diff points along mem.
thus sound freq will excite diff hair cells along cochlea:
-high frequency sounds have peak amp near base of cochlea (near oval window)
-low frequency sounds have peak amp near apex (near helicotrema)
Hair Cells in the Organ of Corti
1. hair cells along organ of corti are not identical & different electrochemical properties
2. at cochlea base have stereocilia that are short & stiff / hairs at apex stereocilia are 2x longer
3. diff structure cause cell to be freq. selectivity
4. single row of inner hair cells detect sound & excite most afferents of CN VIII
-3 rows of outer hair cells can alter length result in change in sensitivity of tuning of local region of corti
Central Auditory Pathway
8CSLIMA: info in CN VIII to aud. cortex
8=CN VIII; AP to...
C=Cochlear Nuclei; dorsal & ventral, in medulla
-tonotypically organized: based on frequenc
-most axons of cochlear decussate in lower pons (~20% don't, ascend ipsil)
S=Superior Olivary Complex (from ventral cochlear nuclei)
L=Lateral lemniscus (from ventral or dorsal cochlear nuclei)
I=Infereior Colliculus; fibers from lat. lem synapse here
M=med. genicualte; axons from inf. colliculus go here
-neurons send axons (aud. radiations) to prim. aud. cortex thru internal capsule
A=Primary Aud. Cortex (optic radiations), transverse gyri of Heschel
Unilateral Lesion of Central Aud. Pathway
-Cause more marked hearing loss on side opposite the lesion
Fxns of parts of Central Auditory Pathway
Primary Aud. Cortex: conscious hearing of sound

Superior Olivary Nucleus & Inf. Colliculus: orientation/localization of sound

Reticular Formation: CNS activation/alertness
Descending Auditory Pathway
-descending efferent pathway from cortex to cochlea via CN VIII
-can excite/inhibit cochlea activity
inhibition: cause suppress extraneous noise & sharpen clarity of hearing
Middle Ear Muscles
1. tensor tympani muscle: inserts into malleus (CN V)
-fxn: dampen vibration of tympanic mem to loud nosie

2. Stapedius Muscle: inserts into stapes (CN VII)
-fxn: dampen vibration of stapes in response to loud noise
Conductive Deafness
-caused by interruption of passage of sound waves thru external/middle ear
-foreign body: external aud. meatus
-Otosclerosis: most frequent, fixiation of stapes, excessive bone growth of bony labyrinth
-Otitis media: inflammation of middle ear (meningitis, brain abscecces)
Sensorineural Deafness
-nerve deafness/preceptive deafness
A. diesase of cochlea, CN VIII, or central aud. connections
B. drugs or toxins
C. rubella infection
D. Presbycusis
E. Acoustic neuroma (a schwannoma) tumor CN VIII
-may be located in cerebellopontine angle
-damage to CN V or tensor tympani muscle
-prevent muscle from dampen sound, increased acuity of hearing & hypersensitivity to low freq
-CN VII damagae: prevent stapedius muscle from dampen sound
-abnormal sound (ringing, hissing, roaring, buzzing, or humming)
A. Acoustic neuroma
B. Irritation of spiral organ of Corti in cochlea
C. Irritation of CN VIII
D. Overproduction of endolymph
Meniere's Syndrome (Disease)
-due to overproduction of endolymph or inability to absorb endolymph
-excessive quantity of endolymph= endolyphatic hydrops
-symptoms: tinnitus & vestibular disturbances (dizziness, vertigo, nausea, vomiting, nystagmus)
Unilateral Lesion of Auditory Pathway
bilateral diminuation of hearing, more marked on contralateral side (ascend. fibers mostly crossed)
Lesions in Central Auditory Path
do not lead to total deafness unless bilateral
Lesions in auditory cortex
-do not disrupt perception of sound frequency
-affect ability to localize sound in space
-impair process auditory info
Vestibular System
-detects position & motion of head in space by integrating info from peripheral receptors located in inner ear
-provides info to NS important to 2 areas:
1. reflex control of eye mvmts (VOR)
2. reflex control of upright posture (VSR)
Semicircular Canals
-oriented so can detect angular acceleration in 3 planes (horizontal, ant, post) & direction of head mvmt
-both ends of canals terminate in utricle & an enlargement called ampulla
-contains the vestibular hair cells: in region of ampulla where eptih. is thickened (specialized receptors)
-cupula: gelatinous mass suround hair cells
Sensory Transduction Process in Semicircular Canals
1. sensory transduction based on inertia
2. head moved, bony semicircular canals turn w/ it
3. fluid filling endolymph, not attach, retains orig. position (left behind)
4. moving ampulla pushed against stationary fluid, create pressure gradient (cupula)
-cause bending of hair, stim depend of direction of hair, & release of NT to CN VIII
5. inertia overcome, canal fluid return to resting. hair cells stim only during changes in rate of motion
Depolarization/Hyperpolarization of Vestibular Hair Cells
-hair cell consist of single kinocilium (tall) & shorter sterocilia
-bending of hair toward kinocilium=depolarization (increase fire rate of CN VIII)
-bend away kinocilium=hyperpolarization(decrease fire rate of CN VIII)
-semiciruclar canals on either side of head work in concert
Otolith Organs
-the utricle & saccule
-provide NS w/ 2 types of info: linear acceleration & head position w/ respect to gravitational forces
-hair cells located w/in utricle & saccule, supported by macula in each chamber
-in horizontal plane=macula of utricle
-in vertical plane=macula of saccule
-hair cells of utricle respond most to linear acceleration & tilting head forward & backward
-hair cells of saccule respond most to vertical displacement
-hairs in gelatinous substance where otoliths (otoconia: tiny stones, calcium carbonate) embedded
Central Vestibular Pathway
1. CN VIII (vestibular component) composed of bipolar neurons w/ cell bodies in vestibular ganglia
-central portion of axons terminate/synapse in vestibular nuclei in medulla:
A. lateral vestibular nucleus (deiter's nucleus)
B. Medial Vestibular nucleus
C. Superior Vestibular nucleus
D Inferior Vestibular nucleus
Superior Vestibular Nucleus
Input: ampullae of semicircular canals, maculae in utricle & saccule, cerebellum

