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33 Cards in this Set

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encephalitis lethargica
- fevers, lethargy, HA, distrubed eye movements
- chorea, athetosis, dystonia, myoclonus
- sequelae: parkinson's
Neurologic injury in sarcoid?
- purely motor dz
- many times confused with GBS
- CSF: increased protein, white count
MCC fungal meningitis
- cryptococcus, has capsule
path of S. mansoni spinal cord injury?
- egg deposit in veins => granulomas form around that lodge in spinal cord => crush cord
kid with left weakness, MRI => parasitic brain lesion => large cyst with numerous daughter cyts
- echinococcus
- in kids causes brain lesions => grows => focal deficits
- slowing and triphasic waves
kid with lots of episodes of meningitis?
- CSF leak
imaging to look for infx, tumor in brain?
rim enhancing lesion in AIDS?
- get CSF, test for eBV => dx of primary CNS lymphoma
tx of toxo?
-sulfadiazine and pyrimethamine
AIDS, MRI shows demyelinating lesion of left parieteooccipital area?
- JC virus => PML
- get CSF PCR
- tx: HAART
Herpes encephalitis CSF
- increased lymphocytes
Bell's Palsy CN?
Kid with amebic meningoencephalitis?
- s/p swimming => hartmanella, acanthamoeba, naegleria => cribiform => meningoencephalitis
- or schisto via skin penetration
microglial nodules?
- seen in AIDS around blood vessles
- or seen in CMV subpial and subependymal
EEG in herpes?
- pt often have seizures so bilateral, periodic epileptiform discharges
- slow waves over temporal area
Kid with BILATERAL CN VII deficits?
- B. burgdorferi
MCC brain abscess?
- hematologic spread of infx e.g. chronic otitis, mastoiditis
MCC site brain abscess?
- gray white matter junction
- largely or entirely avascular granuloma
- seen in neurosyphillis
MCC fungal abscess vs fungal meningitis vs abscess in AIDS
- abscess: aspergillus
- meningitis: cryptococcus
- AIDS: toxo (parasite, not fungus)
rabies spread?
- retrograde in nerves e.g. inward from periphery
MC sx in brain abscess? tx?
tx: surgery
bacterial brain abscess?
- staph if penetrating wound or seurosug
- otherwise more common is strep or enteric bacteria
meningitis in old 91 y.o.?
- listeria (also renal dz, immunosuppressed, neonates)
- tx: amp and gent
transmissino of CJD?
- infected nervous system tissue e.g. GH prep from cadaver pituitary
Path of PML
- oligodendrocyte inclusion bodies
- MRI white matter lesions, non-enhancing, no mass effect
CSF polio vs GBS
- GBS: increased protein, normal or slightly abnormal white cell, normal glucose
- polio: increased protein, increased WBC, like viral meningitis
tabes dorsalis vs neurosyphillis
- tabes: type of neurosyph, leptomeningitis => posterior columns and dorsal roote ganglia => gait, romberg, argyll robertson pupil, bladder/bolwe loss (megacolon)
- neurosyphillis: dementia
subacute sclerosing panencephalitis
- teenagers with hx measles
- sx similar to MS: increased gammaglobulin fx, oligoclonal bands
- see personality changes, loss of intelligence, seizures, chorioretinitis, ataxia => dead
- B. henselae
- MS changes, epitrochlear nodes, seizures 2/2 encephalitis
- MRI: increased pulvvinar intesnity
south american man with seizures, nodular cyst on CT
- neurocysticercosis: tapeworm
- multiple small cysts in cerebrum