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41 Cards in this Set

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corpus callosum

(area around the lateral ventricle)

facilitates much of the communication between the 2 hemispheres; main function is to allow communication between the brain's left and right hemispheres

severed corpus callosum

'split brain'

when the corpus callosum connecting the 2 hemispheres is split to some degree


an electrically excitable cell that processes and transmits information through electrical and chemical signals

100 billion in human brain; longest neuron is ~3 feet, info can travel through a neuron at top speed of ~250mph

parts of neuron

input zone: cell body, dendrites

conduction zone: axon

output zone: axon terminals

types of glial cells (4)

astrocyte, microglia, oligodendrocyte, Schwann cell

astrocyte (3)

most common glial cells

metabolic exchange between neurons and blood

support BBB

microglia (3)

type of glial cell

immune defense / sense pathology

clean up debris

oligodendrocyte (2)

type of glial cell

myelinate axons in CNS / supplies myelin sheath

Schwann cell (2)

type of glial cell

myelinate axons in PNS / supplies myelin sheath

multiple sclerosis

demyelinating disease in which the insulating covers of nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord are damaged

this damage disrupts the ability of parts of the nervous system to communicate

what makes up gray matter and white matter?

gray matter: cell bodies of neurons

white matter: bundles of axons

How do signals travel through neurons? (5 steps)

1. neuron at rest

2. input stimulates neuron

3. if large enough stimulus at axon hillock, an action potential is created

4. action potential propagates down axon

5. sends signal through synapse to other neurons

difference between electrical and chemical neuron signaling

electrical: within neuron

chemical: between neurons


resting potential

difference or separation of charge

neuron is prepared for action; resting potential is always negative (-40mV to -90mV0

define: ion, cations, anions

give examples of cations and anions

ion: atom or molecule that has electrical charge

cations: positively charged (Potassium K+, Sodium: Na+, Calcium, Ca2+)

anions: negatively charged: (Chloride: Cl-, Protein: anion-)

membrane potential

the difference in electric potential between the interior and the exterior of a biological cell

what generates membrane potentials?

ion channels: passive, but open or closed based on voltage or chemical activity; when open, let specific ions in and out

active/ion transporters (pumps): e.g., sodium potassium pump; they're active--require energy; bring ions in + take ions out

Are there many ions inside or outside of the cell for the following: Na+, K+, Cl-, Ca2+, anion proteins

Na+: many outside

K+: many inside

Cl-: many outside

Ca2+: many outside

anion proteins: many inside

charge outside and inside of cell

outside: +

inside: -

what are the two forces acting on ions? describe them

Diffusion: ions move from areas of high concentration to areas of low concentration

electrostatic: like charges repel, opposites attract

What is the neuron membrane like when the neuron is at rest?

Neuron shows selective permeability to potassium: K+ can enter and leave the cell freely

Some channels are open all the time and allow only potassium ions to cross

Where does K+ want to go due to electrostatic forces and diffusion?

electrostatic forces: inside

diffusion: outside

Where does Na+ want to go due to electrostatic forces and diffusion

electrostatic forces: inside

diffusion: inside

But neuron at rest is not nearly as permeable to sodium as it is to potassium, so only some sodium can pass through

What does the Na+/K+ pump (an active transporter) do?

Pumps 3 Na+ out of cell and 2 K+ into the cell

What 4 factors does resting potential rely on?


electrostatic forces

selective permeability

sodium-potassium pumps

receptor potential

sensory neurons receive info from sensory receptors

post-synaptic potential

neurons receive info from other neurons

What happens when Na+ comes into the cell?

depolarization (reduction of membrane potential -- inside of cell becomes less negative)


reduction in membrane potential, making inside of cell less negative relative to outside, i.e., getting closer to 0

Are action potentials graded?

No, they are ALL or NONE, will propagate as is down an axon without decay

depolarization across a threshold causes an action potential

action potential process (5)

1. stimulus crosses threshold value

2. depolarization (Na+ enters)

3. repolarization (K+ leaves)

4. after-hyperpolarization (undershoot)

5. resting potential

in step 1 of action potential process, does it matter whether the stimulus is a little over threshold or a lot?

No, as long as it is over threshold, it will generate the same action potential

what happens during step 2 of action potential process, "large depolarization"?

voltage-gated Na+ channels open

membrane potential passes 0, becomes more positive inside the neuron because of the huge influx of Na+

(Na+ enters, membrane potential becomes more positive)

what happens during step 3 of action potential process, "repolarization"?

K+ channels open, K+ leaves the cell (because diffusion and electrostatic forces want it out of the cell)

(K+ exits, membrane potential becomes more negative)

what happens during step 4 of action potential process, " after-hyperpolarization"?

K+ channels take a little longer to close so more K+ rushes out bringing membrane potential briefly even more negative than resting potential

(K+ keeps exiting a little too much, membrane potential briefly becomes even more negative than resting potential)

What happens to a sub-threshold stimulation as it propagates down an axon? What happens to a stimulation that produces an action potential as it propagates down the axon?

when a sub-threshold stimulation propagates down an axon, the signal decays over time

but otherwise, the signal remains as strong as it propagates down the axon because of channels and myelin

2 characteristics of action potential

self-perpetuating: once it starts, it keeps going

self-limiting: repolarizes, signal doesn't travel "backwards"

what part of the neuron receives the action potential signal? what part conducts? What part transmits?

receives: dendrites, cell body

conducts: axon

transmits: synaptic terminals

Why doesn't the signal travel "backwards"? (2 reasons)

absolute refractory period: second action potential cannot be initiated, no matter how large a stimulus is applied

relative refractory period: initiation of second action potential is inhibited, though not impossible

How does myelination affect speed of propagation?

myelin allows for faster conduction and greater energy efficiency

saltatory conduction

saltare means jump or hop -- idea that the action potential gets boosted at these Nodes of Ranvier (areas without myelin that have ion channels)