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43 Cards in this Set

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  • Back

__________corpuscles are sensitive to skin stretch


the ability to know where your body is in space without the use of vision is called______________


unmyelinated terminal branches of a sensory neuron are called ______________ nerve endings


stimulation of a nociceptor may cause nociceptor pain, whereas damage to the nervous system itself may cause _______ pain


the unipolar neuron coming from a muscle spindle is referred to as a __________ fibre

1 a

muscle spindles are _____________ receptors that respond to stretch and signal changes in muscle length

either are acceptable:



of the two major types of nociceptors, which is responsible for the withdrawal of reflex?_________


which spinal nerves innervate the following upper limb dermatomes:

medial elbow______radial border of hand _____

medial elbow___T1___

radial border of hand ___C6___

T/F: muscle spindles are found in greatest abundance in muscles that are responsible for gross (large) movements


T/F: every receptor has a defined area in the periphery


what is the name of the defined area in the receptor's periphery called

receptive field

T/F: stimuli falling outside the receptor field will be unable to affect the receptor


what is spatial discrimination

(there are two functions for this )

1. the ability to accurately locate the site of stimulation

2. and detect neighbouring stimuli are actually seperate

what is the tactile sensitivity

the sense of touch

what are key factors of tactile sensitivity

1. density of receptors

2. size of the receptive fields in a particular skin region

T/F: on the back, the density of tactile receptors is greatly reduced and spacial discrimination is relatively poor


T/F: on the hands and feet, the density of tactile receptors is greatly reduced and spacial discrimination is relatively poor


what is a two-point threshold

the minimal distance in which 2 separate stimuli can be distinguished

what is the meaning of derma


what is the meaning of toma


what is a dermatome

a combination of the receptive field of the sensory axons originating from a single nerve

what is a nerve

a bundle of axons in the PNS

what makes dermatomes so complexed

embryological development

list the upper limb dermatomes

C5: lateral shoulder & arm

C6: thumb, index finger (radial border/hand)

C7: middle finger

C8: digiti minimi (ulnar border/hand)

T1: medial elbow

list the thoracic dermatomes

T2-T12: intercostal nn. form segmental strips on thorax

T10: goes across the umbilicus

T12: (subcostal nerve) goes across upper edge of the pubic bone

C5 dermatome:

lateral shoulder & arm

C6 dermatome:

thumb, index finger (radial border/hand)

C7 dermatome:

middle finger

C8 dermatome:

digiti minimi (ulnar border/hand)

T1 dermatome:

medial elbow

T2-T12 dermatome:

intercostal nn. form segmental strips on thorax

T10 dermatome:

goes across the umbilicus

T12 dermatome:

(subcostal nerve) goes across upper edge of the pubic bone

where does shingles present itself on the body

T10 dermatome: goes across the umbilicus

what are sensory receptor classifications



adequate stimulus

where are cutaneous receptors found

dermis and epidermis

where are meissner corpuscles and merkel cells found

uppermost part of the dermis especially the superficial layers of glabrous skin

what is glabrous skin

hairless parts of the skin

what are some examples of glabrous skin

fingertips, lips, between the brows

what type of touch does the meissner corpuscles and merkel detect

fine touch

what is the aka for fine touch

discriminative touch

where are Ruffini corpuscles found

in glabrous skin

what does Ruffini corpuscles monitor

slippage of objects along the surface