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134 Cards in this Set

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Nervous System

master controlling center and communicating center of the body

Nervous system cells communicate by
ELECTRICAL signals that are RAPID and cause immediate response

3 Functions of the Nervous System

1. Sensory input

2. Integration

3. Motor output

Sensory Input

monitoring stimuli occurring inside of the body


interpretation of sensory input

Motor output

response to stimuli by activating effector organs

Overall organization of the Nervous System

2 Cells types



2 principle cell types of the nervous system

1. Neuroglial

2. Neuron

Neuroglial Cells

cells surrounding and supporting neurons


Found in CNS

Form Myelin Sheath


Found In CNS

Star shaped cell

(Processes Anchors neuron to capillaries

recaptures released neurotransmitters, Maintains blood brain barrier, structural support)

Ependymal cells

Ciliated cells that line chamber filled with cerebral spinal fluid (choroid Plexus)

Microglial Cells

oval cell, long thorny processes, pathogens



Spinal cord


Master Control Center

Spinal Cord

connects brain to body

Peripheral Nervous System

PNS- nerves extending from brain and spinal cord

2 Divisions of PNS




Sensory neurons carry info to CNS

(Somatic, Visceral, Special sense)


Motor Division; carry commands away from CNS to effectors (somatic and Autonomic)

Somatic Nervous system

controls voluntary muscle contractions

Autonomic Nervous System

involuntary smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and glands (Sympathetic and parasympathetic)

Schwann Cells

Found in PNS

Forms Myelin Sheath

Satellite cells

surround cell bodies in PNS and function similar to astrocytes


excitable cells that transmit electrical signals

Anatomy of Neuron

Cell body


Axon hillock


Nodes of Ranvier


Axon Terminals

Cell Body

contains nucleus and organelles


branching extensions; receive neurotransmitters from presynaptic neuron and transmit GRADED potential TOWARDS cell body

Axon Hillock

where cell body tapers into axon, site where action potential originates

Myelin Sheath

formed by schwann cells wrapping around axon in concentric layers of plasma membrane

Nodes of Ranvier

gaps in myelin sheath


distant branches of axon


single process extending from cell body, transmits ACTION potential AWAY

Axon Terminals

Enlarged distal ends containing secretory vesicles filled with neurotransmitters


junctions between neurons

Why do synapse function as a decision point?

it can be excitatory or inhibitory

Where do synapses occur?

between axon terminals and ....

Cell body


Axon Hillock



Presynaptic Neuron

transmits impulses TOWARDS the Synapse, Axon vesicles with neurotransmitters

Synaptic Cleft

fluid filled space between pre and post synaptic neuron

Postsynaptic Neuron

transmits impulses AWAY from synapse, has receptors for neurotransmitters

Principles of Electricity




when opposite charges are separated they contain potential energy ; coming together energy is released

What is the separation of electrical charges in a cell by the plasma membrane called?

Membrane Potential


measurement of potential energy created by charge of separation

Neurons Voltage in measured in what?


What is a millivolt?

1mV= 1/1000V

What 2 things does the measurement Voltage depend on?

1. quantity of charges

2. Distance between the charges

4 Types of Ion Channels found in Neurons

1. Ligand-Gated Channels

2. Mechanically Gated

3. Voltage Gated

4. Leaky Channel

Ligand Gated Channel

Chemically Gated, opens when neurotransmitters bind; found on Dendrites, Cell Body, Axon Hillocks

Mechanically Gated Channel

opens in response to physical force

Voltage Gated Channel

open or close in response to changes in membrane Potential; Found along axon

Leaky Channels

ALWAYS OPEN; non gated, found everywhere

Membrane Potential

Resting Potential

Graded Potential

Resting Membrane Potential

potential difference across the membrane in a resting state ( -70mV)

What is a normal resting potential?


Resting Potential

Chemical Gradient

Electrical Gradient

Chemical Gradient in resting cell

Higher concentrations of Na+ outside cell

Higher concentration of K+ inside cell

Electrical Gradient

inside of membrane is negatively charged and outside is + charged

Factors Contributing to the Resting Membrane Potential

1. membrane is 50-75x more permeable to K+ so K+ ions leak out faster than Na+ in

2. Intracellular Proteins -fixed anions in cell

3. Sodium potassium pump maintains gradient - 3 Na+ out for 2 K+ in

What does a stimulus do to the Resting Membrane Potential (RMP)?

it disrupts it

Graded Potential

Localized change in membrane potential

Describe Graded Potential

1. Local

2. Short lived, dissipating

3. if excitatory then depolarization of membrane

4. Magnitude of stimulus depends on how many Na+ channels open

Neurotransmitters binding to what can stimulate Graded potentials?

