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14 Cards in this Set

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Central nervous system (CNS)

includes the brain and spinal chord
Peripheral nervous system (PNS)
includes 12 pairs of cranial nerves, 31 pairs of spinal nerves and all of their branches. The PNS carries afferent messages to CNS and the CNS relays efferent messages back to the motor senses in the muscles. Afferent response (look up! Where we touch something hot or painful) Efferent response (motor response to tell us to take it away)
Cerebral cortex
The outer layer of nerve cell bodies, looks like grey matter and is the center for the highest functioning governing thought, memory, reasoning, sensation, and voluntary movement.2 hemispheres divided into 4 lobes.
Frontal lobe:
this is the area of who we are. Concerned with personality, behavior, emotions, and intellectual functions
Parietal lobe:
Contains the postcentral gyrus, which is the primary centre for sensation.
Occipital lobe:
Visual area of the brain.
Temporal lobe:
Primary auditory reception centre
Wernicke’s area:
Language comprehension, damage leads to receptive apasia where a sound is heard but not understood.
Broca’s area
is in the frontal lobe and mediates motor speech, damage leads to expressive aphasia, where language is understood but cannot verbalize.
Basal ganglia
Bands of grey matter buried deep within the 2 cerebral hemispheres that form the sub cortical associated motor system (Extrapyramidal system) Control automatic associated movements of the body, such as arm swing that alternates with the leg movement during walking.
Main relay station for the nervous system, sensory pathways of the spinal chord and brain stem form synapsis on their way to the cerebral cortex
Control centre for vitals: HR, Temp, BP, Sleep regulation, ANS coordination and emotional status. Looks like a jagged edged area above the pituitary ball.
Big ball under the brain. Motor coordination of voluntary movements, equilibrium, posture balance of the body, and muscle tone. Coordinates many different muscles, fine motor skills

The central core of the brain consisting of mostly nerve fibres. 3 areas