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114 Cards in this Set

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Rods and Cones are ___________ in the retina

Free nerve endings are called ?
Nociceptors respond to ______________?
Tissue Damage (pain)
Sensor selectivity resides solely with the ____?
Sensor Receptor
Light, sound, electrical waves, taste, pressure etc are all considered
Sensory Modalities
the dynamic range of the cochlea is ______?
which modality is associated with Ruffini's End Organ
Deep Pressure
Merkel's Disks are associated with which sensory modality?
Superficial Pressure
Meissner's Corpuscles sense ________
pinpoint touch; superficial vibration
Pacinians Corpuscules respond to _______?
Deep Vibration
How is the feeling of cold expressed in terms of expression?
Loss of expression of TRP channel receptors and Krause's End Bulb protein
Name a physical property that determines the kinetics of a receptor potential?
Pacinian Corpuscule= layers dampen mech. stim.- allowing detection of strong stim.
What's a receptor potential?
The response to sensory stimulation; opening of non selective cation channels
If a receptor potential is strong enough it can cause a _______?
Action potential
the receptive field is defined as?
An area in the environment or the body that can respond to stimuli with a generator potential
for the somatosensory system, multi-modal information is conveyed through the _________ of the spinal cord?
Dorsal column
What Constitutes a motor unit?
a motor neuron and all the muscle fibers it innervates
________ is used as the neuromuscular juncture neurotransmitter in invertebrates
The descending motor system starts at the _______ and follows the __________ tract down to synapse on motor neurons on the ventral horn
Motor Cortex; corticospinal
coordinated movement is accomplished by timed, coordinated ___________ driven by alpha motor neurons in the _______________ of the spinal cord
muscle contractions; ventral horn
High # of Mitochondria in Red parts of muscle allow for__________?
Sustained contraction; longer to fatigue
myotubes are formed from__________?
fused myoblasts
what are the three inputs to lower motor neurons (alpha motor neurons)
1)Corticospinal tract

2)Spinal interneurons [cross regulation]

3)Muscle spindles [sensory feedback]

What stimulates the postsynaptic ESPS at neuromuscular junctures?
Activation of nicotinic ACh receptors by acetylcholine
muscle fiber AP's are conveyed by ___________ to the _____________ where ____________ is released
T-tubules; Sarcoplasmic reticulum; Ca
Muscle Spindles detect ___________ and are heavily _____________?
stretching; innervated, sensory and motor
What's myotatic stretch reflex? Because it's a ___________ relay, the brain is _______________
Spindle sensory fibers sending signals to motor fibers in the spinal cord to contract the muscle; monosynaptic; not involved
The Gamma Loop is a means of ________. The ___________ fire to contract the spindle, re-setting it.
allowing the spindle to remain taught and responsive to stretching after having gone slack as the associated muscle contracted and shortened

Gamma motor neurons

Golgi tendon organs are found ___________ ,and relay signals on muscle strain to the spinal cord via______________
in tendons where muscle meets bone; Ib sensory axons
Gogli Tendon organs work in _____________ while Spindles work in ______________
Series; parallel

activation of a flexor muscle in response to sharp external stimuli is through_____________ with branching motor neurons from the _____________ pathway
Excitatory interneurons;