1. Ligand gated channels

2. Mechanical stress,

3. Temperature change

Examples of Graded Potentials

1. Receptor potentials

2. Post synaptic potentials

3. Motor end plate potentials

Why does the magnitude of stimuli depends on how many Na+ channels open?

determines the distance the graded potential travels

Magnitude of graded potentials and duration depends on what?

1. Frequency of stimuli (Summation)

2. Amplitude of Stimulus (Strength)`


membrane potential becomes less negative; when neurons are stimulated Na+ channels open and Na+ rushes into cell down its electrochemical Gradient

Threshold potential

-55mV; critical level the membrane potential must reach to open voltage gated channels on axon to produce an action potential uce act

Can a graded potential initiate a action potential?

Yes, if the threshold potential is reached at the axon hillock

What does the mV number tell us?

the mV of the inside of the cell

Summation of stimulus

quick firing or release of a stimulus, one right after another

Trigger zone for action potential

Axon HIllock

Action Potential

brief reversal of the membrane potential; moves away from cell down axon WITHOUT diminishing

Action potential is a wave of depolarization (lowering of voltage) followed by what?


Frequency of Action Potential increases to reflect what?

Stronger stimuli


membrane returns to its resting membrane potential

What 3 things occurs during repolarization?

1. Voltage gated NA+ channels close

2. Voltage Gated K+ channels open and K+ efflux restores resting membrane potential

3. Membrane Potential becomes more negative as K+ rushes out


inside of membrane becomes more negative than the resting state

What is occurring in Hyperpolarization?

1. Voltage gated K+ channels are sluggish to close

2. K+ permeability lasts longer and membrane potential dips below resting potential

Restoring Resting Membrane Potential

1. Repolarization restores the electrical gradient

2. N/K pump restores ionic concentrations

Refractory Period

amount of time required for a neuron to generate another action potential

Absolute Refractory period

when another AP cannot be generated

Describe the Absolute refractory Period

1. occurs from opening of NA+ gates until the resetting of the activation gates

2. Ensures each action potential is separate

3. Enforces the one way transmission of nerve impulses

Relative Refractory Period

interval following the absolute value refractory period; threshold is raised so only extremely strong stimulus can trigger another AP

Describe Relative Refractory Period

1. Sodium gates are reset

2. K+ are still open

3. Hyperpolarization is still occurring

Inhibitory Postsynaptic Potential (IPSP)

binding of neurotransmitters cause a hyperpolarization of membrane therefore moving away from threshold and reducing the ability to initiate action potential

What does an IPIPS cause?

1. K+ or Cl- channels to open

2. K+ rushes out or Cl- rushes in, both causing the inside to become more negative

Summation EPSP

A single ESPS cannot induce an action potential but they can be summed, Axon hillock keeps score of all graded potential received

Temporal Summation

a presynaptic neuron increases the frequency of impulse and more neurotransmitters are quickly released in quick succession

Spatial Summation

Postsynaptic neuron is stimulated by multiple presynaptic neurons at the same time

IPSP and EPSP can also be summed and do what to each other?

Cancel each other out

Modulator Neuron
the effectiveness of the PRESYNAPTIC neuron can be affected by another neuron

What does the Modulator neuron allow for?

selective inhibiting/ enhancing of a specific presynaptic neuron without affecting the input from other neurons or effecting all targets

Presynaptic inhibition

the amount of neurotransmitter released from neuron A is decreased by neuron B

Presynaptic facilitation
amount of neurotransmitter released form Neuron A is enhanced by Neuron B

Neurotransmitter Receptors mediate change in potential according to what ?