Pathway (efferent fibers):
1. axon run ascend component (ipsi & contra) MLF & terminate in nuclei of CN III, IV, VI (extrinsic eye muscles)
2. axons travel to cerebellum (inf. peduncle or dorsal pontine reticular formation)

fxn: peripheral response to vestibular stimulation, vestibulo-ocular reflex, coordination of head & eye mvmt to maintain stable gaze w/ head moves
Lateral Vestibular Nuclei
Input: afferents from macula of utricle (some cerebellum)

Pathways (efferent fibers):
-to SC-->form ipsil. lateral vestibulospinal tract
-to thalamus--> cortex

Fxn: maintain postureal balance (vestibulospinal reflexes) & perception of balance
Medial Vestibular Nuclei
Input: afferents from ampullae of semicircular canals & cerebellum

Pathway (efferent fibers):
-form bilateral medial vestbulospinal tract
-occulomotor nuclei CN III, IV, VI

Fxn: coordinate eye, neck, & head mvmt
Inferior Vestibular Nucleus
Input: afferent from maculae of utricle & saccule & cerebellum

Pathway (efferent fibers):
-go to cerebellum & reticular formation (LVST/MVST)
-numerous crossing fibers to contralateral vestibular nuclei

Fxn: integrates vestibular singals from 2 sides of body w/ info from cerebellum & reticular formation
Vestibulo-Ocular Reflex
1. help maintain a stable visual imag eon the retina while head is moving
2. some cells in both medial & superior vestibular nuclei located in medulla participate
3. fxn of nuclei tested by turning head to L/R. Eyes rotate in opp direction, helps maintain visual field in horizontal plane
Tests of Vestibular Fxn
Rotation Test
-rotation around vertical axis causes nystagmus
-response: horizontal nystagmus, dysmetria, & vertigo
Caloric Irrigation Test
-external aud. meatus irrigated w/ cold/warm water
-mvmt of endolymph stim. vestibular nerve induce nystagmus
-response: cold: nystagmus to opp side / hot: nystagmus to same side

Meniere's Disease (Inner Ear Disease)
-sense of irregular motion/whilrling
-illusion of mmt when none

-increased production of endolymph or decreased absorption
-episodic vertigo attacks, tinnitus, hearing loss, neusea, vomiting, feel full, pressure in ear
-horizontal nystagmus: past pointing, fall toward affected side

Motion Sickness
-caused by bacterial/viral infection or toxicity
-symptoms same as menier's

-conflict in sensory input from visual and vestibular receptors
Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo
-common cause of recurrent vertigo
-elicited by certain head positions
-cause by 1. cupulothiasis: dislocation of utricular macular otoliths to cupula of post. semicircular duct or 2. Canaliths: otoliths that have fallen into semicircular canals, cause abnormal mvmt of endolymphs, can also stick to gelatinous cupula in ampulla (false stimulation)
Vestibular Schwannoma

Cochlear Implantation
-acoustic neuroma
-hallmark of neurofibromatosis 2; an autosomal dominant disease charact. by formation of mult tumors in CNS & PNS

-symptoms after cochlear implantation possible
-vestibular dysfxn (vertigo & imbalance) may also occur after implantation of cochlear prosthesis to improve hearing