Spinothalamic Pain pathway

one leg going straight to hold the body's weight as the other is lifted off of something sharp is a mechanism known as the _______________?
Cross-extensor Reflex
The ______________ tract delivers coordinated motor patterns to spinal motor neurons resulting in _____________
corticospinal tract; voluntary movement
descending motor signals cross over in the __________
brain stem
babinski sign in adults, indicated by curling up of toes after plantar stimulus results from______________?
damage to uppor motor system descendng via corticospinal tract
The vestibulospinal tract is associated with ____________?
balance and tuning
Tectospinal tract is associated with? The _________ part of the brain receives info from the eyes
orienting; superior colliculus
secondary pathways adjustthe motor pattern based on _______________?
The basal ganglia is like the gate for _____________?
initiation of movement
The cerebellum regulates the motor program via ?
proprioceptive adjustment
Taste and smell are so-called ________-tuned, meaning _____________
Broadly; they can distinguish a wide range of mixtures of volatiles.
Chemoreceptor sensation takes place as ____________ coding; _______________ underlies the former using ________________
population coding; Temporal coding-> patterns of AP
odors are formed from volatile components in the _______________
Nasal cavity
Taste cells are more formally called ____________
gustatory neuroepithelial cells
5 tastants include:
sweet bitter salt sour umami(amino acids)
Responses from taste cells depend on _____________& _____________
amount of 'tastant' and duration of exposure
What is the final step in the transduction of saltiness?
Calcium inflow triggers release of neurotransmitter, activating the gustatory nerve
Regarding Saltiness, what sets off depolarization in the membrane of taste cells ?
significant inflowing Na through Na-selective channels
How is sour detected by gust. cells?
Protons pass through salt channels, plug K channels with e's -> distinct depolarization pattern
what is the 'Ca storage tank' utilized by G-protein linked receptor relays?
Endoplasmic Reticulum
taste signals gather at the left gustatory nucleus in the _____________ of the brain from the tongue and epiglottis via ______________
medulla; cranial nerves 8,9,10
Taste signals are interpreted at ___ synapses in the ____________________ and do/don't cross sides
3; primary gustatory complex; don't
odors must be _______________ in solution for them to be sensed
Olfactory neurons synapse with ___________ which form _________________ and ultimately___________
mitral cells; olfact nerves; olfac tract
unusual for a cell, Olfactory cells have a higher concentration of ______________ on the inside
Olfactory cells utilize _____________ gated channels to bring in Ca, with ATP supplying the components; the enzyme ______________ is affiliated
cAMP; adenylyl cyclase
desensitization results from
decreased # of APs to continued stim.
Olfactory nerves seeking similar receptors in the ____________ will congregate as___________ to express the signal
Olfactory bulb; glomeruli
after passing through the thalamus, smell signals localize at the ______________
orbitofrontal cortex
c-type fibers are the _____________ & _____________
smallest and slowest
which is the first anterolateral pathway axon size to respond to pain
The ______________ tracts process sensory info regarding pain and temp
anterolateral tracts
Spinothalamic, Spinotectal and Spinoreticular are named for _______________?
the brain region of their second synapse