1. amount of neurotransmitter released

2. Amount of time neurotransmitter is bound to receptor, until it is deactivated

4 Factors influencing Conduction Velocity

1. Myelination of Axon

2. Diameter of Axon

3. Alcohol, Sedatives and anesthetics

4. Insufficient blood flow

Myelination of axon

increase impulse rate by acting as an insulator preventing charge leaking

Saltatory Conduction

voltage gated channels are concentrated at the nodes so electrical impulses jump form node to node instead of having to travel down entire axon

Diameter of Axon

the larger the diameter the quicker the impulse travels, less resistance to current flow so adjacent membranes depolarize quicker

Alcohol, Sedatives, and anesthetics

slow or block nerve impulses by reducing permeability to Na+

Insufficient Blood Flow

slows impulses, caused by cold or pressure

Transmission Across Synapse

1. Action potential reaches axon terminals

2. Voltage gated Ca2+ channels open, Ca2+ floods terminal

3. Synaptic Vessels fuse with plasma membrane and release neurotransmitters into cleft

4. Neurotransmitters diffuse across cleft and bind to receptors on chemical gated channels initiating a postsynaptic potential

Types of postsynaptic Potentials (Graded Potentials)

1. Excitatory Postsynaptic Potential

2. Inhibitory Postsynaptic Potentials

Excitatory Postsynaptic Potentials

EPSP; binding of neurotransmitter opens Na+ channels and causes depolarization

(Membrane potential less negative and closer to threshold and firing action potential)

Neurotransmitter effects on Postsynaptic Potentials

Binding can cause graded potential

(depending on how neurotransmitters affect the membrane determines if excitatory or inhibitory)

Mechanisms for Deactivating Neurotransmitters

1. Inactivated by enzymes

2. Reuptake by presynaptic terminal

3. Diffuse away from synapse

Acetylcholine Inactivated by Enzyme

degraded by enzyme acetylcholinesterase found in synaptic cleft

ACH-->Acetate + Choline

Choline is actively transported back into the presynaptic terminal and recycled

Choline + Acetyl CoA--> Ach

Norepinephrine, Dopamine, Serotonin -Reuptake by presynaptic axon terminals or astrocytes
1. Catechol-O methytransferase (COMT) is used by liver and kidney cells to break down the NE and E in circulation
2. Some diffuses into blood; rest taken back up into presynaptic neuron
3. Repackaged or broken down by monoamine oxidase (MAO) in terminal
Classification of Neurotransmitters by
1. Acetylcholine (ACH)
2. Biogenesis amines
3. Amino Acids
4. Peptides
5. Messenger

Classification of Neurotransmitters by Function (3)

1. Excitatory Transmitters

2. Inhibitory Transmitters

3. combination of both

Examples of Acetylcholine Neurotransmitters


Examples of Biogenesis amines



Example of Excitatory Neurotransmitters


Example of Inhibitory Neurotransmitters



Combination of Excitatory and Inhibitory Neurotransmitters


What determines whether a combination Neurotransmitter excites or inhibits?

receptor type that it binds to on postsynaptic neuron

Acetylcholine Mechanism of action

Excitatory at Neuromuscular Junction with skeletal muscle (Nicotinic Receptor)

Inhibitory at Cardiac Muscle Muscarinic Receptor)

Classification of Neurotransmitters by RECEPTOR MECHANISM



Direct Receptor

Neurotransmitter that opens ion channels;

Promotes rapid responses "fast Synapses"

Examples of Direct Neurotransmitters


Amino Acid

Indirect Receptors

Neurotransmitters that act through second messengers; promotes long- lasting effects through "slow synapses"

Examples of Indirect Neurotransmitters

Biogenic amines


Dissolved gases

4 Types of Circuits in Neuronal Pool

1. Divergent

2. Convergent

3. Reverberating

4. Parallel after discharge

Divergent Circuit
one incoming fiber stimulates ever increasing number of fibers, often amplifying circuits (balance and posture)
Convergent Circuit
opposite of divergent resulting in strong stimulation or inhibition (process sensory information)
Reverberating Circuit
Chain of neurons containing collateral synapses with previous neuron in the chain (short term memory)
Parallel after discharge Circuit
incoming neurons stimulate several neurons in parallel arrays (plexus)
Postsynaptic inhibition
inhibitory neuron modulates the signal, ALL TARGETS will be inhibited equally
modulator neuron synapses on 1 neuron, SELECTIVELY Inhibits 1 Target
MAO inhibitors
inhibit breakdown of NE and E to keep them in synaptic cleft longer, used as antidepressants; specific neurotransmitters MAOIs with less side effect
Voltage Gated Sodium Gates
Activation gate closed at resting
Inactivation Gate Open at resting
1. action potential
2. Na+ Activation gate open- depolarization occurs, K+activation gate closed
3. Inactive gate closes at repolarization, K+ gate opens
4. Both reset

Depolarization K+ gate open or closed?
Repolarization K+ gate opened or closed?