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44 Cards in this Set

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Where is the temporal lobe located?

-below the sylvian fissure and anterior to the occipital cortex

What are the subcortical temporal lobe structures?

limbic cortex, amygdala, hippocampl formation

Lateral surface of the temporal lobe

Auditory areas: Brodmann's areas 41, 42, 22

Where does the ventral stream of visual info go?

Inferior temporal cortex or TE

Brodmann's areas 20 21, 37, 38

What does the inferior temporal gyrus channel?

Visual info!

Subdivisions of the temporal cortex

Insula: associated with taste

-under sylvian fissure

-gustatory cortex

-auditory association cortex

-role in nicotine addiction

Multimodal Cortex or polymodal cortex

-area under superior temporal sulcus

-receives input from auditorym visual and somatic regions

Naqvi et al, smoking study

Damage to insula makes quitting smoking easy!

Orbital frontal cortex

Medial temporal cortex

-amygdala and adjacent cortex and fusiform gyrus, hippocampus, surrounding crtex

TH and TF

Posterior end of the medial tempotal lobe

-parahippocampal cortex


-landmark and scene recognition

Connections of the Temporal Cortex

-afferent projections from sensory systems

-efferent projections to the parietal and frontal association regions, limbic system, and basal ganglia

Left and Right TC connected via

corpus collosum

anterior commissure

1. Hierarchical sensory pathway

-incoming auditory and visual info

-stim recognition-ventral pathways for vision and audition

2. Dorsal auditory Pathway

-from auditory cortex to posterior parietal

-detection of spatial location of sounds, movement, sound recognition

3. Polymodal pathway

-from auditory visual areas to the pluymodal cortex

-stimulus categorization

4. Medial temporal projection

From auditory and visual areas to the medial temporal lobe, limbic cortex, hippocampal formation, and amygdala

-perforant pathway: major input to HC

-long term potentiation pathway

Frontal Lobe projection

-auditory and visual cortex to the fronatl lobe

-movement control

-short term memory


Long term potentiation

the more you engage neurons the greater the likelihood you will increase synopses, increase in glutamate and sensitivity.

Theory of temporal lobe function

3 basic sensory functions:

-processing auditory input

-visual object recognition

-long term storage of info

Sensory processes

-identification and categorization of stimuli

-cross modal matching

-process of matching visual and auditory info

-ventriloquism effect

-depends on cortex of the superior temporal sulcus

Affective responses

-emotional response is associated with a part. stim.

Spacial navigation

Hippocampus: spatial memory, long term

-place cells were discovered by O keefe in 1976

place cells only respond when you are in a specific portion of the env.

Hippocampal place fields rat test

same areas light up when in the dar or light, moreso in an experienced env.

Morris water maze task

mouse never finds the pedestal bc there is nothing in their immediate env to depend upon, env. cues do not help

Superior temporal sulcus & Biological motion

-activation of STS during perceptoon of bio motion

Biological motion

-movements relevant to a species

-allow us to guess other;s intentions

-social cognition or "theory of mind"

David Perrett and colleagues

STS superior temporal sulcus cells are max responsive to particular types of bio motion

Cells can be VERY specific

moving forewards, sideways...

Visual processing in the temporal lobe


Hasson and colleagues

used fmri to monitor cortical activity while viewing a film

-commonalities in the fusiform afce area and parahippocampal area.

Frontal lobe differences based on experience.

regions of the parietal and frontal lobes showed no intersubject coherence

-dissociaion between sensation and expereince


lit up for faces


overall scenery

Auditory processing in the temporal lobe

Speech perception:


-speech sounds change very rapidly in relation to one another, sequence is essential

Left hem. likely specialized fo perception of vocalizations

Music perception

relies on relation between elements

-acoustical grouping and perseption of change





Left temporal lobe

major role in rythm

right hemisphere


Right temporal lobe

extracting pitcj from sound regardless of speech of music

-unable to infer meaning

right hem. dominant in understanding concept

Schneider and colleagues: musician study

have larger volume of gray and white matter in heschl's gyrus

-fundamental pitch listeners-leftward asymmetry

-spectral-pitch listeners- right asymmetry

Symptoms of temporal lobe lesions

-auditory disturbance

-disorders of music perception

-distuebances of visual and auditory input

-impaired organization and categorization

-placing words or pictures into categories

-inability to use contextual info(memory)

Long term mem problems

Altered personality and affective Bh(seizures)

Altered sexual Bh

By the sylvian fissure: auditory disturbances

Disorders of music perception

Not always related to temporal lobe damage

congenital amusia(tone deaf. born with the inability to perceive music

Affect and personality

Stim of anterior and medial temporal cortex produce feelings of fear

Temporal lobe personality (stickY)

-details overemphasizes trivial and petty details of life

-pendantic speech(low affect, boring)


-perseveration...same topic



-prone to aggression

-diffucilt to get wawy from

Assessment for temporal lobe damage

dichotic words and melodoes: auditory capacity

mcgill picture anomalies: visual capacity

revised wechler memory scale': verbal mem

-logical stories and paried associates

rey complex figure: nonverba mem

Token: language

Token test:

set of commands, see shapes of colours and sizes give basic commands, see if they can follow and increase complexity