Tectum=super colliculus

Reticular Formation

axons carrying pain information synapse at the _______________ on the spinal cord
big gel (Substantia Gelatinosa)
what kind of nerve cell responds to acids, histamines, and ATP
Chemical Nociceptors
How is a 'Gate for Pain' proposed to work
Inhib and excit inputs manipulating an interneuron that blocks the spinalthalamic tract
How can Pain be blocked by the brain?
opiates like endophorin activate receptors on Periaqueductal Grey (PAG) in the midbrain blocking the spinalthalmic tract
What directly blocks incoming pain signals in the case of descending inhibition
an Excited Inhibitory Interneuron with activity from the Raphe nucleus
What's the target in the Thalamus for the optic nerve ?
Lateral Geniculate Nucleus
There is the highest concentration of __________ at the center of the visual field, known as the __________
Cones; Fovea
images are focused but ____________ by the ______ onto the retina and sensory info moves from __________ to ____________
inverted; back to front
Which two neuron types receive signals from photoreceptors?
Bipolar and Horizontal
the ___________ is a blind spot where no light detection occurs
optic disk
_________ is the light-detecting molecule within Rhodopsin and induces a _____________ when it is straightened out (isomerized)
Retinal; conformational change in Rhodopsin
Why are carrots good for vision?
Filled with Vitamin A which is a source for retinal
a single photon is detectable due to ___________
hyper amplification of signal
Which conformation of Rhodopsin triggers the downstream effects of photon striking?
Metarhodopsin II
Inactivated photoreceptors (in the dark) are considered _____________ at _____mV due to open ______ channels; photo reception creates?
depolarized @ -35 mV; Sodium channels; hyper polarization
A ____________ degrades ___________ in the presence of light resulting in closed sodium channels on activated photoreceptors
Phosphodiesterase; cGMP
In addition to discontinued Na inflow, hyper polarization results from _________________________ which is perceived by __________ cells
Decrease in Glutamate released; bipolar
Horizontal cells integrate differences in ____________ between ______________
light; photoreceptors
horizontal cells release the neurotransmitter _________ and are therefore _______________
GABA; Inhibitory
Messages sent over short distances do not generate action potentials but ______________ instead, created by _________________?
Graded Potential signals; changes in membrane potentials
Metabotropic Glutamate receptors use _____________ to propagate signals and are inhibitory
G-coupled Proteins
Off-center light works through __________ bipolar cell glutamate receptors, deemed _______
Excitatory; iGluRs
the different structural types of On & Off center bipolar cells segregate _________________ to different layers in the retina
Functional output (AP patterning)
ganglion cells responds more to _______________ rather than absolute levels.
differences in illumination
inputs from optic nerves penetrate(innervate) different layers of the _______________ within the Thalamus
Lateral Geniculate Nucleus
The _______________ receives retinal input relevant to daily rhythms, known as circadian rhythms
The Pretectum receives retinal input that coordinate ___________
Rapid eye movement
visual input from a specific receptive field is segregated into ___________________ in the Visual cortex, leading to a 'mapping' of the visual field known as___________________
Ocular Dominance Columns; retinotopic
the integration for binocular vision happens ____________ ocular dominance columns (spatially)
in between
Each simple cell of the visual cortex responds to bars of light with a specific ______________ & _____________
position and orientation
Retintopic distribution means that for any given column position, input is from ___________________
a particular and corresponding receptive field
Simple cells receive input from ________________ which can relay either excitatory or inhibitory signals and pass info on to _______________
Lateral geniculate cells; complex cells
the surround effect in regards to visual cortex cells results in a decrease in _________________ activity due to _________________
Action Potential; light outside the cells capacity to interpret (either wrong orientation or position[simple cells]
The pinna of the outer ear enhances sound in the range of _______________ Hz
2000-5000 Hz
The three bones of the middle ear connect the _____________ to the ________________
tympanic membrane (eardrum) to the Oval window
movement of the 3 middle ear bones results in __________________ onto the oval window
changes in pressure
The oval window lies between the stapes and which cochlear canal?
Scala vestibuli
The round window immediately below the _______________ separates the middle ear from the _________________
scala tympani
The basilar membrane is responsible for _____________
converting sounds into neuronal activity
__________ fluid fills the scala media and has a high concentration of _____________
Endolymph; Potassium ions
the endocochlear potential arises from ____________
the differences in ionic composition between endolymph and perilymph fluids
According to Tonotopical organization different frequencies are ____________. High frequencies for example are interpreted____________ and they enter the brain at spatially specific areas.
interpreted at different regions along the basilar membrane within the cochlea; at the base of the cochlea
The __________________ closely covers the hair cells of the _______________ within the cochlea
Tectorial Membrane; Organ of Corti
The _______________ forces the hair cells up to bend against the tectorial membrane
basilar membrane
hair cells have ____________________-gated ion channels to allow Potassium influx from endolymph
mechanical-gated; Bent is closed
Cochlear Hair cells are synapsed to _____________ which eventually gets the info to the ____________
ganglion forming the auditory nerve; auditory cortex
The difference in arrival time to the ear between two sounds is known as the __________
Interaural Time Delay
Which entity determines horizontal location of sound based on time delay and intensity?
Superior olive
most metabolically active brain region in cats and rodents! Impaired GABA leads to seizures
Inferior colliculus
last stop before auditory signals reach the cortex
Medial geniculate Nucleus MGN